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Project: New ORPG (Name to be Decided)

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Level 3
Jan 15, 2008
Hello everyone, I just recently began playing WC3 again and am noticing a lack of many good ORPGs out there, and thought of many fun ideas that would make a great Warcraft game. Most of my ideas are going to stay confidential until the team is created and the map is started but at the moment I'm thinking about multiple classes (like other ORPGs) many quests, and numerous items to be found. This will be a fantastic map if i can find the crew to meld my ideas into something worth while.

Who am i looking for? Well, I myself and hoping to get some practice in making the map and placing the terrain, but I'm not very good with variables and triggers right now so, I will need someone who is well played in that area. I will need a few testers (1-4) who will be willing to help me with new ideas. I could also use someone to help me even out the heroes and monsters. Anyone who would like to do some of the graphics on the loading screen. Everyone who participates in this map will have his/her name in the map description for all to see.If you have a question or would like more information please post a reply here or email me at [email protected]
Level 3
Jan 15, 2008
First off, and ORPG is an online role playing game. you start out with a problem in the story and the hero(s) have to overcome the problem, get stronger and defeat a boss or something. I'm looking for someone who has enough knowledge in triggering that they can setup some spells, quests, general map stuff. I can do the mapping, and i will (once we have a team) create a storyline and create the characters and plan out the map. If your still interested you can reply here and we can start the creation process.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
I would be interested in helping out where ever I can. I know how to do general triggering in GUI. But Id like to know more about the map befor id commit myself to it. Also would heros be using multiple spell books or regular spell system? THanks!
Level 3
Jan 15, 2008
Ok, im going to merge ideas with someone else and i was thinking that we will work for 20-40+ heroes to choose from and toooons of items, some that drop off certain creeps and some that have world drops. There will possibly be more than one spellbook because its going to be a large main city with many many quests. with some smaller outlying towns. if you have any more questions email me at [email protected] (or msn messenger) and i'll add any more details i can.

Thanks for showing interest,

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