Map info:
The map ideea is simple.Build towers ,research upgrades improving their experience gained,damage attack rate and other.Eeach tower (pierce/spalsh) can lvl-ing up to lv. 21 with 12 differrent moddels per stage.
Each time when a tower gain a level he recive an amount of skill points.Skill points can be used to improve elements propiety on your tower.
Each skill point allow you to master fire,water,earth,light and darkness attribute.
Each element learned generate an unique ability.
-grade I : Are the abilities generated from a single element.
-grade II : Are the abilities generated from two elements togeder.
-grade III : Are the abilities generated from three elements togeder.
Each element increase a specific attribute of your combined skill.
For exemple: (Fire + Air + Earth => Apocalipse ; Fire increase damage, Air increase the duration of spell and Earth increases the count projectiles and area of effect.)
All skills are completly MUI , lot of special effects and eye-candy ,lagg less and no leaks.
Spawm System:
Every consecutive wave come with different armour type.Order is respected as I say before.
According to options chosed by host at map init,mobs can have random abilities,classic order or none.
Spawm system is implemented in multiboard in this way is very easy to see what kind of mobs are on current wave and next wave and spawm interval.Also you can check what kind of abilities they possed.
Race System
Race system is a system that allow players to race eachothers.
-1st player that finish his wave recive 4 race points and total of his race points as gold.
-2nd player that finish his wave recive 3 race points and total of his race points as gold.
-3th player that finish his wave recive 2 race points and total of his race points as gold.
-Others players that finish their wave recive 1 race points and total of his race points as gold.
-If a players is winning consecutive time on the first place he recive much more gold and begin to gain a title such as "monster kill" , "GodLike" etc.Title can be lose if other player finish on first place.
Player can change their nickname using command "-nick yourname".
Players can change their color using command "color xx" code: 01-12.
Command "-ll" reduce much as pssible the lagg for verry low perfomance PC (host only).
Command "-sfx" activate/deactivate a player special effects that are made from most off skills.Also used for verry low performance PC.
Builder moddels can be change used ability change.There are 5 moddels avaible.
Builders posses a set of abilities that make life easier.
Builders can build,repair,sell,reset ability code of tower or move a structure.
Every towers have implemented an system that allow you to check the avaible combinations of elements that you can generate on respective structure.
Every towers have implemented an system that allow you to check the power of current generated skill on a tower such as dmg, AoE ,count ,duration etc.Also show the current level of towers and procentage of all elements using on the respective tower.
Game modes
Game modes can be chose by host (host can take what slot he want isnt required slot 1 "color red).
Game difficulty (mobs procentage Hit Points)
-easy 50%
-classic 75%
-hard 100&
Mobs abilities (way the mobs get the abilities)
-classic (from their aarmour type)
Game speed (interval between waves)
-very fast
I can say and I can describe much more but it will be a bounch to read for a regular user so I guess I stop here.
I want to say that I worked so much at this map (over 2 months 6 hours/day with all test etc), and really appreciate if some can test if like it and give me feedback.
I had tryed to combine functionality,complexity and simplity togeder to make something unique and nice.
BTW: Sry for the grammar mistake,english is not my natal language and I`m still learning.
Update: Just a little wierd bugg fixed.