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Problems with Healing

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Level 2
Jun 21, 2015
Ok, a friend of mine has been helping me test a (3 player) map, and hes found a big problem with how it works.

Basically, i need a way to make it so that he, as a healer, can select an allies units, but not control them, so that he can heal via the UI. Im sure theres an easy work around for this, but i cant seem to work it out.

Ive got shared unit control on, but there doesnt seem to be an easy way to create a trigger for "when unit owned by player 1 is issued an order by NOT player 1, ignore the command", unless im missing it?

This error is very important, because without it, healing will be very click dependant and some of my boss fights have a lot of aoe, adds and other junk on the screen that might make healing unintentionally harder/impossible. anyone got any advice? It would be much appreciated.
Level 2
Jun 21, 2015
He does have a unit with a healing spell, he just cant heal via the UI (the unit selection thing at the bottom). If i want him to use holy light on a ally for example, he has to click the unit, instead of clicking the portrait in the lower part of the UI.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
For the portraits at the top left of the screen (this is not SC2 where they are at the bottom right and cannot be targeted) you can give the player advanced control. Since it is only advanced control (not unit control) he cannot order them around. This is how most cooperative maps with healers do it. It requires JASS as GUI does not give you enough fidelity over player alliance properties to do this.

You can try forcing the player to select them as part of his current selection with triggers. This may or may not work without control however.
Level 2
Jun 21, 2015
Ideally id like to find a way to resolve this using the basic GUI, since this is literally the ONLY thing im unable to fix at this moment in time on my map and its nearing completion after a long time of working on it, learning how to JASS to fix this one issue seems a great amount of additional effort.

All im really looking for as i say, is a method that will allow my friend to select my unit and heal it without having to literally click the unit in the field, either via the portraits on the left, or via the unit HUD at the bottom (such as when playing a real game of wc3, where units can be drag selected and seen at the bottom of the screen along with healthbars). Either fix would be fine.

And i cannot make all of the heals aoe, as this would ruin the versatility of the characters.
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Level 2
Jun 21, 2015
Bump for update, anyone able to give an alternate solution to using JASS?

Or a sort of....step by step on how to implement (just this) fix using JASS? have never touched it before in my life.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
Did you find a solution?

Try looking into the 'select unit' ability etc. Basically, try to emulate a player shop, as they are player controlled but you can buy items from them without actually giving it orders. It may be possible to technically make the 'heal ability' an item based off of a powerup (so you can pick it up with a full inventory).

I'm also pretty sure there's a way to remove the arrow that appears overhead when near a shop also
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