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online game development

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Level 12
Dec 17, 2009
I'm developing with my brother and some friends, an online fan game based on the fusion of the classic Majesty ®, "The Fantasy Kingdom Sim" with the game Stronghold Kingdoms ™. so, I ask permission to share the progress and ask for ideas balance and adding new things to the game's development. And of course credits will help everyone in the game.

Online Game Fusion Idea
Majesty®, "The Fantasy Kingdom Sim":
this amazing artificial intelligence system and positions of adventurers made ​​to his kingdom, along with his animated graphic and "mysterious".
Stronghold Kingdoms™":
System positions, where each one does something to help his kingdom to be the best and win credit for being the most developed.
*Random heroes name generator: http://www.majestypalace.com/namegen.php
to prevent overcrowding of players in the same position, players may only enlist in his kingdom to occupy 'x' function according to a predefined number of vacancies.

1: King
Function: to supervise and sort through the 'messages' to the other positions that should not be done.
Have control over: Royal Guards.
the king is elected by an election of the other players with the lowest position.
2: Royal Engineer
Function: ordered the construction of guild points in the kingdom through requesições approved by the King.
Have control over: Peasants.
is always king in the palace together.
3: Thane
Function: run position and replacement of areas occupied by Village House, and The Inn
Have control over: Peasants.

4: Merchant
Function: terms of reference and manage products from The Marketplace, following the tax collenctor caravans and Trading Post one another.
Have control over: Tax Collectors and caravans.

5: The Blacksmith

6: The Elder
Function: manage the Library Guild

7: Ranger's Guild Member
Function: Manage Rangers and rewards adiconar flags (or not) if ordered by the king, ordering the purchase of armor and potions and
control bill won by guild.

8: Rogue's Guild Member
Function: Manage Rogues and rewards adiconar flags (or not) if ordered by the king, ordering the purchase of armor and potions and
control bill won by guild and poisons. Sort theft and administer the transfer of gold pro king.
Have control over: Rogues

9: Warrior's Guild Member
Function: Administrators Warriors and rewards adiconar flags (or not) if ordered by the king, ordering the purchase of armor and potions and
control bill won by guild.
Have control over: Warriors.

10: Wizzards Guild Member
Function: Administrators Wizzards adiconar rewards and flags (or not) if ordered by the king, ordering the purchase of armor and potions and
control bill won by guild, add magic and charm upgrades daily constructions (beta).
Have control over: Wizzards.

you can get more information on this site: http://www.majestyquest.com/ on 'world' tag

future will be posting more detail on the development, meanwhile I need ideas for balancing the positions and make it more important than commanding guild of adventurers.

Thank you all.
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Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
A question, is this a Warcraft III mod? Or a stand alone game? Because if its the later then it counts as advertising, and is illegal here on the Hive.

Or atleast I think it counts as advertising.

It's cool your making a fusion of two games though.


Level 12
Dec 17, 2009
A question, is this a Warcraft III mod? Or a stand alone game? Because if its the later then it counts as advertising, and is illegal here on the Hive.

Or atleast I think it counts as advertising.

It's cool your making a fusion of two games though.



nope, is not a wc3 mod
its ilegal? share a game development?
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
nope, is not a wc3 mod
its ilegal? share a game development?

Not 100% sure but a member about a month ago was advertising for a game he played unrelated to Warcraft and he was neg repped for it.

This is only about devloping a game so it may be okay, I'd have to ask one of the mods.


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Level 12
Dec 17, 2009
So this is a build a kingdom type of game or role play with a single character type of game?

Good luck with the project.

you controll a 'character', that lives on guilds,so you can customize yourself and things like that, you can control only your guild or you can only control things that is your job level, and if you are the best hmmmm... rangers guild member per example, you recieve awards and the best rangers attempt to enter the realm where your guild is leading you.

you cant controll any unit (tax collector, guild heroes, peasants etc..) they will evolve and grow dependent on the evolution of his kingdom.
Level 12
Dec 17, 2009
Any technical details? (language, libraries, engines, 2D/3D, whatever)
Anything to show graphics wise?
Do you have a site?

we dont have a specific Engine yet.
we are thinking about java, or as a MOD for a minecraft map per example (cool host/online system)
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