Flying Dutchman's Gold coins: Gold! Gold! GOLD!
Flying Dutchman's Plastic Treasure Chest: Reflect a spell
Flying Dutchman's REAL treasure chest: More gold than the gold coins!
Flying Dutchman's Eating Sock: Life regeneration
Glove World Candy: Restore Mana, damage health.
Glove World Flashlight: Gives bearer better night vision, Unless in...Advanced Darkness..
Glove World Balloon: I have no idea..Bird form? Lol
Invisible Spray (If not already said): 60 second invisibility
Jelly Patty: Boost to agility, temporary speed boost. Hey all you people!
Lary The Snail: Summons a slow but very mean snail (from the Dumped episode)
Gravedigger's Shovel (From the Nasty Patty episode): 2 to damage?
Spongebob's Essay: Slow's down enemy with buff Lazyness, for 60 seconds.
Patrick's Poem Song: Silences enemy, and damages them.