Project ORB 0.92b

Project ORB

Essentially, this is a knockout arena with shooting elements. Try to shoot your enemies, knock them out and use items to your advantage!

Smartcast system
Unique game mechanics
Smooth white design
Innovative custom combat
Advanced movement
Useful items

Short manual
At the beginning of the game, each player selects two things: a sphere and a cannon.
Sphere determines the number of Shields your orb has and the Acceleration.
Cannon determines Speed and Force of your missiles.
The Host selects a game mode: Score, Survival or Free.
The Host can choose to start the game at any time by pressing the Play button.
Then, the game starts. Navigate with right-click, shoot with R, pick up items and use them with Q, W and E.
Have fun!



UgoUgo - Shadow Assault
Mc ! - Laser
WILL THE ALLMIGHTY - Ground explosion

SoundEffectsFactory, a YouTube channel, for the song;
also, for their online trimming feature.

KnnO - Barrel
TheSilent - GaussRifle and PlasmaRifle
Mc ! - Orb
OgeRfaCes - BlackOrb and Blink
PeeKay - SphereOfWater
Hemske - LightningGlobe
JollyD - NatureSphere
bloodyroadkill - Supernova
Darkfang - WindShield
Zombie - Rocket
Elfsilver Lord - HiveEmblem
KelThuzad - SonicBlast
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
All other resources are either scratch-made by me, or edited from Blizzard's original resources.
If I missed someone's resource, please contact me via PM so I can fix the mistake.

Version: 0.92b

project, orb, sphere, ball, slide, shoot, item, smartcast, white, custom, ui, combat, auto, aim, cube, arena, mini, mapping, contest

Project ORB 0.92b (Map)

08:38, 24th Aug 2014 Orcnet: Basing of one our user's review:




08:38, 24th Aug 2014
Orcnet: Basing of one our user's review:
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
by matija97/TheWhiteWolf
Gameplay & Entertainment: 25/25
Terrain & Layout: 10/10
Doodads & Scenery: 10/10
Bugs & Consistency: 5/5
Total Score: 50/50

Gameplay & Entertainment:
Extremely fun, fast paced, and creative gameplay. As a combination of slide map and an arcade style arena in which you aim to blast each other or bust them over to the wall, this map is doing it right. I've mastered how to use the spells (they aren't items), they are balanced and useful for the player. Judging from the start screen, it seems like no particular combination of shield and cannon can overpower all the rest. I tried really hard looking for flaws, can't find any ^_^

Terrain & Layout:
As a mini game map, it depends if you need tile variation or not. For this map, trust me it would look worse if he put a pattern in the playable area. As for the layout, the square shape with Mario Cart like boxes are placed in the right places. The size is also perfect, big enough to move around and to avoid smashing into the walls too much, and small enough so you don't camp in a corner like a noob.

Doodads & Scenery:
There is no simple decoration here, oh no. The map has a clear theme, an arcade box. A box shaped arena in the middle surrounded by endless white makes it seem like I'm not even playing Warcraft. The whole custom interface including the minimap, ability selection area, even the top proves my statement even more. Add the music to it, we have a fully working arcade machine on our hands.

Bugs & Consistency:
I've played 3 rounds, different modes. No bugs and all icons are good with descriptions.

These suggestions are optional and some of these may be repeats.
> Instead of using ABCD.. and so on, use the actual stats for the unit stat selector​

Overall the map is just really awesome, and hard work was put into this. Feel free to contact me about this review, or to say hi! (+1) Reputation point for uploading and your hard work. Special thanks to GreeN!X for letting me use the base of his map description that I have altered and edited.

My scoring system:

0-14 1 STAR
15-24 2 STARS
25-35 3 STARS
36-46 4 STARS
47-50 5 STARS

You are the first 50 out of 50 I have ever given :)

[tr][TD]The only way a map can be approved is if it follows the map submission rules, two very minor rules are not followed, fix them quickly so I just have to delete 2 sentences and vote for APPROVAL
> No statement to show if map is open source, protected, or unprotected but needs permission
> Map types are spammed, the game is obviously not a shooter/fps, and not a defense survival (which are cooperative). Feel free to look at my map category guide if you want to know more.
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Played the map by request from SCN. It is really, really fun! I tried without AI (in case there is), and I kept dying by myself in free mode. I guess I suck at these games. xD

Anyways, on one round, there was a bug. I couldn't 'eat' (or whatever you call it) the little shiny things no matter how I kept passing through. I suicided, and on the next round everything went pretty fine.

Also, fix some stuff in the map description such as what SCN pointed out, along with the suggested players (put FFA/2v2, etc.).

On the good side.
The gameplay is really fun. Visual effects are simple, but not overdone. I love it.

Anyways, on one round, there was a bug. I couldn't 'eat' (or whatever you call it) the little shiny things no matter how I kept passing through. I suicided, and on the next round everything went pretty fine.

Did you have maximum spells equipped already? :)

Anyway, thank you both very much for reviewing :D
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Level 3
Apr 20, 2011
It's very good but i must say people find themselves leaving within 3 mins after game starts...idk how ud make it more noob friendly but...yeah. seems like u cant re-pick or pick powerups if u dont do it at start? also the orbs of leavers should be remvoed as they leave and maybe give the option for team play and up to 8 players (cause so many leavers hosted 3 times, all left within 5 mins every time)...but recomend 4. Really cool map, just recomend those small fixes (and probs a few i cant think of) that would make a world of difference.