HI guys how can i make a trigger that i order them to use my custom skill to this unit? is there a way?
Just order them to do issue order like any other spells. If u want to order them to use ur custom spell, simply order the issue order of the base spell.
Huh but i made too many Spellsif you create a custom ability, take an example Storm Bolt. and you name it Legendary Bolt.
when you order them to cast Storm Bolt
But what if i made too many custom skills in that skill
you mean Legendary Bolt, Venomous Bolt, Hayaku Bolt, Ruler Bolt, defskull Bolt, ZiGoR Bolt, ap0calypse Bolt are on one unit ?
if the unit has only one custom ability, they will cast the one they have.
Where can i find soul burn?
Why can't i find the Channel ability?
because you didn't search for them.
Abilities > Neutral Hostile > Heroes > Channel
I did but i can't find them on the trigger