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Pikeman models

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Level 5
Aug 1, 2007
I need four spear wielding units (please), one for each race. Human pikeman should have a long spear, with footman basics, but the head redone a bit to reflect the face of another kind of unit. another spearman for the scourge, done with a base of the skeleton warrior(incorporate the skins of the skeleton's weapon into the spearhead, preferably), and the nightelf spear person using the "sentry" base model. The orc spearman would use the base of the grunt, maybe with a heavier type of spear like the wyvern rider(or wind rider) or a staff with small metal stud-clubs at the ends.

i picture the spearmen being clearly differinciated from the other units of the race, by armor or helmets or faces and heads, but not looking unfit for battle. maybe one could consider making versions of these models that hold flags at the end of their spears?
Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
Here are some human pikeman models already made:

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/models/753/ - Priest with a spear

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/models/3200/ - Completely custom (based on the felguard)

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/models/3548/ - Blood Elf

If you go to the requests section theres a thread I started with requests for a skin for the felguard, The kind Mr. FireEffect made a felguard skin to make him look more like a lancer, here is a link to the thread in case you want the skin


Hope this was of some help!
Level 5
Aug 1, 2007
Thank you, bloody demise, for the models, but i had prevous knowledge of the like and i find them unsavory for my purposes.i wanted Pikemen that were unique, but blended well with the other models of the race, and i needed 1 for each race.
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Level 8
Jun 15, 2006
Hmm I could edit the grunt to hold the wyvern rider spear, and edit the grunt to look different for you. Well I could make you a skin for the grunt and give you the spear attachment, I cant skin.

Hehe Mr. FireEffect sounds funny.
Level 5
Aug 1, 2007
I appeciate you guys' help, but i don't need any models you guys found, i could do that myself. i need for you to make models. but thanks anyways for your efforts. these models will be used and credit will be given.
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Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
When we post models we find, we are not saying that you can't but I know that even when I look for some stuff, I don't find what I'm looking for, and unless you actually went through every model on the site (I have a few times) it is quite easy to miss a model or two, Just yesterday after requesting a felguard skin I found a orc spearman model in the model section by Frostwolf, I should appologize for that actually, but I still like the skin more, and also the model was 3-4x bigger than the skin.

Also we post models in case you forget so somebody doesn't spend twelve hours on a model that wasn't needed.
Level 8
Jun 15, 2006

Im done but this wasnt very fun so i got lazy at the end. Like his nipples on his back. And the lack of a screenshot. Also the wyvern lance got deleted from the server that i get my weapons from, so i guess you have to find your own attachment spear.

EDIT - Made an icon, yes its just the orc background, but thats what the face is based off of...


  • newgrunt.blp
    63.4 KB · Views: 76
  • BTNNewGrunt.tga
    16 KB · Views: 78
  • DISBTNNewGrunt.tga
    16 KB · Views: 76
Level 5
Aug 1, 2007
I know it isn't garunteed , but these results are disappointing(but you model was good, Fire Effect). I'm starting to think about making these myself. I didn't want to spend my own time on it (geez, what a lazy person), but i may have to. Thanks for checking this out and replying anyways, guys. (but i'm still hoping for the other race's pikemen., without my own sweat incorporated.)

(this guy is hard to please, geez)
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Level 9
Jun 18, 2004
I know it isn't garunteed , but these results are disheartening(but you model was good, Fire Effect). I'm starting to think about making these myself. I didn't want to spend my own time on it (geez, what a lazy person), but i may have to. Thanks for checking this out and replying anyways, guys. (but i'm still hoping for the other race's pikemen., without my own swaet incorporated.)

(this guy is hard to please, geez)

If you aren't willing to spend time on it for your own project, why should other people spend time on it? It's fine to say you want something, but if it's not given "disheartening" isn't the best way to put it. Making models takes time and effort.
Level 5
Aug 1, 2007
Sure I spend time on my project, I'm making everything else, aren't I? Sure models take time and effort, but i'm not making anyone do anything. And if I was so unwilling, then why did I suggest to make the models myself?

I wanted to see others' ideas first, and if they didn't suffice my needs, I would make them myself. I may be somewhat picky, but not ungrateful. I would prefer you didn't post unhelpful things, iron warrior.

And I will be using the model(s). In nearly everymap I will make(maybe even a campiagn), but i will need to edit them somewhat.
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