Object Movement System [vjass] [FIXED]

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hey, i've uploaded this once allready,
but it was very buggy, this time its made out of structs,
using a better base.

----------- What is this?
The answer is simple, this is a code that allows you to create missles, move units, make them arc, be homing, etc.
this is a very usefull map for shooting maps,
because this allows you to make unlimited missle types with just 1 unit type, and 1 model.
you can also make the hero jump, and other cool stuff.
----------- Will you continue it?
i probably wont, but i will update anything the moderators want me to,
so it will be approved.
REASON: i quit wc..

the only con is that it doesnt recycle units,
and it doesnt recycle count untill i figure out HOW to make it to do so,
i tried this:

function oncreate
    set count = count + 1

function release
    set count = count - 1
    if count == 0 then
        reset all counts here.

well, thanks to any 1 who can help me.

and homing missle doesnt work, so avoid using the spell ingame.

library ObjectSystem initializer OnInit requires optional StunTarget
    * Created by [email protected]                         *
    * User API: (note that @ refers to Object, and # refers to Object value that you recieve
    * From creating.)
    * ** Usefull ones **
    * @create(owning player, startX, startY, facing angle)
    * @createEX(owning player, startX, startY, endX, endY)
    * #SetObject(NewUnit, DestroyEffect?)
    * #Homing(to make the missle homing? requires to set your own target, or else it wont do nothing but lags!)
    * #RegisterImpactAction(OnImpact.function name) // must be above the calling function.
    * ** Editing specific values **
    * #distance(new distance)
    * #damage(new damage)
    * #height(new height)
    * #attackType(attacktype)
    * #damageType(damagetype)
    * #weapontype(weapontype)
    * #toKill(kill object on impact?) #hitEnemies(to hit enemies only, or allies too?)
    * #attack(attack boolean for damaging units) #ranged(ranged boolean for damaging units)
    * #scale(the missle size (doesnt really change, just acts a colliseun size))
    * #checkOffsetZ(check offset Z of the missle, or ignore it?)
    * #arc(to use arc for the object?) $arcCurve(the curve of the arc.)
    * #setEffect(the model path for the object model) #hitTerrain(hit terrain, or ignore it?)
    * #heightDiffrence(the diffrence of the height that units can collide with each other,
    * ** for example, object has 200 height, enemy has 100 height, diffrence is 100, they will collide.
    * ** enemy has 0 height, diffrence height is 100, they will not collide.
    * #duration(the duration of the missle untill it gets released)
    * #maxdistance(the max distance of the missle untill it gets released)
    * ** duration and maxdistance cancel each other. (the last one called, is the real usage of the missle)
    * ** optional library **
    * ** theres a optional library called StunTarget, it allows you to
    * ** stun units on impact with object.
    * ** this is how you register the impact event:
    * ** important also: interval = 0.032 seconds.
    * #StunOnImpact(real damageperinterval, real duration, boolean StunCheck)
    * ** the check is used for disabling/enabling the stun event.
    * ** so if you want it off, you just do
    * #StunOnImpact(0, 0, false)
    * ** if you want it on, you do:
    * #StunOnImpact(damage per interval(interval = 0.032), duration (the duration that the stun lasts for) boolean true)
    * **************** Last Words By Me **************************
    * ** hope you find this sytem usefull!                       *
    * ** Enjoy making your map =]                                *
    * ***************** just a Example: **************************
    *                ** this is how i called the defaults for the objects.
    *                call this.distance(Missle_Distance_Traveled)
    *                call this.damage(Missle_Damage_On_Impact)
    *                call this.height(Missle_Height_On_Creation)
    *                call this.toKill(Missle_Destroy_On_Impact)
    *                call this.hitEnemies(Missle_Enemies_Only)
    *                call this.attackType(Missle_Damage_Attacktype)
    *                call this.damageType(Missle_Damage_Damagetype)
    *                call this.weaponType(Missle_Damage_Weapontype)
    *                call this.attack(Missle_Damage_Attack)
    *                call this.ranged(Missle_Damage_Ranged)
    *                call this.scale(Missle_Default_Scale)
    *                call this.checkOffsetZ(Missle_Check_OffsetZ)
    *                call this.arc(Missle_Use_Arc)
    *                call this.arcCurve(Missle_Default_Arc_Curve)
    *                call this.setEffect(Missle_Creation_Model_Path)
    *                call this.hitTerrain(Missle_Hit_Terrain)
    *                call this.heightDiffrence(Missle_Default_Height_Diffrence)
    *                if Missle_Run_On_Duration then
    *                    call this.duration(Missle_Duration_Traveled)
    *                elseif not Missle_Run_On_Duration then
    *                    call this.maxdistance(Missle_MaxDistance_Traveled)
    *                endif
    * ***************** End Of Example ***************************
    * Remember: this was made by dardas from hiveworkshop.com!   *
    function interface OnImpact takes Object id returns nothing
    struct Object
        //============== Default Setup
        private static constant integer Missle_Dummy_Raw                 = 'e000'
        private static constant real Missle_Damage_On_Impact             = 150 // the damage the missle will deal to the target on impact
        private static constant real Missle_Distance_Traveled            = 25 // the distance the missle will travel in every 0.032 seconds.
        private static constant real Missle_Duration_Traveled            = 0.75 // the duration the missle will travel untill it will get destroyed
        private static constant real Missle_MaxDistance_Traveled         = 1500 // the max distance traveled by the missle untill it will get destroyed
        private static constant real Missle_Height_On_Creation           = 50 // the height of the missle when its created.
        private static constant real Missle_Default_Scale                = 3 // the size of the missle, used to hit enemies. (acts as collision)
        private static constant real Missle_Default_Arc_Curve            = 1.8 // the curve of the arc when shooting an arced missle.
        private static constant real Missle_Default_Height_Diffrence     = 50.5 // the diffrence between the 2 units height so they collide.(on impact)
        private static constant boolean Missle_Destroy_On_Impact         = true // if true it will destroy the missle automaticly on impact.
        private static constant boolean Missle_Run_On_Duration           = true // if false it will destroy the missle after max distance is done.
        private static constant boolean Missle_Enemies_Only              = true // if false, it will deal damage to enemies only, and will pass by allies.
        private static constant boolean Missle_Return_Last               = false // if true, you will be able to use the Object.last function.
        private static constant boolean Missle_Check_OffsetZ             = false // if true, the object will keep same height when going off cliffs, or etc.
        private static constant boolean Missle_Use_Arc                   = true // if true, the missle will arc untill it reaches the target point.
        private static constant boolean Missle_Hit_Terrain               = true // if true, the missle will get automaticly released when terrain height is higher then the missle height.
        private static constant string Missle_Creation_Model_Path        = "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\DeathCoil\\DeathCoilMissile.mdl" // the model automaticly created to the missle on creation.
        private static constant attacktype Missle_Damage_Attacktype      = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL // the attacktype used to damage enemies.
        private static constant damagetype Missle_Damage_Damagetype      = DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL // the damagetype used to damage enemies.
        private static constant weapontype Missle_Damage_Weapontype      = WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS // the weapontype used to damage enemies.
        private static constant boolean Missle_Damage_Attack             = false // not really sure what this 2 do,
        private static constant boolean Missle_Damage_Ranged             = false // but i think this 1 means if the attack is melle or ranged.
        //============== Dont touch below ~ For Your Own Good ~
            private static thistype Count                                = 0
            private static thistype Count2                               = 0
            private static integer Count3                                = 0
            private static integer Count4                                = 0
            private static thistype dummy_id                             = 0
            private static location MountainLoc                          = Location(0, 0)
            private static group Group                                   = CreateGroup()
            private real Speed                                           = 0
            private real Duration                                        = 0
            private real MaxDist                                         = 0
            private real Damage                                          = 0
            private real Height                                          = 0
            private real StunDuration                                    = 0
            private real StunDps                                         = 0
            private real Size                                            = 0
            private real check                                           = 0
            private real curve                                           = 0
            private real HeightDiffrence                                 = 0
            private boolean DestroyOnImpact                              = false
            private boolean RunOnDuration                                = false
            private boolean EnemiesOnly                                  = false
            private boolean Stun                                         = false
            private boolean CheckOffsetZ                                 = false
            private boolean useArc                                       = false
            private boolean HitTerrain                                   = false
            private boolean executedImpact                               = false
            private boolean homing                                       = false
            private string ModelPath                                     = ""
            private effect Effect                                        = null
            private attacktype Attacktype                                = null
            private damagetype Damagetype                                = null
            private weapontype Weapontype                                = null
            private boolean Attack                                       = false
            private boolean Ranged                                       = false
            private OnImpact On_Impact                                   = 0
                readonly real x                                          = 0
                readonly real y                                          = 0
                readonly real startX                                     = 0
                readonly real startY                                     = 0
                readonly real angle                                      = 0
                readonly unit Object                                     = null
                readonly unit HomingTarget                               = null
                readonly boolean isUsed                                  = true
                readonly static thistype last                            = 0
                static method create takes player owner, real x, real y, real facing returns Object
                        set Count = Count + 1
                        set Count3 = Count3 + 1
                        set Count4 = Count4 + 1
                        set Count.startX = x
                        set Count.startY = y
                        set Count.Object = CreateUnit(owner, Missle_Dummy_Raw, x, y, facing)       
                        set Count.angle = facing
                        set Count.isUsed = true
                        set Count.executedImpact = false
                        call Count.useDefaults()
                            if Missle_Return_Last then
                                set last = Count
                    return Count
                static method createEX takes player owner, real startX, real startY, real endX, real endY returns Object
                        set Count = Count + 1
                        set Count3 = Count3 + 1
                        set Count4 = Count4 + 1
                        set Count.startX = startX
                        set Count.startY = startY
                        set Count.angle = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(endY - startY, endX - startX)
                        set Count.Object = CreateUnit(owner, Missle_Dummy_Raw, startX, startY, Count.angle)
                        set Count.isUsed = true
                        call Count.useDefaults()
                            if Missle_Return_Last then
                                set last = Count
                        // extra for EX function
                        call Count.maxdistance(SquareRoot((endX - startX) * (endX - startX) - (endY - startY) * (endY - startY)))
                    return Count
                method SetObject takes unit object, boolean removeeffect returns nothing
                    call RemoveUnit(this.Object)
                    set this.Object = object
                    if removeeffect then
                        call DestroyEffect(this.Effect)
                        set this.Effect = null
                        call this.setEffect(this.ModelPath)
                method setHomingTarget takes unit target returns nothing
                    set this.HomingTarget = target
                //======================= Making my life easier..
                    private method CaculateArc takes nothing returns nothing
                        local real dx = 0
                        local real dy = 0
                        local real dx2 = 0
                        local real dy2 = 0
                        local real md = 0
                            if this.RunOnDuration then
                                set md = FindMaxDistance(this.Speed, this.Duration)
                                set md = this.MaxDist
                            set dx = this.startX - this.x
                            set dy = this.startY - this.y
                            set dx2 = (this.startX + md * Cos (this.angle)) - this.startX
                            set dy2 = (this.startY + md * Sin (this.angle)) - this.startY 
                                set this.Height = JumpParabola(SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy), SquareRoot(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2), this.curve)
                                call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.Object, this.Height, 0)
                    private method CrushCheck takes nothing returns nothing
                        local real x = GetUnitX(this.Object) + 25 * Cos (this.angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
                        local real y = GetUnitY(this.Object) + 25 * Sin (this.angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
                        if this.HitTerrain then
                            if GetCoordinateZ(x, y) >= GetUnitFlyHeight(this.Object) + GetUnitZ(this.Object) then
                                call this.Release()
                    private method ChangeHomingAngle takes nothing returns nothing
                        local unit new = null
                        local player p = null
                        local real x = 0
                        local real y = 0
                        if this.homing then
                            set p = GetOwningPlayer(this.Object)
                            set x = GetUnitX(this.Object)
                            set y = GetUnitY(this.Object)
                            set this.angle = Atan2(GetUnitY(this.HomingTarget) - y, GetUnitX(this.HomingTarget) - x)
                            call SetUnitFacing(this.Object, this.angle)
                        set new = null
                //======================= Math methods
                    private static method FindMaxDistance takes real Distance, real Duration returns real
                    // this function caculates max distance using distance and duration.
                    // this is by diehard@azeroth from hiveworkshop.
                        return (Distance/0.032) * Duration
                    private static method FindDuration takes real Distance, real MaxDistance returns real
                    // this function caculates duration using max distance and distance.
                    // made by dardas
                    // made by kristian: Max distance * Interval / speed (just incase)
                        return MaxDistance / (Distance/0.032)
                    private static method JumpParabola takes real dist, real maxdist,real curve returns real
                        // This function calculates the unit Z for a parabolic arc, by Shadow1500
                        // brought to me by diehard@azeroth from hiveworkshop.com
                        local real t = (dist*2)/maxdist-1
                        return (-t*t+1)*(maxdist/curve)
                    private static method GetUnitZ takes unit u returns real
                        // finds a unit location Z, instead using another location.
                        return GetCoordinateZ(GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u))
                    private static method GetCoordinateZ takes real x, real y returns real
                    // finds x/y location Z using a re-used dummy.
                        call MoveLocation(MountainLoc, x, y)
                        return GetLocationZ(MountainLoc)
                    private static method GetZFactor takes real NewX, real NewY, real OldX, real OldY returns real
                        // this function caculates the Z offset of 2 locations.
                        // this function is by Inferior from hiveworkshop.com
                        local real z = 0
                        call MoveLocation(MountainLoc, NewX, NewY)
                        set z = GetLocationZ(MountainLoc)
                        call MoveLocation(MountainLoc, OldX, OldY)
                        return z - GetLocationZ(MountainLoc)
                method allowFlight takes nothing returns nothing
                    call UnitAddAbility(this.Object, 'Amrf')
                    call UnitRemoveAbility(this.Object, 'Amrf')
                private method useDefaults takes nothing returns nothing
                    call this.distance(Missle_Distance_Traveled)
                    call this.damage(Missle_Damage_On_Impact)
                    call this.height(Missle_Height_On_Creation)
                    call this.toKill(Missle_Destroy_On_Impact)
                    call this.hitEnemies(Missle_Enemies_Only)
                    call this.attackType(Missle_Damage_Attacktype)
                    call this.damageType(Missle_Damage_Damagetype)
                    call this.weaponType(Missle_Damage_Weapontype)
                    call this.attack(Missle_Damage_Attack)
                    call this.ranged(Missle_Damage_Ranged)
                    call this.scale(Missle_Default_Scale)
                    call this.checkOffsetZ(Missle_Check_OffsetZ)
                    call this.arc(Missle_Use_Arc)
                    call this.arcCurve(Missle_Default_Arc_Curve)
                    call this.setEffect(Missle_Creation_Model_Path)
                    call this.hitTerrain(Missle_Hit_Terrain)
                    call this.heightDiffrence(Missle_Default_Height_Diffrence)
                    if Missle_Run_On_Duration then
                        call this.duration(Missle_Duration_Traveled)
                    elseif not Missle_Run_On_Duration then
                        call this.maxdistance(Missle_MaxDistance_Traveled)
                method Release takes nothing returns nothing
                if this.isUsed then
                    if this.executedImpact == false then
                        call this.On_Impact.execute(this)
                        set this.executedImpact = true
                    set Count3 = Count3 - 1
                    call DestroyEffect(this.Effect)
                    set this.Effect = null
                    set this.isUsed = false
                    if this.DestroyOnImpact then
                        call RemoveUnit(this.Object)
                    //if Count3 == 0 and Count4 == Count then
                    //    set Count = 0
                    //    set Count2 = 0
                    //    set Count3 = 0
                    //    set Count4 = 0
                    //    call DisplayTimedTextToForce(GetPlayersAll(), 2, "|c00FF0000[DEBUG]|r |c0000FF00Restarted the count|r")
                    set this.Object = null
                private method DamageFilter takes unit target returns nothing
                    call UnitDamageTarget(this.Object, target, this.Damage, this.Attack, this.Ranged, this.Attacktype, this.Damagetype, this.Weapontype)
                private static method UnitGroup takes nothing returns nothing
                    call dummy_id.On_Impact.execute(dummy_id)
                    set dummy_id.executedImpact = true
                    call dummy_id.DamageFilter(GetEnumUnit())
                        if dummy_id.DestroyOnImpact then
                            call dummy_id.Release()
                private static method DamageBoolexpr takes nothing returns boolean
                    local real diffrence = dummy_id.Height - GetUnitFlyHeight(GetFilterUnit())
                    local boolean result = dummy_id.HeightDiffrence > diffrence and diffrence > -dummy_id.HeightDiffrence
                        if dummy_id.EnemiesOnly then
                            set result = IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(dummy_id.Object)) /*
                            */and dummy_id.HeightDiffrence > diffrence and diffrence > -dummy_id.HeightDiffrence
                    return GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) > 0.405 and result
                private method Actions takes nothing returns nothing
                    set dummy_id = this
                    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(Group, this.x, this.y, this.Size * 10, Condition(function Object.DamageBoolexpr))
                    call ForGroup(Group, function Object.UnitGroup)
                //! textmacro loop takes Check, Increase, By
                private method onLoop$By$ takes nothing returns nothing
                    if this.check < $Check$ then
                        set this.check = this.check + $Increase$
                        set this.x = GetUnitX(this.Object) + this.Speed * Cos (this.angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
                        set this.y = GetUnitY(this.Object) + this.Speed * Sin (this.angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
                        call SetUnitX(this.Object, this.x)
                        call SetUnitY(this.Object, this.y)
                        if this.useArc then
                            call this.CaculateArc()
                        elseif this.CheckOffsetZ then
                            call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.Object, GetZFactor(this.x, this.y, GetUnitX(this.Object), GetUnitY(this.Object)), 0)
                        call this.ChangeHomingAngle()
                        call this.CrushCheck()
                        call this.Actions()
                        call this.Release()
                //! endtextmacro
                //! runtextmacro loop("this.Duration", "0.032", "Duration")
                //! runtextmacro loop("this.MaxDist", "this.Speed", "Distance")
                private static method LoopSplit takes nothing returns nothing
                    set Count2 = 0
                    if Count != 0 then
                        set Count2 = Count2 + 1
                            if Count2.RunOnDuration then
                                call Count2.onLoopDuration()
                                call Count2.onLoopDistance()
                        exitwhen Count2 >= Count
                method setEffect takes string eff returns nothing
                    if this.Effect != null then
                        call DestroyEffect(this.Effect)
                        set this.Effect = null
                    set this.ModelPath = eff
                    set this.Effect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(eff, this.Object, "origin")
                method TriggerAddImpactAction takes OnImpact executefunc returns nothing
                    set this.On_Impact = executefunc
                //! textmacro CAP takes head, name, takes, returns, body, body2, return
                    $head$ method $name$ takes $takes$ returns $returns$
                //! endtextmacro
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "distance", "real distance", "nothing", "set this.Speed = distance", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "duration", "real duration", "nothing", "set this.Duration = duration", "set this.RunOnDuration = true", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "maxdistance", "real maxdistance", "nothing", "set this.MaxDist = maxdistance", "set this.RunOnDuration = false", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "damage", "real damage", "nothing", "set this.Damage = damage", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "height", "real height", "nothing", "set this.Height = height", "call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.Object, height, 0)", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "scale", "real scale", "nothing", "set this.Size = scale", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "arcCurve", "real curve", "nothing", "set this.curve = curve", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "heightDiffrence", "real diffrence", "nothing", "set this.HeightDiffrence = diffrence", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "toKill", "boolean kill", "nothing", "set this.DestroyOnImpact = kill", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "hitEnemies", "boolean hitEnemies", "nothing", "set this.EnemiesOnly = hitEnemies", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "checkOffsetZ", "boolean Check", "nothing", "set this.CheckOffsetZ = Check", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "arc", "boolean useArc", "nothing", "set this.useArc = useArc", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "hitTerrain", "boolean hit", "nothing", "set this.HitTerrain = hit", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "Homing", "boolean homingmissle", "nothing", "set this.homing = homingmissle", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "attackType", "attacktype data", "nothing", "set this.Attacktype = data", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "damageType", "damagetype data", "nothing", "set this.Damagetype = data", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "weaponType", "weapontype data", "nothing", "set this.Weapontype = data", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "attack", "boolean attack", "nothing", "set this.Attack = attack", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "ranged", "boolean ranged", "nothing", "set this.Ranged = ranged", "", "")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getDistance", "nothing", "real", "", "", "return this.Speed")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getDuration", "nothing", "real", "", "", "return this.Duration")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getMaxDistance", "nothing", "real", "", "", "return this.MaxDist")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getDamage", "nothing", "real", "", "", "return this.Damage")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getHeight", "nothing", "real", "", "", "return this.Height")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getScale", "nothing", "real", "", "", "return this.Size")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getArcCurve", "nothing", "real", "", "", "return this.curve")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getHeightDiffrence", "nothing", "real", "", "", "return this.HeightDiffrence")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getToKill", "nothing", "boolean", "", "", "return this.DestroyOnImpact")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getHitEnemies", "nothing", "boolean", "", "", "return this.EnemiesOnly")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getCheckOffsetZ", "nothing", "boolean", "", "", "return this.CheckOffsetZ")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getArc", "nothing", "boolean", "", "", "return this.useArc")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getHitTerrain", "nothing", "boolean", "", "", "return this.HitTerrain")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getAttackType", "nothing", "attacktype", "", "", "return this.Attacktype")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getDamageType", "nothing", "damagetype", "", "", "return this.Damagetype")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getWeaponType", "nothing", "weapontype", "", "", "return this.Weapontype")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getAttack", "nothing", "boolean", "", "", "return this.Attack")
                //! runtextmacro CAP("", "getRanged", "nothing", "boolean", "", "", "return this.Ranged")
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.032, true, function s__Object_LoopSplit)

library Shoot initializer OnInit requires ObjectSystem

    private function OnCast takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
        local real x = GetUnitX(u) + SquareRoot((GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitX(u)) * (GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitX(u)) + (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitY(u)) * (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitY(u))) * Cos (GetUnitFacing(u) * bj_DEGTORAD)
        local real y = GetUnitY(u) + SquareRoot((GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitX(u)) * (GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitX(u)) + (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitY(u)) * (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitY(u))) * Sin (GetUnitFacing(u) * bj_DEGTORAD)
        local Object dat = Object.create(GetOwningPlayer(u), GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), GetUnitFacing(u)) 
        call dat.maxdistance(SquareRoot((x - GetUnitX(u)) * (x - GetUnitX(u)) + (y - GetUnitY(u)) * (y - GetUnitY(u))))
        set u = null
    private function OnCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A000'
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger DM = CreateTrigger()
            call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(DM, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
            call TriggerAddCondition(DM, Condition(function OnCond))
            call TriggerAddAction(DM, function OnCast)
        set DM = null

library Jump initializer OnInit requires ObjectSystem

    private function OnCast takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
        local real x = GetUnitX(u) + SquareRoot((GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitX(u)) * (GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitX(u)) + (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitY(u)) * (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitY(u))) * Cos (GetUnitFacing(u) * bj_DEGTORAD)
        local real y = GetUnitY(u) + SquareRoot((GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitX(u)) * (GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitX(u)) + (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitY(u)) * (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - GetUnitY(u))) * Sin (GetUnitFacing(u) * bj_DEGTORAD)
        local Object dat = Object.create(GetOwningPlayer(u), GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), GetUnitFacing(u))
        call dat.SetObject(u, true)
        call dat.damage(0)
        call dat.toKill(false)
        call dat.arc(true)
        call dat.arcCurve(1.8)
        call dat.allowFlight()
        call dat.maxdistance(SquareRoot((x - GetUnitX(u)) * (x - GetUnitX(u)) + (y - GetUnitY(u)) * (y - GetUnitY(u))))
        set u = null
    private function OnCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A001'
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger DM = CreateTrigger()
            call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(DM, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
            call TriggerAddCondition(DM, Condition(function OnCond))
            call TriggerAddAction(DM, function OnCast)
        set DM = null

library Homing initializer OnInit requires ObjectSystem
    // this spell is not finished yet,
    // i will finish this when i got some more time,
    // since im working on my own project.. and homing missles on that project is very useless.
    // maybe ill add a createHoming option instead of all this.
    // oh yeah, if any 1 figures out why the atan2 returns 0 all the time, tell me =]
        private player p = null
    private function IS_UNIT_ALIVE takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) > 0.405 and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), p)
    private function OnCast takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
        local unit t = null
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        local real ang = 0
        local Object dat = 0
        set p = GetOwningPlayer(u)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), 1500, Condition(function IS_UNIT_ALIVE))
            set t = FirstOfGroup(g)
        set ang = Atan2(GetUnitY(t) - GetUnitY(u), GetUnitX(t) - GetUnitX(u))
        set dat = Object.create(GetOwningPlayer(u), GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), ang)
        call dat.distance(35)
        call dat.arc(false)
        call dat.checkOffsetZ(true)
        call dat.maxdistance(2500)
        call dat.setHomingTarget(t)
        call dat.Homing(true)
        set u = null
        set t = null
        call DestroyGroup(g)
    private function OnCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A003'
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger DM = CreateTrigger()
            call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(DM, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
            call TriggerAddCondition(DM, Condition(function OnCond))
            call TriggerAddAction(DM, function OnCast)
        set DM = null

library Grenade initializer OnInit requires ObjectSystem
        private Object dummy_id = 0
    private function IS_UNIT_ALIVE takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) > 0.405 and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(dummy_id.Object))
    private function Explosion takes nothing returns nothing
        call UnitDamageTarget(dummy_id.Object, GetEnumUnit(), 175, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
    private function OnImpactFunction takes Object id returns nothing
        local Object new = 0
        local real angle = 0
        local integer c = 0
        local real c2 = 0
        local real explosionAoe = 175
        local real minaoe = 235
        local real maxaoe = 275
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Human\\HCancelDeath\\HCancelDeath.mdl", id.x, id.y))
            set dummy_id = id
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, id.x, id.y, explosionAoe, Condition(function IS_UNIT_ALIVE))
            call ForGroup(g, function Explosion)
                    set c = c + 1
                    set c2 = c2 + 60
                    set angle = GetRandomReal(c2 - 59, c2)
                    set new = Object.create(GetOwningPlayer(id.Object), id.x, id.y, angle)
                    call new.maxdistance(GetRandomReal(minaoe, maxaoe))
                    call new.setEffect("Abilities\\Weapons\\FireBallMissile\\FireBallMissile.mdl")
                    call new.scale(4.5)
                    call new.damage(85)
                    call new.arc(true)
                    call new.arcCurve(0.539)
                    call new.distance(7)
                exitwhen c == 6
            call DestroyGroup(g)
    private function OnCast takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
        local Object dat = Object.create(GetOwningPlayer(u), GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), GetUnitFacing(u)) 
        call dat.arc(true)
        call dat.arcCurve(1.8)
        call dat.maxdistance(SquareRoot((GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - dat.x) * (GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - dat.x) + (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - dat.y) * (GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc()) - dat.y)))
        call dat.damage(0)
        call dat.TriggerAddImpactAction(OnImpact.OnImpactFunction)
        set u = null
    private function OnCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A002'
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger DM = CreateTrigger()
            call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(DM, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
            call TriggerAddCondition(DM, Condition(function OnCond))
            call TriggerAddAction(DM, function OnCast)
        set DM = null

How to use:
this code is made in vjass, which allowed me to use structs,
this is how you create a simple missle, that will use defaults only, and it will be very basic.
Object.create(Owner of the missle, start coordinate x, start coordinate y, the angle the missle will move toward to.)

basicly, it will create the missle for that player, why does it matter which player?
because on impact, it damages the targets.
if the targets die on hit, they will give bounty/etc to the killing player,
so that would be the player you set up there.

start coordinate x/y = the starting coordinates where the missle will spawn at.

angle is the angle the missle will go toward to, for example
if angle is 180, the missle will go straight there -->.
i recommand doing the "shooter" facing.

----- note the api inside the code it self. ------

projectile, object, move, movement, system, stun, target, jump, awesome, dardas, vjass, jass, rocks

Just another Warcraft III map (Map)

12th Dec 2015 IcemanBo: Too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected. 13:40, 25th Feb 2011 Bribe: struct Object Very poor name for a struct. It needs to be something else so it doesn't conflict with any other libraries, or set to "public struct"...




12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: Too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.

13:40, 25th Feb 2011
struct Object

Very poor name for a struct. It needs to be something else so it doesn't conflict with any other libraries, or set to "public struct" or "private struct".

Indexing is absolutely terrible. Why are you incrementing three variables? This should be using something like Timer32, plus your onInit is bad... why s__Object_LoopSplit? I advise never using the compiled name because sometimes vJass will add triple-underscore instead of double.

The textmacros are terrible and makes it all but impossible to review for efficiency. CAP is also a poor name for a textmacro and should be prefixed better.

"Object Movement System" is also pretty generic name which doesn't describe its function. This more looks like an XE Effect which is already horrible as-is.

There are a million libraries which already handle these functions, and handle them more efficiently, without bugs. I advise putting a lot more effort into this.

Status: Rejected until updated
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
well.. no matter,
its funny how you'r allways the first to reply =]
this 1, and old one.
well, if you mean Second one as the old object system,
i know.
other then that, i dont get what you say ;p

edit: just looked at "stun target" and saw what you meant =]
Level 4
Aug 4, 2010
couldn't you explain a little bit about how it works and what you're suppost to do with it or use it?..