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  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
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Official 2.11.05 Release - 09/02/08 - Minor Fixes

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Level 11
Jun 13, 2007
2.11.05 - Change Log
-Fixed Arcanist Drain Spirit so it returns mana once again.... oh boy thats the 2nd time I broke that damn spell
-Reduced Arcanist's Arcanic Missile to 5s so it syncs up with Arc explosion better
-Reduced Unstable Power's cooldown to 50s (120s? wtf why didn't anybody bitch about that)
-Summoned units now tele with you when you scroll of TP/waypoint/portal (not enter and exits for caves and such)

-Fixed tokens so all players can purchase them, not just player 1 (red)

-Fixed Hazthul so all his spawned units are cleaned up properly now after a reset
-Fixed Hazthul's items properly clean up after a reset

-Fixed many typos, spelling errors (thanks PoonT and curi)

-Increased the time between Reinforcements on the event to 300s (5 min) and now its only 1 foot man, 1 rifle, 1 priest
-Increased the cost on upgrades and new units a little bit (was too cheap)
-Increased the DPS on all enemy units that spawn on the event
-Made all enemy units in the event count as Undead (offensive heal targeting for DPS)

-All bosses now have reduced spell effect damage (except for things like blizzard, flamestrike) based on game mode:
Easy - 65% of the damage taken
Normal - 80%
Heroic - 90%
Leg / HC - 100%

-Murton now spawns 1 healer on easy, 2 on normal, all 3 on heroic, leg, hc
-Time between murton's events increased to 40s (up from 30)
-Murton now spawns 1 bile worm per player on normal and easy, 2 on heroic, leg, hc
-Murton's bile worms now only spawn for players currently active in the fight

2.11.04 - Change Log
-Resolved a complete separate and unrelated issue to the earlier mess that could once again.... corrupt your password! (this one was rare, but could happen, and did happen to a few people)
-Fixed a bug that was causing Drain Spirit to scale MUCH faster than intended (100% extra spell damage application), it is now base 45 + 210% spell damage (the way it was intended to be)
-Fixed many typos and spelling errors (Thanks PoonT!)
-Removed the model with purchasing tokens, now you will not see an item appear and disappear when buying something
-Added some extra checks to the token system that may be crashing the trigger causing people to not be able to buy their helms (yes, i think i figured it out guys!)
-Tweaked legendary HP a tad (overall, slightly lower % increase on HP, and attack speed)
-Increased the spawn time between They're Coming Right For Us waves, to be more balanced for its level
-Decreased the spawn time between Saving Nebu waves by 5s

2.11.03 - Change Log
-Resolved the issues that caused passwords to become corrupt
-Fixed 2 typo's in the hero loading screen
-Fixed the tooltip for Perception (had the old reflex stats still)
-Changed summons to auto add to your selection when summoned
-Buffed CM's pets a little bit with damage/armor/hp (all 3 pets)
-Increased Divine Presence to do base 45 heal + 55% of your SD (up from 37 and 40%)
-Lowered the mana drain effects on Disruption Aura and Fireform
-Increasd Disruption Aura's damage to: 35 + 70% of your SD (up from 26 and 60%)
-Removed the delay between Disruption Aura's first tick (it is now 2.5s per tick)
-Arcanic Explosion's CD is now 5s (up from 4s)
-Fixed a missing requirement ID that did not allow casters to use the new Orb offhand's from Hazthul

2.11.02 - Change Log
-Fixed way points... i swear this time
-Fixed the loading bar at the beginning, no longer goes to 101%
-Fixed a typo with the save code that still said: "Beta only"
-Fixed a bug with -lastpass (its now '-lastpass') and it works for all 8 players
-Fixed an issue that COULD occur with a save/load that would cause the game to crash
-Fixed a problem that would cause some items not to become BwE

2.11.XX changes in general:
Code Changes
-2.11.xx will NOT take codes from 2.10.xx or older, hence this is a code wipe. Everybody has to start over at level 1
-2.11 now locks the code to your bNet account name
-There are several security changes in the code that should help improve and fight against errors and typos

Stat / Sub Stat changes
-Stat has been removed from game. In its place: Perception. Does multiple things depending on your class:
-Increases both melee and spell crit chance
-Increases dodge chance
-Adds 0.25 to your hero's main stat (e.g. warrior gets Power, arcanist gets energy, rogue gets agility)

-Intel no longer increases crit chance, only spell damage
-All caster classes will now gain points into Perception and lose points into Intel for this (talking about the bonus 8 points every class gets per level, not the 5 you get to spend)

-Two pathing exploits/bugs fixed (temple inside by statues and outside obelisk)
-Dry Run Mines now has a series of doors and levers you must activate to push through to Murton as well as preplaced unit spawns
-One new zone Added: The Neburian Foothills

Class Changes
-All abilities classified as spell damage is now treated as such. Armor will no longer reduce the damage (after numbers are displayed) of things such as: Fireball, Arcanic Explosion, Smite, Explosive Arrows.
-Abilities such as Cleave, Bash, Whirlslash will still be reduced by a units armor value (the number that displays showing damage does not and cannot reflect the reduced damage, or actual damage the unit took)

-Kinetic Shield now heals for 150% of the shield's original HP instead of 100%

Chaotic Mage
-Skelly Warriors and Mages now have a 12s cooldown
-Skelly warriors damage growth rate reduced a lot, HP & armor growth rate decreased slightly
-Skelly mages damage growth rate increased, HP & armor growth rate decreased a lot
-Drain Life damage per tick reduced slightly
-Corruption can no longer crit (never intended to) and corruptions damage is now balanced
-Shadowburn's damage is now increased and mana cost decreased

-Healing Flash now heals summoned units

-Rejuve now targets pets/summons & the mechanix of it have been altered, it now always lasts 20s and ticks every 4s
-Regrowth now only received 35% bonus healing when used on a target with rejuve, however the rejuve effect is NOT removed anymore
-Overgrowth reworked internally to be more accurate with targeting / damage / releasing

-BoP now adds 2 buffs, one which is the damage reduction, fades after 10s (the way it is now) the 2nd fades after 20s (which is the death prevention)
-Judging of BoL and Divine Presense now heals summoned units

-Ignition no longer consumes the DB dot, it just gains bonus damage

-Fixed an issue with lag & Hail of Arrows that caused it to fire less arrows than it should have
-AP changes that effect the rogue (listed below) also effect the Ranger
-Frost and lightning traps no longer do damage
-Frost trap's duration increased to 20s
-Lightning traps stun decreased to 3s

-Stalk has been removed from the game and replaced with Vanish. Vanish now makes you invisible for 10s and you gain 10% movement speed.
-Ambushing now requires Vanish
-Rogues now gain the bulk of their AP from agility with some from power (opposite of warrior and barb for compairison)

Summoned Units / Pets
-All summoned units now take 50% of any AoE damage incurred during boss fights

-New quests have been added to continue the storyline past Murton and the plague. These quests must be completed before accessing the new zone (see below)
-Key quests are now stored in your password, it is no longer possible to teleport to different towns based on zones. Example: To teleport to Vormur Temple, you must have been in a game and completed Restoring the Portals. To teleport to Grom'Gol you must have completed Proving your worth, etc. These quest completions are stored from game to game.
-The 3 grom'gol optional quests that unlock after killing twins are now available as part of the zone on you way to kill twins. Their levels have been adjusted accordingly
-Quest exp has been increased slightly across the board
-Quest gold has been increased dramatically across the board
-If you are above 7 levels on a quest, you no longer gain exp from it, you still gain gold

Game Mode
-Hardcore Mode has been added, info here: The Kingdom of Kaliron :: View topic - 2.11 - New Game Mode

-All bosss special abilities and trigger damage is no longer reduced by armor (e.g. Kyron's Whirlslash, Murton's Bloated, etc)
-Feedback on Murton's Bile worms reduced to 1 (down from 2)

-Added Death Wards to the game. When taking damage that would normally kill you, you lose all your mana and heal to 75% HP instead of dying. This item has 1 charge, the buff lasts for 30s, has a 1 hour cooldown
-Added epic offhand items for most classes that drop off Hazthul
-New lvl 34 Epic necks can now be found in Hardcore mode only off bosses. The harder the boss, the better the chance it drops. There are 3 different necks: Caster, Physical, Tank
-All items are now BwE (Bind when Equipped). Once you put it on, you can never drop it
-Upon loading your hero, all items become bound to your hero.
-Channeling spells can no longer continue to channel after using a Scroll of Portal
-Portal change: There will be pre-set waypoints you can use the portals at instead of anywhere you want to, the CoP's will be still be used for these

Misc Changes / Improvements
-New char command "-lastpass" will display the last password again that you have saved, just incase you didnt copy it before it goes off the screen
-DPS and HPS meters are now part of the party multiboard, these meters will show over the last 10s your DPS, or HPS (heal per second)
-In general, gold from monster kills and selling items is decreased, bosses and mini bosses will still give higher amounts
-The Sub stat multiboard now includes your hero's abilities and breaks them down for damage, healing, durations, bonus effects (such as shield HP, chance to proc rates, bonus hp/mp% from battle orders, and so on)

Set Item Drops Change
Twins no longer drop helms, Kyron, boots, or Murton, gloves. Instead they drop 1 of 6 item tokens. These tokens can be exchanged for the set item for your class. This will speed up the loot process and reduce the number of tedious runs players have to do.
Easy = 0 tokens
Normal = 1 token
Heroic = 1 tokens + 40% chance for a 2nd
Legendary = 2 tokens
Hardcore = 3 tokens

These tokens do NOT effect epic items, they drop the same way, these are for set items only

Official Download
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Level 1
Sep 1, 2008
whats up with the download

I was wondering when u planned on posting the new map to epicwars, the link in this site wont let me download, the page says it has an error, and this is the only place i can find the map, so i cant play
Level 11
Jun 13, 2007
despite all the bad shit that happened today with 2.11

we will move on and get past all of this, updated the main link
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