Pathing Blockers

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Level 6
Jul 15, 2012
Hello everyone, I was wondering how much pathing blockers do you guys use in your maps? I'm working on my map and I already have like 300-400 of them. Will the map lag if I have like a thousand of them at the end? Thanks in advance :)
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
I use quite a few, but there are good ways to cut down on the number you use. First of all, I use JNGP and it allows me to make certain tiles unwalkable. I can, for instance, use a rocky tile for cliffs and make them unwalkable that way. You can also make custom sized pathing blockers. I use ones that are 2x8, 4x8, 8x8, 12x4, etc. This really helps you use fewer. I have also heard that making doodads into pathing blockers instead of destructibles is better. Especially if you don't ever want to remove them.
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Yeah, doodad pathing blockers would be much better for performance in large maps. I'm pretty sure destructible data is always rendered, and doodad data is only rendered when in your camera view. So if you have 10,000 destructible pathing blockers in your map, it would be like having 10,000 doodads on your screen at once.

You can just copy the doodad over from this example map. After pasting it in the doodad editor of your map, you can go to menu Advanced > Replace Doodads. You won't have to worry about going through and replacing the destructibles with doodads manually. But like Veritas mentioned, you can't remove the doodad version in-game like you can with the destructibles.


  • Pathing Blocker Doodad.w3x
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