[vJASS] OSKeyLib

This is a library that facilitates usage of the oskey API added in patch 1.31.

I'm not sure if this is quite ready for approval. I still plan on creating a few extension libraries to allow listening to a single key, a single player, or a single (key+player) combination. With those I think the system will be feature-complete.

I also made a lite version of PlayerUtils and Timeline to accompany this. I'll post links to them later.


Version 1.1.0 update:
- Registered listeners will no longer be executed periodically when a key is held down.
- Created new addHoldListener method for listeners that will be periodically executed when a key is held down.
- New factory method to convert from handle to struct type.

library OSKeyLib requires PlayerUtils, Timeline
*   v1.1.0 - by Guhun
* This is a library that facilitates usage of the oskey API added in patch 1.31.
* You can register a listener (event) that will fire for every keypress of any key that was registered
* in the system. You can also determined whether any key is currently up or down, and you can also get
* the time that a key has been pressed/released for.
* Configuration
// No configuration available.
//! novjass
'                                                                                                  '
'                                              API                                                 '
$inline$ -> "this means a function inlines, so only natives are actually called"


struct MetaKeys extends array
    static constant integer NONE  = 0
    static constant integer SHIFT = 1
    static constant integer CTRL  = 2
    static constant integer ALT   = 4

struct OSKeys extends array
    // This method must be called for OSKeys that you will use. It should be called at initialization.
    method register takes nothing returns nothing
    // Check whether a player is pressing a key.
    $inline$ method isPressedId takes integer pId returns boolean
    $inline$ method isPressedPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns boolean
    // Check whether the local player (GetLocalPlayer) is pressing a key.
    $inline$ method isPressed takes nothing returns boolean
    // Returns the amount of time since a key was pressed (isPressed -> true) or released (isPressed -> false).
    // If the key was never pressed, returns the amount of time since it was registered.
    $inline$ method getDuration takes nothing returns real
    // Adds a listener, which will evalute a boolexpr whenever any key is pressed. The boolexpr should return true.
    You can use these natives in listeners:
    NOTE: listeners will be executed in the order they were added.
    // Add a listener that will be executed when the key is pressed or released.
    $inline$ static method addListener takes boolexpr expr returns triggercondition
    // Add a listener that will be periodically executed when a key is held down. Uses the default behaviour of the oskey API, not timers.
    $inline$ static method addHoldListener takes boolexpr expr returns triggercondition
    // Removes a previously added listener.
    $inline$ static method removeListener takes triggercondition listener returns nothing
    // Removes a previously added listener.
    $inline$ static method removeHoldListener takes triggercondition listener returns nothing
    readonly oskeytype handle
    readonly boolean isRegistered
    // A factory function to convert from an oskeytype handle to this struct type.
    $inline$ static method fromHandle takes oskeytype key returns OSKeys


// This is for number 2 on the keyboard, not the numpad

// This is for number 4 on the numpad


// This will fire whenever any player presses/releases any key while holding any meta key.
function onKeyPressFunc takes nothing returns boolean
    // If we registered CONROL, we can check if it's pressed instead of using BlzGetTriggerPlayerMetaKey()
    if GetTriggerPlayer() == Player(0) and OSKeys.CONTROL.isPressedId(0) then
        // Do something

    return true // important to return true here

triggercondition listener

// Add a listener
set listener = OSKeys.addListener(Filter(function onKeyPressFunc))

// Remove listener when no longer needed
call OSKeys.removeListener(listener)

OSKeys.BACKSPACE    OSKeys.TAB          OSKeys.CLEAR
OSKeys.RETURN       OSKeys.SHIFT        OSKeys.CONTROL
OSKeys.ALT          OSKeys.PAUSE        OSKeys.CAPSLOCK
OSKeys.KANA         OSKeys.HANGUL       OSKeys.JUNJA
OSKeys.FINAL        OSKeys.HANJA        OSKeys.KANJI
OSKeys.HOME         OSKeys.LEFT         OSKeys.UP
OSKeys.RIGHT        OSKeys.DOWN         OSKeys.SELECT
OSKeys.INSERT       OSKeys.DELETE       OSKeys.HELP
OSKeys.KEY0         OSKeys.KEY1         OSKeys.KEY2
OSKeys.KEY3         OSKeys.KEY4         OSKeys.KEY5
OSKeys.KEY6         OSKeys.KEY7         OSKeys.KEY8
OSKeys.KEY9         OSKeys.A            OSKeys.B
OSKeys.C            OSKeys.D            OSKeys.E
OSKeys.F            OSKeys.G            OSKeys.H
OSKeys.I            OSKeys.J            OSKeys.K
OSKeys.L            OSKeys.M            OSKeys.N
OSKeys.O            OSKeys.P            OSKeys.Q
OSKeys.R            OSKeys.S            OSKeys.T
OSKeys.U            OSKeys.V            OSKeys.W
OSKeys.X            OSKeys.Y            OSKeys.Z
OSKeys.LMETA        OSKeys.RMETA        OSKeys.APPS
OSKeys.SLEEP        OSKeys.NUMPAD0      OSKeys.NUMPAD1
OSKeys.NUMPAD2      OSKeys.NUMPAD3      OSKeys.NUMPAD4
OSKeys.NUMPAD5      OSKeys.NUMPAD6      OSKeys.NUMPAD7
OSKeys.DECIMAL      OSKeys.DIVIDE       OSKeys.F1
OSKeys.F2           OSKeys.F3           OSKeys.F4
OSKeys.F5           OSKeys.F6           OSKeys.F7
OSKeys.F8           OSKeys.F9           OSKeys.F10
OSKeys.F11          OSKeys.F12          OSKeys.F13
OSKeys.F14          OSKeys.F15          OSKeys.F16
OSKeys.F17          OSKeys.F18          OSKeys.F19
OSKeys.F20          OSKeys.F21          OSKeys.F22
OSKeys.F23          OSKeys.F24          OSKeys.NUMLOCK
OSKeys.OEM_FJ_ROYA          OSKeys.LSHIFT           OSKeys.RSHIFT
OSKeys.LCONTROL             OSKeys.RCONTROL         OSKeys.LALT
OSKeys.LAUNCH_APP1          OSKeys.LAUNCH_APP2      OSKeys.OEM_1
OSKeys.OEM_PLUS             OSKeys.OEM_COMMA        OSKeys.OEM_MINUS
OSKeys.OEM_PERIOD           OSKeys.OEM_2            OSKeys.OEM_3
OSKeys.OEM_4                OSKeys.OEM_5            OSKeys.OEM_6
OSKeys.OEM_7                OSKeys.OEM_8            OSKeys.OEM_AX
OSKeys.OEM_102              OSKeys.ICO_HELP         OSKeys.ICO_00
OSKeys.OEM_RESET            OSKeys.OEM_JUMP         OSKeys.OEM_PA1
OSKeys.OEM_PA2              OSKeys.OEM_PA3          OSKeys.OEM_WSCTRL
OSKeys.OEM_CUSEL            OSKeys.OEM_ATTN         OSKeys.OEM_FINISH
OSKeys.OEM_COPY             OSKeys.OEM_AUTO         OSKeys.OEM_ENLW
OSKeys.OEM_BACKTAB          OSKeys.ATTN             OSKeys.CRSEL
OSKeys.EXSEL                OSKeys.EREOF            OSKeys.PLAY
OSKeys.ZOOM                 OSKeys.NONAME           OSKeys.PA1
'                                                                                                  '
'                                         Source Code                                              '
//! endnovjass

struct MetaKeys extends array

    static constant method operator NONE takes nothing returns integer
        return 0

    static constant method operator SHIFT takes nothing returns integer
        return 1
    static constant method operator CTRL takes nothing returns integer
        return 2
    static constant method operator ALT takes nothing returns integer
        return 4


private function RegisterKeyEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, oskeytype whichKey returns nothing
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.NONE, false)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.NONE, true)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.SHIFT, false)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.SHIFT, true)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.CTRL, false)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.CTRL, true)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.ALT, false)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.ALT, true)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.SHIFT + MetaKeys.CTRL, false)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.SHIFT + MetaKeys.CTRL, true)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.SHIFT + MetaKeys.ALT, false)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.SHIFT + MetaKeys.ALT, true)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.CTRL + MetaKeys.ALT, false)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.CTRL + MetaKeys.ALT, true)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.SHIFT + MetaKeys.CTRL + MetaKeys.ALT, false)
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(whichTrigger, whichPlayer, whichKey, MetaKeys.SHIFT + MetaKeys.CTRL + MetaKeys.ALT, true)

private keyword Constants

struct OSKeys extends array
    private static boolean array g_isPressed[256][24]
    private static real array timestamp[256][24]
    readonly boolean isRegistered
    private static trigger eventResponder = null
    private static trigger executer = CreateTrigger()
    private static trigger holdExecuter = CreateTrigger()
    static method addListener takes boolexpr expr returns triggercondition
        return TriggerAddCondition(executer, expr)
    static method removeListener takes triggercondition listener returns nothing
        call TriggerRemoveCondition(executer, listener)
    static method addHoldListener takes boolexpr expr returns triggercondition
        return TriggerAddCondition(holdExecuter, expr)
    static method removeHoldListener takes triggercondition listener returns nothing
        call TriggerRemoveCondition(holdExecuter, listener)

    method isPressedId takes integer playerId returns boolean
        return g_isPressed[this][playerId]
    method isPressedPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns boolean
        return .isPressedId(GetPlayerId(whichPlayer))
    method isPressed takes nothing returns boolean
        return .isPressedId(User.fromLocal().id)
    method getDuration takes nothing returns real
        return Timeline.game.elapsed - timestamp[this][User.fromLocal().id]
    static method fromHandle takes oskeytype key returns thistype
        return GetHandleId(key)
    method operator handle takes nothing returns oskeytype
        return ConvertOsKeyType(this)
    method register takes nothing returns nothing
        local User p
        if not isRegistered then
            set .isRegistered = true
            if .eventResponder != null then
                set p = 0
                    exitwhen p >= bj_MAX_PLAYERS
                    call RegisterKeyEvent(.eventResponder, p.handle, this.handle)
                    set timestamp[this][p.id] = Timeline.game.elapsed
                    set p = p + 1
    private static method onKey takes nothing returns nothing
        local boolean pressed = BlzGetTriggerPlayerIsKeyDown()
        local integer key = GetHandleId(BlzGetTriggerPlayerKey())
        local integer pId = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
        if g_isPressed[key][pId] != pressed then
            set g_isPressed[key][pId] = pressed
            set timestamp[key][pId] = Timeline.game.elapsed
            call TriggerEvaluate(executer)
            call TriggerEvaluate(holdExecuter)
    private static method onStart takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
        local User p
        local thistype key = 0
        set .eventResponder = trig
            exitwhen key == 256
            if key.isRegistered then
                set p = 0
                    exitwhen p >= bj_MAX_PLAYERS
                    call RegisterKeyEvent(trig, p.handle, key.handle)
                    set timestamp[key][p.id] = Timeline.game.elapsed
                    set p = p + 1
            set key = key + 1
        call TriggerAddAction(trig, function thistype.onKey)
        call PauseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
        call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())

        set trig = null
    implement Constants

//! textmacro OSKeyLib_Const takes NAME, value
    static constant method operator $NAME$ takes nothing returns thistype
        return $value$
//! endtextmacro
private module Constants
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0., false, function thistype.onStart)

    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("BACKSPACE                     ","$08")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("TAB                           ","$09")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("CLEAR                         ","$0C")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("RETURN                        ","$0D")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("SHIFT                         ","$10")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("CONTROL                       ","$11")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ALT                           ","$12")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PAUSE                         ","$13")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("CAPSLOCK                      ","$14")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KANA                          ","$15")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("HANGUL                        ","$15")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("JUNJA                         ","$17")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("FINAL                         ","$18")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("HANJA                         ","$19")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KANJI                         ","$19")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ESCAPE                        ","$1B")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("CONVERT                       ","$1C")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NONCONVERT                    ","$1D")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ACCEPT                        ","$1E")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("MODECHANGE                    ","$1F")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("SPACE                         ","$20")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PAGEUP                        ","$21")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PAGEDOWN                      ","$22")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("END                           ","$23")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("HOME                          ","$24")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LEFT                          ","$25")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("UP                            ","$26")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("RIGHT                         ","$27")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("DOWN                          ","$28")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("SELECT                        ","$29")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PRINT                         ","$2A")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("EXECUTE                       ","$2B")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PRINTSCREEN                   ","$2C")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("INSERT                        ","$2D")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("DELETE                        ","$2E")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("HELP                          ","$2F")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY0                          ","$30")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY1                          ","$31")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY2                          ","$32")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY3                          ","$33")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY4                          ","$34")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY5                          ","$35")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY6                          ","$36")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY7                          ","$37")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY8                          ","$38")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("KEY9                          ","$39")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("A                             ","$41")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("B                             ","$42")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("C                             ","$43")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("D                             ","$44")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("E                             ","$45")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F                             ","$46")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("G                             ","$47")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("H                             ","$48")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("I                             ","$49")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("J                             ","$4A")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("K                             ","$4B")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("L                             ","$4C")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("M                             ","$4D")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("N                             ","$4E")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("O                             ","$4F")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("P                             ","$50")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("Q                             ","$51")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("R                             ","$52")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("S                             ","$53")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("T                             ","$54")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("U                             ","$55")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("V                             ","$56")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("W                             ","$57")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("X                             ","$58")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("Y                             ","$59")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("Z                             ","$5A")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LMETA                         ","$5B")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("RMETA                         ","$5C")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("APPS                          ","$5D")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("SLEEP                         ","$5F")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD0                       ","$60")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD1                       ","$61")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD2                       ","$62")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD3                       ","$63")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD4                       ","$64")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD5                       ","$65")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD6                       ","$66")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD7                       ","$67")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD8                       ","$68")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMPAD9                       ","$69")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("MULTIPLY                      ","$6A")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ADD                           ","$6B")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("SEPARATOR                     ","$6C")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("SUBTRACT                      ","$6D")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("DECIMAL                       ","$6E")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("DIVIDE                        ","$6F")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F1                            ","$70")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F2                            ","$71")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F3                            ","$72")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F4                            ","$73")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F5                            ","$74")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F6                            ","$75")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F7                            ","$76")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F8                            ","$77")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F9                            ","$78")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F10                           ","$79")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F11                           ","$7A")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F12                           ","$7B")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F13                           ","$7C")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F14                           ","$7D")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F15                           ","$7E")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F16                           ","$7F")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F17                           ","$80")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F18                           ","$81")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F19                           ","$82")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F20                           ","$83")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F21                           ","$84")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F22                           ","$85")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F23                           ","$86")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("F24                           ","$87")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NUMLOCK                       ","$90")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("SCROLLLOCK                    ","$91")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_NEC_EQUAL                 ","$92")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_FJ_JISHO                  ","$92")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_FJ_MASSHOU                ","$93")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_FJ_TOUROKU                ","$94")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_FJ_LOYA                   ","$95")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_FJ_ROYA                   ","$96")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LSHIFT                        ","$A0")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("RSHIFT                        ","$A1")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LCONTROL                      ","$A2")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("RCONTROL                      ","$A3")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LALT                          ","$A4")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("RALT                          ","$A5")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("BROWSER_BACK                  ","$A6")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("BROWSER_FORWARD               ","$A7")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("BROWSER_REFRESH               ","$A8")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("BROWSER_STOP                  ","$A9")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("BROWSER_SEARCH                ","$AA")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("BROWSER_FAVORITES             ","$AB")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("BROWSER_HOME                  ","$AC")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("VOLUME_MUTE                   ","$AD")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("VOLUME_DOWN                   ","$AE")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("VOLUME_UP                     ","$AF")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK              ","$B0")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("MEDIA_PREV_TRACK              ","$B1")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("MEDIA_STOP                    ","$B2")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE              ","$B3")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LAUNCH_MAIL                   ","$B4")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT           ","$B5")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LAUNCH_APP1                   ","$B6")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("LAUNCH_APP2                   ","$B7")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_1                         ","$BA")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_PLUS                      ","$BB")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_COMMA                     ","$BC")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_MINUS                     ","$BD")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_PERIOD                    ","$BE")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_2                         ","$BF")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_3                         ","$C0")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_4                         ","$DB")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_5                         ","$DC")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_6                         ","$DD")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_7                         ","$DE")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_8                         ","$DF")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_AX                        ","$E1")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_102                       ","$E2")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ICO_HELP                      ","$E3")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ICO_00                        ","$E4")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PROCESSKEY                    ","$E5")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ICO_CLEAR                     ","$E6")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PACKET                        ","$E7")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_RESET                     ","$E9")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_JUMP                      ","$EA")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_PA1                       ","$EB")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_PA2                       ","$EC")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_PA3                       ","$ED")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_WSCTRL                    ","$EE")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_CUSEL                     ","$EF")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_ATTN                      ","$F0")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_FINISH                    ","$F1")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_COPY                      ","$F2")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_AUTO                      ","$F3")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_ENLW                      ","$F4")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_BACKTAB                   ","$F5")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ATTN                          ","$F6")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("CRSEL                         ","$F7")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("EXSEL                         ","$F8")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("EREOF                         ","$F9")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PLAY                          ","$FA")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("ZOOM                          ","$FB")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("NONAME                        ","$FC")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("PA1                           ","$FD")
    //! runtextmacro OSKeyLib_Const("OEM_CLEAR                     ","$FE")

Last edited:
How quickly does the event knKeyPressFunc function fire?
Does it fire every 0.10s like the normal Key press events?

That function is only an example to ilustrate the use of OSKeys.addListener(). All listener functions will be evaluated when a key press event is fired, so any limitations normally imposed on those events (like being synced and thus affected by ping) still apply.
OSKeys.SHIFT.isPressed() doesn't work (it does not return true even when shift is down) even when OSKeys.SHIFT.register() was called before.

The metaKey parameter must be set to zero when registering a key up event for shift.

I also recently realized that holding a key down will continuously fire a keyDown event which I can only guess is a bug because it doesn't make sense otherwise. I also assume it creates more network traffic. You can disable the trigger and re-enable it when a key is released but that just leads to unnecessary overhead. Just figured I would mention that here.
The metaKey parameter must be set to zero when registering a key up event for shift.

I also recently realized that holding a key down will continuously fire a keyDown event which I can only guess is a bug because it doesn't make sense otherwise. I also assume it creates more network traffic. You can disable the trigger and re-enable it when a key is released but that just leads to unnecessary overhead. Just figured I would mention that here.
Thanks for the hint. Ill manually implement my shift key in this case.



Level 16
Mar 29, 2016
I also recently realized that holding a key down will continuously fire a keyDown event which I can only guess is a bug because it doesn't make sense otherwise.
Maybe it was intended and they just didn't provide a further abstraction. When trying to handle keyboard events for example using the win32 api, you are only provided with a way to check for the current state of the key (down, up) so to catch a keypress event, you have to make a loop that periodically checks the current state of the key and compare it with its previous state to see if it has changed, similar to what blizz is maybe expecting us to do here.
The metaKey parameter must be set to zero when registering a key up event for shift.
Even then, the system should theoretically work, since it registers events for all metakeys and their combinations (except for the windows key). I'll have to try and see why this bug would happen.

I also recently realized that holding a key down will continuously fire a keyDown event which I can only guess is a bug because it doesn't make sense otherwise. I also assume it creates more network traffic. You can disable the trigger and re-enable it when a key is released but that just leads to unnecessary overhead. Just figured I would mention that here.

Hmmm, that's pretty weird, I didn't have that problem myself. How long did you hold down the key for it to fire the event again?
Even then, the system should theoretically work, since it registers events for all metakeys and their combinations (except for the windows key). I'll have to try and see why this bug would happen.

Yeah, I didn't notice MetaKey.NONE :grin:

Hmmm, that's pretty weird, I didn't have that problem myself. How long did you hold down the key for it to fire the event again?

If I hold it down for less than a second it will start rapid firing the trigger.

Maybe it was intended and they just didn't provide a further abstraction. When trying to handle keyboard events for example using the win32 api, you are only provided with a way to check for the current state of the key (down, up) so to catch a keypress event, you have to make a loop that periodically checks the current state of the key and compare it with its previous state to see if it has changed, similar to what blizz is maybe expecting us to do here.

The problem is that the implementation doesn't make sense in the context of WC3 scripting because we have an event for when a key is released. There's no need for a loop to detect key presses. I am also suspicious that the event floods network traffic.
Version 1.1.0 update:
- Registered listeners will no longer be executed periodically when a key is held down.
- Created new addHoldListener method for listeners that will be periodically executed when a key is held down.
- New factory method to convert from handle to struct type.

NOTE: I'm unsure if I will keep support for addHoldListener if blizzard makes it so holding a key does not continuously fire the event. Hold listeners do not execute when a key is initially pressed, only after it has been held down.