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Paired Mapping Contest #3 Poll

Who should win the contest?

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Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Paired Mapping Contest #3

Welcome to the poll for the 3rd Paired Mapping Contest! Here you can vote for who you believe should win the contest.


  • You can only vote once.
  • You can not create multiple accounts to vote in the poll more then once.
  • Accounts with the same IP will be looked as multiple accounts, and the any votes made by users with that IP will not be counted.
  • You can not vote for yourself.

Defense Of The Place Platinum
RunningAway & iPS]Snowy

communist_orc & Angus.Young

Warcraft Arena
Fulla & ragingspeedhorn

Advanced Wars
Zack1996 & Hoernchen

Sniper Warfare
Tureri & Draknyte1
Level 4
Dec 15, 2007
Defense Of The Place Platinum - Nice terrain, good balance. Creative in its way. - 3/5
Micromania - Creative Items and interface/stats. Terrain was Ok. - 4/5
Warcraft Arena - Good balance, tho same old wc3 spells. - 3/5
Advanced Wars - Well use of Interface, but terrain is lacking abit. Creative ideas btw. - 3/5
Sniper Warfare - Terrain was Ok, but the abilitys and items bit lame. - 2/5

- So my vote goes to Micromania.
Level 10
Jun 16, 2007
Defense of the Place - It was not the best map but the spells and heroes were good, the terrain too and overall good. 3/5
Weaknesses: Bad Language, No real new ideas.

Micromania - It had very nice interface and interesting ideas. The balancing however needs a bit work and it needs a few more classes, other than that good. 4/5
Weaknesses: Just one class, Very easy to die at start.

Warcraft Arena - I know it's called Warcraft Arena, but I do not believe that that is a justification for making an Arena with the standard WC3 Heroes, when 15/50 points are on heroes in this contest. Not very original neither, even though it is what it says...a WarCraft arena. 2/5
Weaknesses: No new ideas, no own heroes, no own spells, too wc3

Sniper Warfare - This map really felt a bit dull and there wasn't a lot of variety or good ideas. The terrain was so so, but what really bugged me was the fun factor, which was set pretty low. 1/5
Weaknesses: Dull gameplay, no good ideas, not very fun

My vote goes to Micromania, because it had what this contest was about, an original Hero-based map with fun gameplay and good ideas. You might want to increase the health of heroes just a bit but...
Defend the place:
[+]Terrain was good.
[=]Heros were OK, not great...
[-]Skins for the bad guys SUCKED.
Overall, Nothing great, a average defense map it seems like.

A little hard your first time playing, becuase it suprises you how weak you are.
[+]Well made, good ideas.
[+]Seems balanced.
[-]A little too slow going, too hard to get money at first.
8/10 (Last too points lost too: Silver should take 100 not 150 IMO, too hard to get gold at start, better later on. Later on you should be able to upgrade spawns. 10/10 would be perfect, and its not perfect. (Terrain could use some work too! ^^)

Advanced wars:
[-]Terrain needs work
[=]Only some custom spells, and nothing amazing...
[=]Nothing great, and to tell you the truth its not my type of game..

4/10 or 5/10. =/

Sniper wars:
[-]Tooltip missing! Is such a good spell..
[-] I had slow, make chicken(?), trueshot aura, and instant kill.. Not very good spells..
[-]Tons of gold and items just RANDOMLY all over the place spells "Bad map" IMO... :( There all in groups too, sudenly I get 3k and 2 health potions, how is that fair??
In short, I got 4k in gold laying around, spammed level tomes, learned my instand kill ult, and shot everyone?

This map has blance issues, and I was a hero with dull spells walking around, to sniper system.
3/10 or somthing.. :(

Warcraft arena
Very simple, plain arena, which at least is pretty balanced.

Nothing to it. Its normal warcraft items and heros. Not bad or good..
5/10 pretty much, maybe 6/10.

Micromania gets my vote!
Level 1
May 14, 2008
some of the maps didn't even have custom heroes, which is the theme of the contest lol
i liked
Defense of the Place Platinum
The cleverly titled defense game offers challenging, yet entertaining gameplay
and a lot of the grammar errors were obviously intentional for those who didn't get the joke
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
I voted for Warcraft Arena, because contrary to what people think, you dont need incredibly complex spells for a fun hero. Wc3 heroes are fine if you ask me as long as some prudence is taken in changing around the spells. Fulla did this quite well in the wc3 arena, because in the first few rounds the gameplay is quite fun when no one is being targetted. I dont quite like how the leader is targetted at the end, but that's fairly easy to fix. The focus should be more on gameplay than on special abilities and so I think this map does a good job, the other arenas and modes also add some spice.
Level 3
Sep 19, 2007
Well im not gonna vote since obviously im a little biased, however i dont see why people say warcraft arena isnt a good map because it uses normal heros (albert slightly improved). Ive played it loads on bnet and there are surprisingly very few leavers, people really seem to have fun playing the map. They pick a hero and know exactly what to do theres no skills to learn or complex stratageys its just a quick fun map that anyone can pickup instantly but still includes some advanced features and its well balanced. Surely the best judge of a map is how fun it is to play and from testing on bnet it has general very good reception.
Level 1
May 12, 2008
The skins of defence are part of the whole joke, they're supposed to be bad and ridiculous the whole idea of the map is to just be fun to screw around and play like a game instead of taking it too seriously like everyone in wc3 seems to do, thats why everything is a joke. Orcs and shit? "The Place" come on now.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Defense Of The Place Platinum
Simple and nice interface, easy to understand and interesting for a while. Fun game with some triggered spells.
Not many spells are triggered, triggered spells are decent but could do with a better job. Terrain is okay and heroes are kinda original.
Very original and creative game, interesting gameplay and concepts are really great. Challenging and fun to play. Terrain was good.
Too many custom imports, but quite neccecary. Gameplay is boring initially because you keep dying. Revival time is instant and no gold is lost (if i am not wrong) so people would not fear death at all, making death abundant in this game.
Overall: 9/10
Warcraft Arena
Easy to understand and play with some element of fun.
Spells were made badly, all of them were from the object editor. Heroes were barely remade and terrain is only moderate. Items are also lacking due to the fact that basic items are used and no special system (recipe system, etc.) is used.
Overall: 4.5/10
Sniper Warfare
In a way interesting.
Items are lacking, terraining is terrible, spells are not triggered at all. Tooltips are barely available and it looks as if you just learned the world editor.
Overall: 2.5/10
My vote goes to MicroMania
If I am not wrong, the community is suppose to vote according to the criteria, please read the criteria before you vote if we are suppose to follow the criteria.
The skins of defence are part of the whole joke, they're supposed to be bad and ridiculous the whole idea of the map is to just be fun to screw around and play like a game instead of taking it too seriously like everyone in wc3 seems to do, thats why everything is a joke. Orcs and shit? "The Place" come on now.

Its ok to to make a silly un-serious map, but that doesnt mean it has to be cruddy... o.o
Level 5
Sep 27, 2007
Me and snowy had about three days to make it since we joined late. I went out of town and he left the country, when I came back I saw everyone submitting their maps and figured we had too right away also. I submitted an old version without realizing till the deadline was up and haven't said anything until now =( I don't know why you need to call our cruddy map cruddy unless we've offended you somehow? Maybe next time I should add a custom cursor, or use the default heroes that seems to impress you. No disrespect to the other map makers or any of the other maps which are obviously far more polished than ours.

I just don't see why you need to insult my map, when I've hosted it online 20 odd times heard nothing but good responses and not a single person has left till the end. You hurt me deeply sir, I can never forgive you. Whats so bad about it? We're not supposed to be judging the submissions based on their imports which seems to be the common complaint. It's a standard defense map just like the standard hero arena and AoS I see so heavily favored over it. And out of the three is essentially the only one without the default heroes, where the main factor in the contest was supposed to be the heroes "How well made were the heroes? Did they have original abilities, or just normal wc3 ones?"

First time I played Micromania I quit after about 5 minutes and didn't really give it a fair chance. When I took a second look at it I played for a good 45 minutes and it was a lot of fun. I don't think more classes would make a huge difference in that game. Microing around, dodging and collecting resources is fun and I like the custom cursor, but I'm not supposed to judge it on that. The terrain looked good to me, and it was fun. Not going to give a rating out of 10 or something stupid because criteria seems to fluctuate between reviews even by the same person.

WarCraft Arena
I've played WarCraft Arena a couple times, I appreciated the alternate quilbeast model on the Beastmaster, the default one is ugly. It was fine I guess, default items, default heroes really not that exciting when you play melee. When I play an arena map I want to see custom heroes, theres nothing wrong with the default heroes but that doesn't meen you shouldn't put effort into creating new ones, especially when the submission is supposed to be judged heavily on that factor. It hasn't seemed to hurt you in the public poll though. It's fine I guess, but I'm happier just laddering. Good job though.

Sniper Warfare
Uhm sniper warfare, I didn't really give you guys a fair chance. After seeing the chicken decoy the missing tooltips and the bright green research icons I assumed it was just a poor quality sniper map. I'll probably take another look at it later, but you should probably try having your tooltips in working order, even we did that. I'm sorry I didn't take a closer look at your map but the lack of polish right up front like that sets a poor impression. You made an effort at changing up the heroes though so I applaud you.

Tech Wars
Tech Wars, again I'm likely a terrible person but I didn't take a long look at your map. I tried a few of the heroes and I mostly saw evasion, critical strike and storm bolt all slightly modified. The varying game modes are a nice touch. But I wasn't really won over. Again custom heroes but the theme is apparently irrelevant in public polls.

Anyways gj guys, I guess... our map must be truly terrible since we should have a big advantage after that first category and people seem to have responded well to the terrain. I feel like we're getting the shaft here. It was a labor of love, but not like that. Anyways I guess its a two horse race at this point. And out of the two, I'd have to vote for micromania... but good luck to both...

Seriously though Hero, your words sting, like sharp stinging things... and I don't appreciate that...
Me and snowy had about three days to make it since we joined late. I went out of town and he left the country, when I came back I saw everyone submitting their maps and figured we had too right away also. I submitted an old version without realizing till the deadline was up and haven't said anything until now =( I don't know why you need to call our cruddy map cruddy unless we've offended you somehow? Maybe next time I should add a custom cursor, or use the default heroes that seems to impress you. No disrespect to the other map makers or any of the other maps which are obviously far more polished than ours.

I just don't see why you need to insult my map, when I've hosted it online 20 odd times heard nothing but good responses and not a single person has left till the end. You hurt me deeply sir, I can never forgive you. Whats so bad about it? We're not supposed to be judging the submissions based on their imports which seems to be the common complaint. It's a standard defense map just like the standard hero arena and AoS I see so heavily favored over it. And out of the three is essentially the only one without the default heroes, where the main factor in the contest was supposed to be the heroes "How well made were the heroes? Did they have original abilities, or just normal wc3 ones?"
I think you missunderstood my post.

The map in whole was fine, but when your trying to make things funny, like the skin, I don't find low-quality eye-buring skins funny. In other words, for things like the loading screen and skins were cruddy wich wasnt funny, as you said they were suppose to be "Part of the whole joke".

I gusse I have a differnt sense of humor then you.

Sorry if I offended you, And I also did not know that you had to make it in about 3 days..
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
RunningAway you rock! Thanks for voting for Hoernchen and my map. I don't see why we only received one vote :(.
The reason we had so many normal spells were because we had little time, our exams were around that time (can't really use as excuse though :( ). We had plans to refine the spells but we had no time, if everyone just gives our map a chance (play it in B.net or LAN), I'm sure you will not regret it.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Ok well the judging is taking way to long, so I am going to skip the judging and just go with the poll.

So the winner of the Paired Mapping Contest #3 is Fulla and ragingspeedhorn, with a poll score of 47.27%, followed by communist_orc & Angus.Young with 34.55%. In third place there is RunningAway & iPS]Snowy with a score of 10.91%.

Congratulations to all contestants, and all of the winners. The winners will be receiving their prizes shortly.
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