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Not accepting foreign chars?

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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Does anyone else seem to have this problem? Look at the "House of Rohan", for example. It had a large
to separate the dates, but I edited it a while ago and it changed to some weird symbol. This has happened before when I tried to add those [ list ] bullets, it would replace every bullet symbol with "
Since this only began happening after the server move, I assume that's the problem?
Last edited:
That's a character of Ascii Index 13, and it looks like this:


But I have no idea why it would be changing it to that o-o

I know that the site sometimes displays the actual HTML data if a post has been up for a while (meaning ; gets changed to &quot;, < gets changed to &lt; and > gets changed to &gt;), but I've never experienced it changing the actual data before ;p

Oh shit!
I just found it replacing common characters too D:
It replaced an entire name with a string of strange symbols in some post D:


  • !!.PNG
    474 bytes · Views: 688


Yep, foreign chars are not accepted o-o
At least we know this isn't some random change. (lol)

Strangely, this doesn't happen everywhere
I saw some guy make a post in which some of his text got converted into symbols like (tm), (3/4) and other shit

Testing more:

,H'/ DH*J

Well, arabic doesn't work as well.

I'm going to assume this problem only occurs with characters of foreign languages :p
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />

I just noticed this in the page source. It should be:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

I know because when I save a file in UTF-8 format (notepad), I can display any characters I want :eek:

Well, I've been on this page too long without refreshing O-o
GhostWolf beat me to it.
And why are HTML tags THIS annoying? >_<
/removes them

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Another hassle is that this has apparently messed with the Page Manager in the APPS. Any page containing a strange character displays fine, but if you try to edit it, the whole file/page/edit-area is blank.

Its the quick edit box and probably the quick reply box. It curropts your name Rui when updating (although it appears fine just before you save the changes). Your name works fine when I post a quote using advanced post or edit using advanced edit but if I edit the quote using quick edit it gets curropted. Seems it does not like unicode (probably due to the variable character length)

Another hassle is that this has apparently messed with the Page Manager in the APPS. Any page containing a strange character displays fine, but if you try to edit it, the whole file/page/edit-area is blank.

See, here you are quoted fine.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The problem is when applying a quick edit to a post. It appears fine in the edit window but when the change is applied it is corrupted. Applying the change through the advanced edit does not cause is.

Probably related to the button also updating the current page (like quick post) instead of advanced post or edit which instead tell the browser to load a new page.
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
somerandomsite said:
SET character_set_client = utf8

mysql.com said:
mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -uyour_username -p -h your_databasehost.your_domain.com your_database

If you get into trouble from a PHP-based web application, check the characterset configurations of these components:

1) the MySQL database
2) php.ini
3) httpd.conf
4) your server

mysql.com said:
if you get data via php from your mysql-db (everything utf-8)
but still get '?' for some special characters in your browser
(<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />),
try this:

after mysql_connect() , and mysql_select_db() add this lines:
mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");

mysql.com said:
As of mySQL 5.x you can use the init_connect commands to force UTF-8 compliance from any client connection.

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