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Possibly the Luckiest Army...

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Level 1
Dec 26, 2005
Just finished a WCIII AT with my friend. Races were NE(Me)Orc(friend)human(enemy)undead(dick) and me and my friend just made a new strategy of Hippgraph riders and Shammy and Tauren. The enemy comes up with fiends, necs, sorcs(with polymorph), knights, siege(including morts, MW, and tanks with barrage) and priests. IS THIS quite possibly the luckiest army ever!? What could have we done :(. Btw they had all this before we ever attacked them a first time.

edit: Oh haye this is my first post? Yaye for me!
Level 2
Jan 27, 2008
Master spirit walkers would've completed it for you. keep on disenchanting polymorths and ancesteral spiriting dead tauren and hope like hell they run out of mana before you do.
Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
Hmm tough, If I played(NE) i'd choose dryads (dispell) Bears(melee), ORC Raiders(Siege against tanks)Wyv against mortars but best to let them not get hit by barrage! maybe a bit more melee for force, few tauren? depends how much gold + wood you got, so just work with what ya got.
Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
crypt fiends... There really evil things, Usually I go melee against them, Bears, MG's, they waste ranged and air.
Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
Well usually at the start of the game if your a night elf, the fiends will pwn you, they waste arch + hunt, but yes later in game they are weak and easy to squash as I enjoy watching there foul blood squirt out in death. Recently I saw someone mass fiends, but because it was later in game they died easily, as they also solo'd.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
It isn't fair to compare any early game tactics to Night elves, as they are so weak. Wisps basically give any BM harasser free exp to lvl 2, giving him a nice crit+added stats. Archers are also considered the weakest tier 1 rax unit(and they are), also, the early game heroes for NE are pretty weak compared to other races.
Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
Yep have to admit even thought I play NE, they are so weak at start but have better units later in game, in a way I find NE units cheaper than other races, but thats just my opinion.
Level 2
Jan 27, 2008
the only good thing is moving Protectors into enemy base and rooting becouse their high seige attack rips through enemy buildings, but even one of them costs a wisp.
Level 8
Jul 10, 2007
DH is actually a really weak starting hero. Immolation and evasion are too weak at level which forces him to get mana burn(which is a decent offensive spell), and his stat growth is fairly low. He only becomes powerful at lvl 6 with his ultimate, and even then he is kill able.

really weak hero? seriously what the hell are you talking about? especially when u got an intelligence hero vs the DH. he's the most used hero by night elf players. unless you're telling me that other NE heroes are much much weaker.
Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
Demon Hunter I wouldn't classify him as weak but, I agree hvo-busterkomo, DH is quite weak at lvl1 but does become a strong leader for armies at lvl6-10, also DH I find is focused early in game to avoid leveling, usually I find he's a meat shield but really what it's all about is how you micro your DH, if your good he will stay alive. Btw I used to use DH, but since people Always focused him I moved to Warden, because of blink + shadow meld makes it easy to escape combat + I like her spells.
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