Lafeet, I don't know what the problem is, but you could try pming or posting PitzerMike about it on To those who don't like WEU or think it doesn't do anything, here is a list of things it can do that you can't in WE, that it makes easier, or includes: (the functions I most commonly use are in bold)
- Removed doodad/item/unit limits
Up to 16 different tiles
90 degree cliffs using the raise/lower tool
Extended map size and map height limits
- Extended object editor limits
- Extended gameplay constants limits
- Clearer object editor arrangement
Enabled hidden units, doodads and spells
- Added hidden icons, textures and models
- Build all doodads on cliffs and on water
Custom minimap preview pictures
Custom ingame minimap pictures
Custom loading screens and diashow screens
- AMAI and Commander included
- Enabled hidden trigger functions
- Added many completely new trigger functions
- Access unit stats via triggers
- Enabled move speed higher than 400
- Included custom dynamic light sources
- Spell enhancer for trigger enhanced spells
- Included hero glow pack
- Made tree models available for units
- Included local files patch
- Included map protector
- Premade interface icon patterns
- Include custom fade filters
- Include custom sky textures
- Automatic bmp/jpg/tga to blp conversion
- Fixed dos name bug in the WE
- Enabled Blizzard debug mode
- Added dummyspells and dummyitems
- Added a morph unit trigger action
- Added wait for event actions
- Built in dialog engine
- Built in leaderboard engine
- Built in third person camera system
- Built in arrow key control
- Password hero save trigger
- Built in voting engine
- Cubic spline camera triggers
- Built in multiple choice system
- Built in hero selection system
- Removed tileset limitations
- Removed melee/campaign categories
- Unlimited doodad scaling and rotation
- Made all tiles buildable
- Import/export layers and triggers
- Combine object editor data
- Multiselect import manager
- Optimize map size option
- Listfiles for all mpqs
- Multiboard progress bar triggers
- Lots of additional stuff
Taken directly from
Now, not all of these must be done in the World Editor of WEU. There is also a WE Enhancer that allows you to edit maps outside of the World Editor, doing things like: importing custom minimaps, loading screens, etc.; changing map size above 256x256; importing all data from other maps (objects, triggers, terrain, regions, etc.); adding up to 16 tiles; and other things. The ways that I use WEU, I do not need WEU to open the map. I can open it in the regular World Editor as well, so the patching doesn't matter.
I also don't see how it could possibly increase the size more so than would be done manually.