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- Apr 24, 2012
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//! zinc
library Equation { /*
* Library of Geometric and Math Equations or simply Math Equations.
* This library is mainly a group of plugins.
* Credits
* looking_for_help
* PurgeAndFire111
* moyackx
* Get Random Angle
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves random degrees and also random radians.
public module GetRandomAngle
static method randomRadian() -> real { return GetRandomReal(-bj_PI, bj_PI); }
static method randomDegree() -> real { return GetRandomReal(-180, 180); }
* Distance 2D
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves distance between two points. Takes reals x and y coordinates not
* locations
public function Distance2d ( real x, real y, real x2, real y2 ) -> real { return SquareRoot((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y)); } }
* Angle 2D
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves angle between coordinates.
public function Angle2d( real x, real y, real x2, real y2 ) -> real { return Atan2(y2 - y, x2 - x) * bj_RADTODEG; } }
* Atan3
* --------------------------------------------
* to calculate PROPERLY the correct angle. the values (x1;y1)
* will be the pivot and (x2;y2) the extreme point. returns radians.
* Thanks to moyackx
public function Atan3 ( real x, real y, real x2, real y2 ) -> real
real a = Atan2( y2 - y, x2 - x );
if ( a < 0) { return 2 * bj_PI + a; }
return a;
* IsUnitBehindUnit
* --------------------------------------------
* Determines whether a unit is behind a given unit depending on a given angle.
* Member module of UnitOrientation module.
* Thanks to PurgeAndFire111
public function IsUnitBehindUnit( unit behind, unit front, real angleMargin ) -> boolean
real angle = ModuloReal(angle2d( GetUnitX(behind), GetUnitY(behind), GetUnitX(front), GetUnitY(front)), 360);
real difference = GetUnitFacing(front) - angle;
if (difference < 0) { difference = -difference; }
return difference > (180 - angleMargin) && difference < (180 + angleMargin);
* IsUnitFacingUnitBehind
* --------------------------------------------
* Determines whether a unit is facing a unit's back. Depends on a given angle.
* Member module of UnitOrientation module.
* Thanks to PurgeAndFire111
public function IsUnitFacingUnitBehind ( unit behind , unit front, real angle ) -> boolean
real difference = GetUnitFacing(front) - GetUnitFacing(behind);
if (difference < 0) { difference = -difference; }
return difference < angle && isUnitBehindUnit( front, behind, angle );
* IsUnitFacingUnit
* --------------------------------------------
* Determines whether a unit is facing a given unit depending on a given angle.
* Member module of UnitOrientation module.
* Thanks to PurgeAndFire111
public function IsUnitFacingUnit( unit facer, unit faced, real angleMargin ) -> boolean
real angle = ModuloReal(Atan2(GetUnitX(facer), GetUnitY(facer), GetUnitX(faced), GetUnitY(faced)), 360);
real difference = GetUnitFacing(facer) - angle;
if (difference < 0) { difference = -difference; }
return difference > (180 - angleMargin) && difference < (180 + angleMargin);
* GetPolarPoint
* --------------------------------------------
* consists of two methods. One projects x and other one is y. Angl must be in
* degrees.
* Thanks to moyackx
public module GetPolarPoint
static method polarX( real x, real angle, real dist ) -> real { return x + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD); }
static method polarY( real y, real angle, real dist ) -> real { return y + dist * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD); }
* GetPointZ
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves a given point/coordinates' terrain height.
* Thanks to PurgeAndFire111
location l = Location(0, 0);
public function GetPointZ ( real x, real y ) -> real
MoveLocation(l , x, y);
return GetLocationZ(l);
* GetUnitZ
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves to complete height of the unit( flyHeight + terrain height.
* Thanks to PurgeAndFire111
public function GetUnitZ( unit u ) -> real { return GetPointZ(GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u)) + GetUnitFlyHeight(u); }}
* GetDistance3D
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves the distance between two points,taking account the terrain height.
* Thanks to moyackx
public function Distance3d ( real x, real y, real x2, real y2) -> real
real dx = x2 - x;
real dy = y2 - y;
real dz = GetPointZ( x2, y2 ) - GetPointZ( x, y);
return SquareRoot(( dx * dx ) + ( dy * dy ) + ( dz * dz ));
* GetDistanceBetweenUnits3D
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves the distance between two units,taking account the complete unit z.
* Thanks to moyackx
public function DistanceBetweenUnits3d( unit u, unit u2 ) -> real
real dx = GetUnitX(u2) - GetUnitY(u);
real dy = GetUnitY(u2) - GetUnitY(u);
real dz = GetUnitZ(u2) - GetUnitZ(u);
return SquareRoot((dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz));
* GetZAngle
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves the angle between two coordinates,returns the angle between the
* height of the first location to the second location.
* Thanks to moyackx
public module GetZAngle { static method zAngle ( real x, real y, real x2, real y2) -> real { return Acos( distance2d(x, y, x2, y2), distance3d(x, y, x2, y2)) * bj_RADTODEG; }}
* GetZAngleBetweenUnits
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves the angle between two units,returns the angle between the
* height of the first unit to the second unit.
* Thanks to moyackx
* Requires : GetDistance2D, GetDistanceBetweenUnits3D
public module GetZAngleBetweenUnits { static method zAngleBetweenUnits ( unit u, unit u2 ) -> real { return Acos ( distance2d(GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), GetUnitX(u2), GetUnitY(u2)), DistanceBetweenUnits3d(u, u2)) * bj_RADTODEG;}}
* Parabola
* --------------------------------------------
* retrieves the parabolic height. depends on the max value and current value and
* the highest height of the parabola.
* Thanks to D4RK_G4ND4LF
public function Parabola( real height, real max, real current) -> real { return 4 * height * current * (max - current) / (max * max); }}
* ParabolaEx
* --------------------------------------------
* parabola that takes account the terrain height
* Thanks to D4RK_G4ND4LF
public module ParabolaEx { static method parabolaEx( real height, real maxDist, real currentDist, real startHeight, real endHeight, real x, real y) -> real
{ return parabola( height, maxDist, currentDist) + currentDist * (endHeight - startHeight) / currentDist + (startHeight - getPointZ(x, y)); }}
//! endzinc
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