[Spell] Picked unit won't picked

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Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Destructible things (portal model used as a gate)
Thanks, i love to multilate wc3's model, and merge them with the other of course, they never relased, just for fun, and to be used in my private map, check the modelling and animation section 'dog god (dog zodiac) wip', there's one of my work
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
So you're saying that
  • Unit Group - Pick every unit in InsertUnitGroupHere and do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
      • Stuff - Do stuff with (Picked unit)
Doesn't work for you?

You have to give a liiiiittle bit more information.

picked destructible replaced with picked unit
Here you make it sound as if you want to replace "picked destructable" with a unit.

change the destructible (in oe) into a unit (just change a custom unit's model)
And here you make it sound as if you're not thinking straight.
You CAN'T turn a destructible into a unit in the object editor. You just can't. They're two different things. It's like saying "Unit - kill (Center of YourRegion)". It's just... wrong.
A model doesn't have anything to do with 'being a unit', or 'being a destructible' or whatever. A model isn't an object and can be used for everything. It's not because the model is showing a unit, that it IS a unit. There is no logic behind that, models do not contain such information. All they do is show stuff on the screen.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Uh oh..
Sorry to make a confusion, all i mean is, i used the portal model as a destructible and using trigger pick every destructible in blabla, it works, then i use the portal building from campaign, and using pick every unit in blabla, and it does not work
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