Hey, i have 2 PCs and 2 Macs. I recently got a new motherboard on one PC and now my games hosted on that computer cant b joined. This is the computer i use 2 make most of my maps and i dont kno y it cant host. I cant even host LAN games!
do you use a router...your ports are probably blocked
What the hell does this have anything to do with world editor. Don't you think this should be in the off topic section...
List of things that may be stopping you from hosting:
Your computer doesn't keep your static ip anymore.
You macs have taken the ip adresses that you have port forwarded for.
You haven't decided to configure your firewall
You use 2 routers, of which your macs are connected to the first one that is connected to the internet, but your windows ones are connected to the second one.
New anti virus software has been installed and has used its own firewall system instead of windows firewall, and you haven't configured that.
Your new motherboard(s) have screwed up internet connectors that may screw up your uploading.
Your internet cable(s) are somehow ****ed up.
And maybe your Macs can host because they are really **** and have no firewall or antivirus systems because that's how **** macs are.
If it doesn't work on LAN, it's not a networking issue. It's either your Firewall, or your computer.
Have you tried joining a LAN game?
You mentioned that you port forwarded your port. Meaning you set up a static IP, correct?
Which means that you went to Internet options, and manually filled in your IP address, Default Gateway, Subnet mask and your DNS address.
Set them to "Obtain automatically", make sure all firewalls have Warcraft III under exceptions, or have them turned off completely. Additionally, if you are using Vista, make sure that you turn Windows defender off.
Try again, and tell me how it goes.