Defend the place:
[+]Terrain was good.
[=]Heros were OK, not great...
[-]Skins for the bad guys SUCKED.
Overall, Nothing great, a average defense map it seems like.
A little hard your first time playing, becuase it suprises you how weak you are.
[+]Well made, good ideas.
[+]Seems balanced.
[-]A little too slow going, too hard to get money at first.
8/10 (Last too points lost too: Silver should take 100 not 150 IMO, too hard to get gold at start, better later on. Later on you should be able to upgrade spawns. 10/10 would be perfect, and its not perfect. (Terrain could use some work too! ^^)
Advanced wars:
[-]Terrain needs work
[=]Only some custom spells, and nothing amazing...
[=]Nothing great, and to tell you the truth its not my type of game..
4/10 or 5/10. =/
Sniper wars:
[-]Tooltip missing! Is such a good spell..
[-] I had slow, make chicken(?), trueshot aura, and instant kill.. Not very good spells..
[-]Tons of gold and items just RANDOMLY all over the place spells "Bad map" IMO...
There all in groups too, sudenly I get 3k and 2 health potions, how is that fair??
In short, I got 4k in gold laying around, spammed level tomes, learned my instand kill ult, and shot everyone?
This map has blance issues, and I was a hero with dull spells walking around, to sniper system.
3/10 or somthing..
Warcraft arena
Very simple, plain arena, which at least is pretty balanced.
Nothing to it. Its normal warcraft items and heros. Not bad or good..
5/10 pretty much,
maybe 6/10.
Micromania gets my vote!