Advanced Camera, Keyboard & Movement System

This is my Advanced Camera, Keyboard and Arrow Key Movement System requested by Nara-shikamaru and many other users.

The Camera System
The camera system is basicly a system that adjusts the camera distance, height and angle.
This prevents the camera from going through doodads or blocking your view when you walk away from them or even up a hill...
Well its MPI and easy to handle!
Read the beginning of the code to see the included functions!
The important values are changeable ingame AND NOW FOR EACH PLAYER SEPERATELY!!

But what makes this system advanced?
In contrast to many other camera systems this one isn't interrupted by items or units standing in your way. It adjusts the zAngle, too, but not like 'bamm' and the new angle is there!! It's smooth and lagg free!!!

The Keyboard System
nothing new but VERY useful as i think...
always when you want to create a effective arrow key movement system or a sniper system or anything else using the arrow keys you need to create 8 triggers: 4 for the key press event and 4 for the key release event.
this system just brings you these triggers, merged and optimized.
now you don't need 8 triggers you just need 1.
You have a function to check whether key xy is pressed.
in addition you have the power to register double press events to triggers.
they will fire when key xy is pressed twice within 0.5 seconds (adjustable).

The Arrow Key Movement System
nothing new, too, but useful, lagg free, MPI and it features custom plugins!
It has the basic functions of each arrow key system:
Up = move towards facing
Down = walk backwards
Left = turn left
Right = turn right
BUT my system doesn't collide with walls, it slides along them!
it is fully MPI so each player can control one unit, even if he doesn't own that unit!
And as i haven't seen this in any movement system before:
when a unit walks backwards it's animation is played reversed, too, so it doesn't look crappy :D Even flying units are supported!!

In addition everyone can expand this system by coding own plugins!!
For this test map I created the following ones:
Double Up press = dash foreward
Double Down Press = turn 180° around
Double Left or Right press = move in that direction without changing the facing angle...

check out the how to's in the test map to create your own plugins!

The test map uses all systems by giving you arrow key movement control over a soldier walking around in a small but lovely village.
To test the zAngle feature please walk outside the village where the hills begin :D

I was asked why i placed items there, because your unit can't pickup items...
Well other systems collide with items and count them as a wall!
My doesn't... it ignores them ;D

you need JNGP and some JASS knowledge to get this code working correctly

If you need a GUI tutorial for this system then read this one, made by Kirizaru


give credits when used and +rep if you think it's worth it

have fun

library AdvancedCameraSystem initializer Init
    // Advanced Camera System by The_Witcher
    // This is a very advanced advanced camera system which adjusts the camera 
    // distance to the target so the camera isn't looking through houses/trees/...
    // and the cameras angle of attack so the view isn't blocked because of hills...
    // useful for RPGs and that stuff
    // To bind the camera to a unit for a player use
    //   SetCameraUnit(  unit, player )
    // if you want to have your normal camera again use
    //   ReleaseCameraUnit(  player  )
    // in case you want to know which unit is bound to the camera for player xy use
    //   GetCameraUnit(  player  )
    // to change the AngleOfAttack of a player ingame use
    //   SetCamDefaultAngleOfAttack(  Player, NewValue  )
    // to change the maximal camera target distance of a player ingame use
    //   SetCamMaxDistance(  Player, NewValue  )
    // to change the maximal distance behind the target, the z-offset is checked (for z-angle), of a player ingame use
    //   SetCamMaxZCheckDistance(  Player, NewValue  )
    //   SETUP PART
        // The max. distance the camera can have to the target
        private real DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE = 1000
        // The max. distance the zOffset behind the unit is checked (for zAngle)
        private real DEFAULT_MAX_Z_CHECK_DISTANCE = 500
        // the camera angle of attack correction after the zAngle calculation
        private real DEFAULT_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK = -20
        // the timer interval (0.01 is best but can lagg in huge maps with many of these short intervals)
        private constant real INTERVAL = 0.03
        // the time the camera will need to adjust
        private constant real DELAY = 0.25
        // the standart z of the camera
        private constant real NORMAL_HEIGHT = 100
        // the accuracy increases if the value gets smaller
        private constant real ACCURACY = 50
        // the secondary accruracy when the camera reaches a barricade (just leave at this amount)
        private constant real EXTREME_ACCURACY = 10
    //  SETUP END

    // don't modify the code below!

        private item ite
        private real array Aoa[15]
        private real array Dist[15]
        private real array CheckDist[15]
        private unit array CamUnit[15]
        private timer tim = CreateTimer()
        private location loc = Location(0,0)
        private integer active = 0
        private hashtable h = InitHashtable()

    private function IsCoordPathable takes real x, real y returns boolean
        call SetItemVisible(ite,true)
        call SetItemPosition(ite,x,y)
        set x = GetItemX( ite) - x
        set y = GetItemY( ite) - y
        call SetItemVisible(ite,false)
        if x < 1 and x > -1 and  y < 1 and y > -1 then
            return true
        return false

    private function HideAllItems takes nothing returns nothing
        if IsItemVisible(GetEnumItem()) then
            call SaveInteger(h,GetHandleId(GetEnumItem()),0,1)
        call SetItemVisible(GetEnumItem(),false)

    private function ShowAllItems takes nothing returns nothing
        if LoadInteger(h,GetHandleId(GetEnumItem()),0) == 1 then
            call SetItemVisible(GetEnumItem(),true)
            call FlushChildHashtable(h,GetHandleId(GetEnumItem()))      

    private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        local real x
        local real y
        local real angle
        local real rz
        local real z
        local integer i = 0
        local integer Check
        local real CheckDistance
        local real DistanceDone
        local rect rec
            exitwhen i >= bj_MAX_PLAYERS
            if CamUnit[i] != null then
                set DistanceDone = 0
                set rz = 0
                set x = GetUnitX(CamUnit[i])
                set y = GetUnitY(CamUnit[i])
                set Check = 1
                set angle = (GetUnitFacing(CamUnit[i]) - 180)*bj_DEGTORAD
                set CheckDistance = ACCURACY
                set z = DEFAULT_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK
                if not IsUnitType(CamUnit[i], UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) then
                        set x = x + CheckDistance * Cos(angle)
                        set y = y + CheckDistance * Sin(angle)
                        set DistanceDone = DistanceDone + CheckDistance
                        call MoveLocation(loc,x,y)
                        set z = GetLocationZ(loc)
                        if RAbsBJ(z) > RAbsBJ(rz) and DistanceDone <= CheckDist[i] then
                            set rz = z
                        if not IsCoordPathable(x,y)then
                            set rec = Rect(x-ACCURACY,y-ACCURACY,x+ACCURACY,y+ACCURACY)
                            call EnumItemsInRect(rec,null, function HideAllItems)
                            if not IsCoordPathable(x,y)then
                                set Check = 0
                            call RemoveRect(rec)
                        if Check == 0 and CheckDistance == ACCURACY then
                            set DistanceDone = DistanceDone - CheckDistance
                            set x = x - CheckDistance * Cos(angle)
                            set y = y - CheckDistance * Sin(angle)
                            set Check = 1
                            set CheckDistance = EXTREME_ACCURACY
                        exitwhen (Check == 0 and CheckDistance == EXTREME_ACCURACY) or DistanceDone > Dist[i]
                    set DistanceDone = Dist[i]
                call MoveLocation(loc,GetUnitX(CamUnit[i]),GetUnitY(CamUnit[i]))
                set x = GetLocationZ(loc)     
                    exitwhen x - rz < 180
                    set x = x - 180
                set z = Atan2(x-rz,200) * bj_RADTODEG + Aoa[i]
                if IsUnitType(CamUnit[i], UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) then
                    set z = Aoa[i]
                if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i) then
                    call CameraSetSmoothingFactor(1)
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, DistanceDone, DELAY)
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, z, DELAY)
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET,GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET)+x+GetUnitFlyHeight(CamUnit[i])+NORMAL_HEIGHT-GetCameraTargetPositionZ(),DELAY)
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, angle*bj_RADTODEG+180, DELAY)
                    call SetCameraTargetController(CamUnit[i],0,0,false)
            set i = i + 1
        call EnumItemsInRect(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,null, function ShowAllItems)  
        set rec = null

    function ReleaseCameraUnit takes player p returns nothing
        if CamUnit[GetPlayerId(p)] != null then
            set CamUnit[GetPlayerId(p)] = null
            call ResetToGameCameraForPlayer(p,0)
            if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
                call CameraSetSmoothingFactor(0)
            set active = active - 1
            if active == 0 then
                call PauseTimer(tim)

    function SetCameraUnit takes unit u, player owner returns nothing
        if CamUnit[GetPlayerId(owner)] != null then
            call ReleaseCameraUnit(owner)
        set CamUnit[GetPlayerId(owner)] = u
        set active = active + 1
        if active == 1 then
            call TimerStart(tim,INTERVAL,true,function Actions)

    function SetCamDefaultAngleOfAttack takes player p, real a returns nothing
        set Aoa[GetPlayerId(p)] = a

    function SetCamMaxDistance takes player p, real d returns nothing
        set Dist[GetPlayerId(p)] = d

    function SetCamMaxZCheckDistance takes player p, real d returns nothing
        set CheckDist[GetPlayerId(p)] = d

    function GetCameraUnit takes player pl returns unit
        return CamUnit[GetPlayerId(pl)]

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0                   
            exitwhen i >= bj_MAX_PLAYERS
            set CamUnit[i] = null
            set Aoa[i] = DEFAULT_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK
            set Dist[i] = DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE
            set CheckDist[i] = DEFAULT_MAX_Z_CHECK_DISTANCE
            set i = i + 1
        set ite = CreateItem( 'wolg', 0,0 )
        call SetItemVisible(ite,false)


library ArrowKeyMovement initializer Init requires KeyboardSystem, ArrowKeyMovementPlugins

    // Arrow key movement by The_Witcher
    //   this system allows each player to control 1 unit 
    //   with his arrow keys even if he doesn't own the unit!
    //   It features turning on the left and right arrow, walking foreward 
    //   by pressing the up arrow and walking backwards by pressing the down arrow...
    // You can improve this system with plugins but you need vJass knowledge for that!
    //  --> The TurnRate of a unit inside the object editor STILL influences the turn rate from this system <--
    // Included functions:
    //      SetMovementUnit ( whichunit, forWhichPlayer, walkAnimationIndex )
    //                          unit         player            integer
    //            this gives the player the arrow key movement control over the unit
    //            while the unit moves the animation of the given index is played
    //            (just try around to find the index... start at 0 and increase 
    //             by 1 until you find the walk index of that unit)
    //      ReleaseMovementUnit ( fromWhichPlayer )
    //                                player
    //            this function removes the control from a player
    //      GetMovementUnit ( fromWhichPlayer )    returns unit
    //                            player
    //            I think its self explaining...
    //      SetMovementUnitAnimation ( fromWhichPlayer, animation )
    //                                    player         integer
    //            this function allows ingame changing of the played animation of a unit

    // ------- SETUP PART ---------
        // the timer interval... increase if laggy
        private constant real INTERVAL = 0.01
        // the facing change in degrees each interval (must be a positive value)
        private constant real DEFAULT_VIEW_CHANGE = 4
        // when you move backwards you move slower than normal...
        private constant real BACKWARDS_MOVING_FACTOR = 0.7      
        // if the unit turns it will turn faster the longer it does...
        // some people may need that but then it should be 1.02 (1.0 means disabled)
        private constant real TURN_ACCELERATION = 1
        // (can only be 1 or -1) if you walk backwards you have 2 ways of turning
        //  1. way: pressing left will make the char turn left
        //  2. way: pressing left will make the char turn so he moves to the left                                                                 
        private constant integer REVERSED_BACKWARDS_MOVING = 1

    // whenever this function returns false for a unit it won't be moved even if the player
    //  presses the keys! change to create your own "No Movement" conditions
    private function MoveConditions takes unit u returns boolean
        return not IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_SLEEPING) and not IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_STUNNED) and not (IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or GetUnitTypeId(u) == 0 )

    //   --------- don't modify anything below this line ------------
    struct ArrowKeyMovement
        private static ArrowKeyMovement array all [12]       // = bj_MAX_PLAYERS
        private static timer tim
        integer walking
        unit u
        integer animation
        real SpeedFactor
        real ViewChange
        real SpecialDirection
        boolean SpecialDirectionActive
        static method operator [] takes player p returns ArrowKeyMovement
            local integer i = GetPlayerId(p)
            if .all[i] == 0 then
                set .all[i] = ArrowKeyMovement.create()
                set .all[i].SpeedFactor = 1
                set .all[i].SpecialDirection = 0
                set .all[i].SpecialDirectionActive = false
                set .all[i].ViewChange = DEFAULT_VIEW_CHANGE
            return .all[i]

        private static method Walking takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
            local real x
            local real y
            local real X
            local real Y
            local boolean boolX
            local boolean boolY
            local boolean left
            local boolean right
            local boolean up
            local boolean down
            local ArrowKeyMovement mov
                exitwhen i >= 12              // = bj_MAX_PLAYERS
                set mov = .all[i]
                if mov.u != null and MoveConditions(mov.u) then
                    // special movement <-- plugins
                    if mov.SpecialDirectionActive then
                        if mov.walking != 1 then
                            call SetUnitTimeScale(mov.u,mov.SpeedFactor)
                            call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(mov.u,mov.animation)
                            set mov.walking = 1
                            call SetUnitTimeScale(mov.u,mov.SpeedFactor)
                        set x = GetUnitX(mov.u)
                        set y = GetUnitY(mov.u)
                        set X = x + GetUnitMoveSpeed(mov.u)*INTERVAL * Cos(mov.SpecialDirection*bj_DEGTORAD) * mov.SpeedFactor
                        set Y = y + GetUnitMoveSpeed(mov.u)*INTERVAL * Sin(mov.SpecialDirection*bj_DEGTORAD) * mov.SpeedFactor
                        call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,X,Y)
                        if (RAbsBJ(GetUnitX(mov.u)-X)>0.5)or(RAbsBJ(GetUnitY(mov.u)-Y)>0.5)then
                            call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,X,y)
                            set boolX = RAbsBJ(GetUnitX(mov.u)-X)<=0.5
                            call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,x,Y)
                            set boolY = RAbsBJ(GetUnitY(mov.u)-Y)<=0.5
                            if boolX then
                                call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,X,y)
                            elseif boolY then
                                call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,x,Y)
                                call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,x,y)
                        // Normal movement
                        set left = IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT,Player(i))
                        set right = IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT,Player(i))
                        set up = IsKeyDown(KEY_UP,Player(i))
                        set down = IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN,Player(i))
                        //right down
                        if right then
                            if down then
                                call SetUnitFacing(mov.u,GetUnitFacing(mov.u)-mov.ViewChange * -REVERSED_BACKWARDS_MOVING)
                                call SetUnitFacing(mov.u,GetUnitFacing(mov.u)-mov.ViewChange)
                            set mov.ViewChange = mov.ViewChange * TURN_ACCELERATION
                        elseif not left then
                            set mov.ViewChange = DEFAULT_VIEW_CHANGE
                        //left down
                        if left then
                            if down then
                                call SetUnitFacing(mov.u,GetUnitFacing(mov.u)+mov.ViewChange * -REVERSED_BACKWARDS_MOVING)
                                call SetUnitFacing(mov.u,GetUnitFacing(mov.u)+mov.ViewChange)
                            set mov.ViewChange = mov.ViewChange * TURN_ACCELERATION
                        elseif not right then
                            set mov.ViewChange = DEFAULT_VIEW_CHANGE
                        if mov.ViewChange > 179 then
                            set mov.ViewChange = 179
                        //up down
                        if up then
                            if mov.walking != 1 then
                                call SetUnitTimeScale(mov.u,mov.SpeedFactor)
                                call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(mov.u,mov.animation)
                                set mov.walking = 1
                                call SetUnitTimeScale(mov.u,mov.SpeedFactor)
                            set x = GetUnitX(mov.u)
                            set y = GetUnitY(mov.u)
                            set X = x + GetUnitMoveSpeed(mov.u)*INTERVAL * Cos(GetUnitFacing(mov.u)*bj_DEGTORAD) * mov.SpeedFactor
                            set Y = y + GetUnitMoveSpeed(mov.u)*INTERVAL * Sin(GetUnitFacing(mov.u)*bj_DEGTORAD) * mov.SpeedFactor
                            //down down
                        elseif down then
                            if mov.walking != 2 then
                                call SetUnitTimeScale(mov.u,-BACKWARDS_MOVING_FACTOR * mov.SpeedFactor)
                                call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(mov.u,mov.animation)
                                set mov.walking = 2
                                call SetUnitTimeScale(mov.u,-BACKWARDS_MOVING_FACTOR * mov.SpeedFactor)
                            set x = GetUnitX(mov.u)
                            set y = GetUnitY(mov.u)
                            set X = x - GetUnitMoveSpeed(mov.u) * INTERVAL * Cos(GetUnitFacing(mov.u)*bj_DEGTORAD) * BACKWARDS_MOVING_FACTOR * mov.SpeedFactor
                            set Y = y - GetUnitMoveSpeed(mov.u) * INTERVAL * Sin(GetUnitFacing(mov.u)*bj_DEGTORAD) * BACKWARDS_MOVING_FACTOR * mov.SpeedFactor
                        if down or up then
                            call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,X,Y)
                            if (RAbsBJ(GetUnitX(mov.u)-X)>0.5)or(RAbsBJ(GetUnitY(mov.u)-Y)>0.5)then
                                call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,X,y)
                                set boolX = RAbsBJ(GetUnitX(mov.u)-X)<=0.5
                                call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,x,Y)
                                set boolY = RAbsBJ(GetUnitY(mov.u)-Y)<=0.5
                                if boolX then
                                    call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,X,y)
                                elseif boolY then
                                    call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,x,Y)
                                    call SetUnitPosition(mov.u,x,y)
                            if mov.walking != 0 then
                                call SetUnitAnimation(mov.u,"stand")
                                call SetUnitTimeScale(mov.u,1)
                                set mov.walking = 0
                set i = i + 1
        static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set .tim = CreateTimer()
            call TimerStart(.tim,INTERVAL,true,function ArrowKeyMovement.Walking)

    function GetMovementUnit takes player p returns unit
        return ArrowKeyMovement.u

    function SetMovementUnitAnimation takes player p, integer animation returns nothing
        set ArrowKeyMovement.animation = animation

    function ReleaseMovementUnit takes player p returns nothing
        if ArrowKeyMovement.u != null then 
            set ArrowKeyMovement.walking = 0
            call SetUnitAnimation(ArrowKeyMovement.u,"stand")
            call SetUnitTimeScale(ArrowKeyMovement.u,1)
            set ArrowKeyMovement.u = null

    function SetMovementUnit takes unit u, player p, integer anim returns nothing
        if u == null then
            call ReleaseMovementUnit(p)
        if ArrowKeyMovement.u != null then
            call ReleaseMovementUnit(p)
        call SetUnitAnimation(ArrowKeyMovement.u,"stand")
        set ArrowKeyMovement.u = u
        set ArrowKeyMovement.animation = anim

    //! runtextmacro ArrowKeyMovement_Plugins_Functions()

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        //! runtextmacro Init_ArrowKeyMovement_Plugins()


camera, key, arrow, up, down, left, right, press, release, vjass, mpi, rpg, distance, angle, zAngle, jass, z, item, doodad, movement, third, person, f

Camera and Keyboard System (Map)

Level 12
Feb 11, 2008
Sorry i know this is a post from the grave.... but i was hoping to use this system in my map and the thing i noticed is that you do not have "Reverse" where the unit can walk straight backwards.....

an example:

player presses the down arrow key then make the unit move backwards and also apply inverted controls to it.

Heres a map that kind of has it but i am only wanting to select 1 unit and this map works for "every selected unit".
you seem to have taken something wrong!
my system just brings a keyboard system for easier usage of the arrow keys!!
the movement system is just short coded and bad and only as an example for the test map!!! please don't the keyboard movement as a great scriptet and usable system!!!

UPDATE v.3.0: see changelog :D
Last edited:
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
Heeey witcher, me again, 1st question, how do I change the angle of attack in game and have it work for the system? (i.e. a player doesn't like the current AoA so they want to change it using in-game commands)

Second Question: Whenever the camera gets close to the unit it zooms in really close and makes it hard to see, can you make an option that changes the angle and attack (tilts it slightly more towards the sky) and the z offset (raises the view a bit) when the camera is within a certain range of your unit?
you cant select your hero... whats the points if you can select you hero? Cant cast spells , pickup items ect :/ How do you target a specific unit? Unless you make it so you can select your unit 3/5

oh lol -.-
this test map shows you the power of a good camera system and of a good keyboard system and not how to select a unit!!
it isn't even part of one of those systems!! just to make the testmap more fun...
but if you are glad then i will remove that...

done! now change your rating please -.-
I had your last version in a map i was testing and it worked perfectly fine but when i inserted this one now the unit (unit u) just stands still and walks in place instead of moving around please explain?

well thats because the movement system is NOT a part of this submission!! it's just for this test map and optimized just for this test map

BUT in the next update (maybe already today) the movement system will be a stand alone system and a real part of this submission!
Level 10
Jun 7, 2008
Allright, I think most of us simpler mappers need a more in depth tutorial, like if I try to edit any jass trigger it breaks.
So I can't really reverse engineer your example template...

This system is awesome and will be a waste not to use it...
Plus, the movement system is the best that I've seen so far, at least one of the few that does turning effectively. Most of the others I've seen are crude 8 direction ones.
okay 2 things:
1. when someone rates a system low please explain why you did that!!
(with 4 votes it was 5/5 and now with 5 votes 4.2/5 so someone rated this 1/5 without any explanaition!!
@ this person: as you see many other users think different from you so please think of maybe changing your rating!)

2. the stand alone version of the movement system is nearly finished but it will take some time cause i add the feature of user generated plugins (side steps,dashing,quick turning around,...)

So vjass is required for this system to work?
This really is the best Camera system I've ever seen. the only thing I think you an fix up a bit is the extremeness of the angle of attack when on a hill o.o the hills are rather small, but the camera goes into an overhead view. :)
still 5/5 its freakin incredible
Level 5
Nov 11, 2009
So vjass is required for this system to work?
This really is the best Camera system I've ever seen. the only thing I think you an fix up a bit is the extremeness of the angle of attack when on a hill o.o the hills are rather small, but the camera goes into an overhead view. :)
still 5/5 its freakin incredible

If it isn't like that, the camera will move inside the hill :p So The_Witcher did it the most efficient way possible.
Level 4
Oct 17, 2008
you use a interger to get the running anim for the unit, but its not the same interger for each model plz make it so it can be changed bc not every unit in the game has the same tags for walk anim.
Are you using Jass NewGen Pack? and if so, the right version (1.5d)?

you have used the custom script to bind your unit to the camera and to the movement system??

remember to use call SetCameraUnit ( yourunit ) to aplly the camera for the owner of the unit you give as paramter to the unit

and to use call SetMovementUnit( yourunit, forwhichplayer, animation )
to bind a players arrow keys to a unit? the parameters: yourunit of type unit, forwhichplayer of type player and animation of type integer!!!
Level 12
Feb 11, 2008
Alright i download the map open it with JNGP then click testmap then when the map finishes loading it works perfectly fine but then when i exit back out and click to save/save as then go back to testmap then the system wont work its like im not even pressing the arrow keys....

EDIT* im using EGUI so ill try using normal but that shouldnt change anything...

EDIT2* I tried using UMSWE and Normal WE and 1st it did the exact same thing on UMSWE and 2nd it doesnt work on Normal WE just as i thought
Alright i download the map open it with JNGP then click testmap then when the map finishes loading it works perfectly fine but then when i exit back out and click to save/save as then go back to testmap then the system wont work its like im not even pressing the arrow keys....

EDIT* im using EGUI so ill try using normal but that shouldnt change anything...

EDIT2* I tried using UMSWE and Normal WE and 1st it did the exact same thing on UMSWE and 2nd it doesnt work on Normal WE just as i thought
you don't need any expansions for the normal we except the JNGP standart features (jasshelper etc)!

and remember that you have to save a map TWICE before it works in JNGP! and sometimes JNGP breaks so maybe redownlaoding helps...