Humans VS. Orcs
Back in the day...
This map is not complete... i am still going 2 b adding more details to it.
This map has minor icon problems that i already know about.
Fun map; similar to DOTA... but a lot harder
my friends and I took 1hr 30 min to complete a 2v2 match...
1. CTF - There are capture points in the middle for each team in all 3 lanes, when captured they provide +1 to income and super creeps... Alliance and Horde Flag, doesnt mattr which flag is put in2 it, will activate the Capture Point. doubles the hp of the units and increases the attack power
2. Ranks - Varying on how many Hero Kills you get, u will recieve a "rank"
5-Private - Nothing
10-Lieutenant - Rifle (10,000 RG, 25dmg, 5 sec stun)
15-Major - Battle Roar (+10 dmg affects buildings, Heroes, and units) (item form)
20-General - Nothing
25-Admiral - 2nd hero (another "soul" to select hero #2)
3. Reputation- how many hero kills you have = Reputation
4. Secret Shops... 4 REAL - The Secret shops r "invisible" & there r only 2 ways 2 reveal them (1 on each side)
1. Wards - 1000g each... but 3 charges...
2. Guardian's Item - lvl 10 Guardian holds a "Gem" which gives major boosts to everything... but has a ability on it whn activated reveals hidden units... this becomes very useful
gettin better and better everyday
Humans vs Orcs