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WoW Signature Request [Lost Time]

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Level 10
May 28, 2009
Hello! I hope I'm not breaking any rules by doing a World Of Warcraft guild request in THW. We at Lost Time are in need of a signature, and as the Sig Shop won't do it (no hard feelings though) I wonder if anyone else can use this form and maybe do something nice out of it. Here is our guild page.

Lost Time's Signature Request
Lost Time

We'll me and my guildies discussed how we wanted it too look like, and finally came to the conclusion we wanted it too be: Cataclysm.
Bad fantasy yes, but as we are aiming for Cataclysm progression, that would suit us the best. A cataclysmic event like a volcano or maelstrom or something like that.

We would like the text to be cataclysm influensed, like the blizzard rocky firey textures. Think deathwing. Also, some nice details on this text would be great, although you should still be able to clearly read the name. Keep the text centered please.

Base Color:
Well, the colours I think, should be the artists choice, I give you my general ideas of red, black, gray, white so on...

As the signature doesn't use THW size, I would like the signature to have this size (hope this doesn't bother you too much)

Well, effects appropiate to the cataclysmic event is the general idea. Tip: Set it on fire. ( I know there is so much more for cataclysm then fire but if you run dry on ideas well, fire is the way to go).

Keep it clean please, because we're probably going to use this signature for some time, and it should be read-able. Also try and announce somewhere that we're on Tarren Mill Server ( A small note like under the guild name or maybe in one of the corners.)

Thats it! Hope someone takes on this and make something nice out of it that all guildies can be impressed of! :)
(And yes, I know this is a Warcraft III modding site, but there isn't really that many willing and helpful artists out there, except you guys)
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