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Play animation for 0.01 second?

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Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Hi all.
Im working on a map, where you control a unit with arrowkeys. The movement works fine, but i would like my guy to play his walk animation when hes moving. I got the triggers, but for some reason, "Animation - Play (unit)s (walk) animation" doesn't work. Or, it doesm but the animation stops like 0.01 second after its started! Any clues? Im using an "Move unit" trigger every 0.03 for moving the unit.
Level 7
Jul 12, 2008
Maybe because your unit is walking in near distances... Give triggers so we can see plz
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
I hope it works, but i have problem. How do i set (Interger A) into the unit? My Unit is Uni_Rifleman[Interger A]. Somehow (Interger a) dont work :/

Btw, i also need a script that stops its walk animation. Else i will just find the index the "Stand"


call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Uni_Rifleman[Interger A],1)
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Uni_Rifleman[Interger A], 1)
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Uni_Rifleman[IntergerA],1)
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Uni_Rifleman[IntergerA], 1)
Level 3
Jul 8, 2006
If by "necropost" you mean "revive thread" then, well this thread hasn't been dead for THAT long. Sure, a couple of months, but that's nothing.

Anyway, yeah, I tried different numbers, and they work, but now I have another problem.
You see, I'm making this pretty cool shadow following effect a lá Protoss High Templar, but with a Demon Hunter, and while I got his following to work thanks to this thread, I'm also trying to make a jump spell for him. I succeeded by replacing him with yet another dummy unit and hiding him, but the following units just won't adjust their height!
Level 3
Jul 8, 2006
I tried that, but it didn't work. However, I got it pretty much working now. The trick was to put the height adjustment action before the movement action for some reason.

Anyway the following units already had flying as movement type, so crow form wasn't needed.
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