One Item Idea from each of you!

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Level 13
May 11, 2008
Please check the link(in my signature) for The Ancient Frontier and test the map out for a few minutes. Then please post here an item idea for the map. Simple, painless, and if everyone helps just a little, I'll get my map completed that much faster.

Just one item is fine. I have items that would drop from monsters as well as items that would be bought at shops.

Someone brought to my attention over 200 viewers to request forum so I thought why not make a request here.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Hey, how your map doin?
Shop - purchaseable
Name: ring of warlords
Effect: a darkish aura come out from hero, any unit that is in 600 range, will suffer a 5% mana loss
The bearer will gain 55% mana regeneration
Add 5 to all stat
Price: 6000
warlord's mark - make the bearer gain 55% mana regeneration (500 gold)
Ring of blankness - add 1 to all status (500 gold)

Dropped item:
claw of the wildkin (drop from wildkin, or something like a jungle beast)
Add 5 to damage
Level 18
Feb 13, 2011
Hi, luck with your project. The items names are a bit silly change them if you decide to use this idea.

Item: Savage Trap
Quality: Uncommon
Source: only recipe-purchasable
Usable: 3 charges
Effect: leave a trap (like a mine) in the terrain, the trap is invisible to enemy players and creeps. When and enemy hero steps on it, it is captured for 1.5 seconds (like entangling routs) also all neutral creeps are attracted (will attack) the entangled hero in a 1300 AOE (think in a mine that make triggering hero to “taunt”).
Details: 100 mana to cast, 450 cast range. Trap last 120 seconds, and taunt 10 seconds.
Cost: Recipe (300 gold)
3x Hunter’s trap (common item purchasable (200 gold each), stacks ups to 6. Usable, “lay a trap that last 100 seconds, will capture an enemy hero for 1.25 seconds”)
3x Creatures Essence (tricky idea, each time you kill a mid or high level neutral creep, you gain one of this, they are no given to the heroes but stored in the base for other later usage).
Level 13
May 11, 2008
Hi, luck with your project. The items names are a bit silly change them if you decide to use this idea.

Item: Savage Trap
Quality: Uncommon
Source: only recipe-purchasable
Usable: 3 charges
Effect: leave a trap (like a mine) in the terrain, the trap is invisible to enemy players and creeps. When and enemy hero steps on it, it is captured for 1.5 seconds (like entangling routs) also all neutral creeps are attracted (will attack) the entangled hero in a 1300 AOE (think in a mine that make triggering hero to “taunt”).
Details: 100 mana to cast, 450 cast range. Trap last 120 seconds, and taunt 10 seconds.
Cost: Recipe (300 gold)
3x Hunter’s trap (common item purchasable (200 gold each), stacks ups to 6. Usable, “lay a trap that last 100 seconds, will capture an enemy hero for 1.25 seconds”)
3x Creatures Essence (tricky idea, each time you kill a mid or high level neutral creep, you gain one of this, they are no given to the heroes but stored in the base for other later usage).

i like this suggestion, it shows you're actually paying attention to the map and being creative. i might use this or something like it.
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
cool AoS, i like the hero's. I think that the creeps respawn to quickly.

Item: Crown of the Vampire
Quality: Artifact
Source: only recipe-purchasable
Usable: Permanant
Effect: Saps life from surrounding enemy units and gives the life to the bearer stealing 5 Hps from units within 700 of the wearer also adds 5 intelligence.
Cost: Recipe (900 gold)
1x Mask of Death( purchasable(500-600) gives user 20% life steal)
2x Soul(Something you get from killing enemy hero's)
1x Crown of kings
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