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[Role Playing Game] Oracle's Monsters

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Level 4
Oct 4, 2013

I. Beginning
In the beginning the world is nothing but pure blackness. Beauty is none over the place just pure loneliness and solid. But then the Keeper of the world, the one that reigns over the dimension of pure blackness has felt the same and so with his imagination he then created light that conquer peacefully the pure blackness and created a beautiful gradient of black and white but he wasn't satisfied yet. Days have passed, thinking of what should do next and then he came up to an idea. The oracle created a globe of pure land, brown in color! And grow grasses everywhere! Trees everywhere! Water flowing! Air! Fires! and Rock Metals!:)goblin_yeah:) but still it didn't satisfied him. Days have passed again the rage of thoughts in his mind is extreme and rumbling, thinking what could quench his thirst of satisfaction. And he came to the thought of creating an image of him unique in every way ,thus; he created Monsters.

This map is a role playing game inspired by most elements found in commercial games that i played. It offers evolution of monsters, custom damage, and etc. However, since it's inspired by other games this would be not much of an original one but ill keep it ideal as much as i can. In this game you must train to level your monster to become much stronger and much likely evolve. Well to make this game interesting i will add a storyline, you can follow it's story by doing the main quests of the game.

III. Mechanics of the game

Night and Day

Hunger and Satiety, Weight

Custom Stats


Some monsters are active at day some at night. And when they become active it means there is higher critical rate and increase in speed both attack and movement however it also goes oppositely when a monster is dormant at the time. being dormant means they have reduced critical rate and decreased.
In real life organisms need to eat mostly,thus; i could implement it here. When a monster gets hungry their life would be reduced also they gets faster however when it reaches the hunger breakdown limit it would dramatically reduce its speed and eventually if it reaches 0 it die. On the other hand being full will increase your max life and reduce it's movespeed.
See in-game when finished
More to add.

IV. Credits
Well thanks to you guys!!
-Marcus DAB
well ill add soon what you've contributed HAHA. The credits are temporary more will be added.

V. Workers
Map Designer and Coder:Goldenflame
Terrainer: Lord_Marrowgrath

VI. Screenshots
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Looks interesting and lol, the story looks like the seven days duration where God created the world instead of humans, its monsters. Quite a good story I must say. I would like to see more from this and good luck!

+4 REP
Level 23
Aug 27, 2013
Looks interesting and lol, the story looks like the seven days duration where God created the world instead of humans, its monsters. Quite a good story I must say. I would like to see more from this and good luck!

+4 REP

now you mention it.. yeah, but no days mentioned xD
also there is a similiarity of it..
start from nothingness
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