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[SignShop] Get your signature here!

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Level 9
Apr 25, 2009

The No.1 HiveWorkshop signature shop. Free nice signatures!

STATUS: Offline (Back soon)
(2010-04-01 YYYY/MM/DD)
Currently working on: (0) signatures (maximum 5).

Welcome to THW's SignShop!
This is the perfect place for you who aint too good at making signatures, or just don't have the time to make one. I am still training on this, but I know just about everything you need to know on how to make a good signature. The Signature I use is just a simple example that took me about 5min to create.

Please leave a nice comment, give reputation or spread the word of my SignShop if you like your signature :thumbs_up:

NOTE: If the status is on "Offline", it's either because I am not hooked-up with my computer or I have to much work to do. If so, please wait for the status to turn to "Online" before you make your request. Thank you!

How To Request

1. Make a Reply to this thread.
2. Post your request.
3. Send.
4. Wait...
5. Get your signature through PM (Private Message).
6. Done!
Request Information

- Note: This information must be copied and pased in your request. Add some information of how you want your signature to look like! -

1: Background Image:
<"no" for no background, link for a background image> (*1).
2: Text Color: <Color of your text>.
3: Text Effect(1): <Effect of your text> (*2).
4: Text Effect(2): <->.
5: Text Effect(3): <->.
6: Text Effect(4): <->.
7: Text(1): <Text to be displayed> (*3).
8: Text(2): <->.
9: Text(3): <->.
10: Logo(1): <A logo to your signature> (*4).
11: Logo(2): <->.
12: Logo(3): <->.
13: Signature Size: <Wanted size of signature> (*5).
14: Additional Information(1): <Anything else?>.
15: Additional Information(2): <->.
16: Additional Information(3): <->.
17: Link: <Post a link if you want your image to be "click-able">.
18: Font: <Font of the signature text, links etc> *6.
19: I have read the "Detailed Information & Rules": <yes/no>

Detailed Information & Rules

*1 = If you do not select any background image or color, the background will be transparent.
*2 = Effects of your text can be for example: Lightning (+ color) or such.
*3 = The text to be displayed can be for example: Your HiveWorkshop username. Note that no offensive language of any kind can be used!
*4 = You can have up to 3 logos for your signature. If you want a logo, send a link to the logo you wish to use. You can also use "base logos" such as the Warcraft III logo or HiveWorkshop logo. No adult or violent images can be used!
*5 = Type the size as (number) x (number) - Example: 400 x 200 = 400 width, 200 height. The regular size is 650 x 140.
*6 = The fonts can be just about any font you want me to use. If you can't name a font, just type "Graffiti, Horror, Modern" or such. Else I will come up with something nice for you (leave the "font" empty).

Rules (must be read!).
1: You may only request a signature if:
- You have more than 300 posts.
- You have more than 30 reputation points.
- You are a active user.

2: The signature will have a small text that says "by HaniBon @ THW SignShop". If you don't want this text, don't bother requesting.

3: I do not create LoadingScreens or such! I also wont sit and make a signature for hours, so don't ask me to create a custom logo and such.

4: No content of the signature may include adult or violent type of message. Request anything like this = report to THW staff since it's against THW rules. However; A background with some Warcraft III Action is allowed.

5: You may only request 1 signature per month.

6: Please do not send 100 messages asking me if the signature is done soon. I will take my time making a good signature for you so be patient!

7: Finally: If you are not happy with your signature, let me know! I'll make the changes to make sure you like the signature!

Finished Signatures

- No Signatures Requested Yet -
Example Signatures

Example - One:

Last edited:
Level 9
Apr 25, 2009
Ok, well here you go:

Go to your user controll panel > Signature > Paste the code there.
Done :p
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
1: Background Image: Some flames, i don't know where to find some.

2: Text Color: Errhh.. Like... Blizzard styled (see this link : http://pics.shenrons-house.com/WALLPAPERS/war3 backrounds/1024x768/Warcraft3-logo.bmp)

3: Text Effect(1): Wait... What??

7: Text(1): Warcraft III (Like the link i posted)

8: Text(2): Just beneath the Warcraft III, Write Hellfire Peninsula, with red flaming text.

10: Logo(1): What???

13: Signature Size: Like... 800x800...

14: Additional Information(1): NO U!

18: Font: Warcraft III

19: I have read the "Detailed Information & Rules": Yes i have!!

Additional : Will give rep.
Some of the things i didn't understand. Please hallllpp!!!
Level 9
Apr 25, 2009
Thank you! :) +REP! :)
No problem mister :)
Thanks for the rep :D

1: Background Image: Some flames, i don't know where to find some.

2: Text Color: Errhh.. Like... Blizzard styled (see this link : http://pics.shenrons-house.com/WALLPAPERS/war3 backrounds/1024x768/Warcraft3-logo.bmp)

3: Text Effect(1): Wait... What??

7: Text(1): Warcraft III (Like the link i posted)

8: Text(2): Just beneath the Warcraft III, Write Hellfire Peninsula, with red flaming text.

10: Logo(1): What???

13: Signature Size: Like... 800x800...

14: Additional Information(1): NO U!

18: Font: Warcraft III

19: I have read the "Detailed Information & Rules": Yes i have!!

Additional : Will give rep.
Some of the things i didn't understand. Please hallllpp!!!

Haha well I consider this [APPROVED].
I will work on your signature right away ;)


Text effects are for example: Behind the text, there is a sort of glow or something.
Logo = For example, the Warcraft 3 Logo. But you want it to be the background?


EDIT: 800x800 wont fit into your signature just so you know :p
It can be maximum (number)x150 ^^
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
1: Background Image: None, Black Backround
2: Text Color: Black at bottom, White at top
3: Text Effect(1): The black at the bottom fades into a gray, and then into the white
4: Text Effect(2): Red Flames around the text
5: Text Effect(3): N/A
6: Text Effect(4): N/A
7: Text(1): Unnamed RPG
8: Text(2): N/A
9: Text(3): N/A
10: Logo(1): ???
11: Logo(2): ???
12: Logo(3): ???
13: Signature Size: Across the hole thing. (*5).
14: Additional Information(1): N/A
15: Additional Information(2): N/A
16: Additional Information(3): N/A
17: Link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/unnamed-rpg-162392/
18: Font: Monotype Corsiva (Bold)
19: Yes
Thanks and +rep!
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