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[Cinematic] Outland's Will

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Level 5
Oct 24, 2007
I am making a cinematic called Outland's Will, it will tell the story about Kael and Lady Vashj after Illidan died and Arthas joined Ner'zhul.

It will have 2 seasons with 5 episodes in each :grin:

Here are pictures of the logo:

-Outland's Will Logo-.jpg

-Patio_111 Presents-.jpg
Level 5
Oct 24, 2007
I am just making the trailer now so i cant take any screenshots of the cinematic. However, i will be posting them as soon as i can get some.

Edit: By the way thanks Jaako ive seen all your cinematics and theyve inspired me into doing one myself :)
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Illidan is still alive.


The Lich King Triumphant
Even weakened as he was, Arthas ultimately outmaneuvered Illidan and reached the Frozen Throne first. Using his runeblade, Frostmourne, Arthas shattered the Lich King's icy prison and thereby released Ner'zhul's enchanted helm and breastplate. Arthas placed the unimaginably powerful helm on his head and became the new Lich King. Ner'zhul and Arthas' spirits fused into a single mighty being, just as Ner'zhul had always planned. Illidan and his troops were forced to flee back to Outland in disgrace, while Arthas became one of the most powerful entities the world had ever known.

Currently Arthas, the new and immortal Lich King, resides in Northrend; he is rumored to be rebuilding the citadel of Icecrown. His trusted lieutenant, Kel'Thuzad, commands the Scourge in the Plaguelands. Sylvanas and her rebel Forsaken hold only the Tirisfal Glades, a small portion of the war-torn kingdom.
Level 3
Aug 24, 2007
No, he actually got gang killed by 25 level 70's in WoW Lore. Check out Black Temple in World Of Warcraft.
Level 2
Jan 13, 2008
Don't you feel that one shouldn't bother themselves with WoW "storyline" since its main focus is killing all the characters you know or don't know from the previous Warcraft series. Nice sequel - a bunch of brats gather themselves outside their bases and kill everyone in their way. How very absorbing!
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
The fact still remains though, that Illidan did NOT get killed, seriously injured maybe, but not killed. And the thing about warcraft and wow, you know, the story of warcraft was written BEFORE the games.. So there is a story about all this, and that story tells us that he did survive, as purgean so nicely placed it. :) cheers to him. And about the wow warcraf, wow IS picking up where warcraft left it, only with a little twist, since, wow is a mmo...
Level 2
Jan 13, 2008
Well, if I hadn't seen WoW trailers and so on, I would not have known Illidan was still alive too. The battle between Arthas and him was so lame, in the end one gets the feeling that Illidan passes away, but hell no, Blizzard suavely clarified afterwards he actually fainted and so on. But you have to read this somewhere in their announcements or play WoW, sure - like I don't have other things on my mind.
Plus, fan art kind of enables you to alter the storyline if you wish. You are not hired by the company-author, you don't earn money illegally through their product and you're not obliged to follow strictly the plot.

Level 4
Feb 2, 2008
LoL!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha You are not prepared anyway Illidan never die... he was injured and then his body was weakining the skull of guldan's power drained away after that he fled to the temple in the sunken ruins
Level 7
Apr 9, 2008
I haven't gone to BT yet (not hardcore WoW player, more casual raider) but I understand there is a mass betrayal against him and 25 players go to kill him. I don't know if he actually dies but he is defeated, and you get his cool swords, so I assume he dies.

Anyways he's such a boring character, he's just a greedy bastard that's angry at his captors. People like him because he looks cool (he does indeed look cool) but overall he's really a pretty stupid charcter.

He seems like he belongs in some stupid anime TV show, not in warcraft. Characters like Arthas and Thrall are far more interesting and not so... anime-ish.:smile:
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
Dakho, gtfo with your damn WoW story line, the WoW story line is fucked up. It is a insult that Blizzard destroyed the story so much in WoW. Please simply stop it.

Originally Kil'Jaeden was not even in this plane, and now he pops up simply in sunwell, summoned by bloodelves which don't even know about the existence of Kil'Jaeden, in fact no one knows him in the story beside Illidan.

Illidan never died btw, he was injured.
Level 7
Apr 9, 2008
How is it that strange to be summoning kiljaeden? In the night elf lore, they summon sargeras, archimonde, and a host of demons using the Well of Eternity.

Now, Kael was contacted by Kil'jaeden, who promised Kael redemption and salvation for his people. And so, Kael used the Sunwell (which is originated from the Well of Eternity) to summon him. It's not so different at all, so I don't see why you think that's such a bad move on Blizzard's part.

I guess you haven't played WoW, for if you did you'd realize that for an MMO they hold the story together quite well. The quests manage to integrate the players into the lore, which makes it far more interesting.

It's not story-ruining at all, you apparently just read that kiljaeden is a new boss and jumped to conclusions.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
Dakho, not really, the only sunwell was in Dalaran, Dalaran got caged in the Defensive Sphere around the City, you should seriously play the campaign of Warcraft 3.

And Kil'Jaeden is not like Sargeras or Archimonde, btw Sargeras got never summoned, he just appeared as a ghost, not in his physical appearance, and Archimonde came with the burning legion, which opened the gate between the worlds, you cannot summon a lord of the burning legion through a caged well which can't be accessed anymore due to the indestructible sphere.

Just my two cents, and get a idea of the lore, Sargeras was never summoned beside in the time of the titans, he fought against the 4 aspects, they sealed him in the nether, same for Kil'Jaeden, Sargera's General.
Level 7
Apr 9, 2008
Dakho, not really, the only sunwell was in Dalaran, Dalaran got caged in the Defensive Sphere around the City, you should seriously play the campaign of Warcraft 3.

And Kil'Jaeden is not like Sargeras or Archimonde, btw Sargeras got never summoned, he just appeared as a ghost, not in his physical appearance, and Archimonde came with the burning legion, which opened the gate between the worlds, you cannot summon a lord of the burning legion through a caged well which can't be accessed anymore due to the indestructible sphere.

Just my two cents, and get a idea of the lore, Sargeras was never summoned beside in the time of the titans, he fought against the 4 aspects, they sealed him in the nether, same for Kil'Jaeden, Sargera's General.

Dalaran.... no.... it's in quel'thalas. Did YOU ever play the campaign? Dalaran is the mage's city, FYI. Unless of course you're just mixing up names.
Since apparently you don't know what happened to the Sunwell, it was consumed to ressurect Kil'jaeden. Now this is what happened to the Sunwell, and why it is capable of summoning... This is quoted from worldofwarcraft.com:

"A mysterious individual named Borel gathered what remained of the energies and hid them away in the guise of a mortal girl, Anveena."

"Now, bristling with newfound power, Kael'thas has turned his back on his former master, Illidan, and has finally returned to Quel'Thalas, promising final deliverance to his people. To this end he has harnessed the mortal possessor of the Sunwell's energies, Anveena"

Anyways, I don't see what the huge deal to you about Kil'jaeden being summoned by the same sorcerers that summoned Archimonde, Hakkar, and thousands of demons before. The sunwell is made from the well of eternity, as I said before, so it's really not as big of a deal as you'd think.

Well sorry to pull this thread off-topic, so... How's the cinematic coming? It sounded cool and should be interesting to see it materialize.
The map is was posted 4 months ago. :p

And by the "Sunwell in Dalaran", I think he is referring to the Sunwell of Dalaran that Arthas consumed in the Undead campaign for RoC.

The reason why people say Blizzard f*cked up the storyline is because characters actually were killable. (I think, I've never played WoW but I've heard this) But yeah, now a bunch of people said that they read an article that stated there would be no wc4... So now I'm seriously pissed at WoW. x(

*sigh* Whatever though... Well, just for the sake of stopping any more thread revivals and more ranting about this I will just close this thread. Unless the creator of this thread wants me to reopen it and delete all offtopic posts, consider this closed.
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