- 2024-08-12
- Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.35.0 that caused the game to crash when switching the Glacial Monstrosity to Follow Mode after loading a saved game.
- 2024-08-08
- Fixed a potential game crash after cutscenes that occurred when playing Warcraft III Reforged 1.36+ with the SD graphics for version of the map with voiceover.
- For Warcraft III version 1.26, the bonus code for contributors can now also be placed in the path "Warcraft III\CustomMapData\NorthrendRPG\NorthrendRPG_ContributorsCode.txt" (optional).
- 2024-07-22
- The activation indicator for the contributor bonus shop now appears as inactive by default.
v1.35.0 - Reaching the Frontier
- 2024-07-21
- The "Follow Mode" for mercenaries no longer resets when control effects are applied to them.
- Updated the "Game Camera and Interface" submenu: icons have been changed.
- Added quick use of "Health Potion" from the bag (F8) when multiple heroes are selected by one player. The button hides when the potion is on cooldown.
- Added an option to disable voiceovers in cutscenes (option "Dialogue Speed").
- Tauren Defender. The ability "Bull Stomach" has been enhanced with the "Gourmet" property: for each new type of delicacy consumed, the hero gains 25 experience and +1 INT. Completing a full gastronomic tour rewards the hero with 1 skill point.
- Tauren Defender. The ability "Sweeping Strike" now deals 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 x STR (was 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5) and applies the "Bleeding" effect.
- Crusade Commander. The ability "Circular Assault" now has a cooldown of 10 seconds (was 15 seconds) and applies the "Bleeding" effect.
- Bleeding Effect. Applies to a living target when its remaining health drops below 50%. The target loses 0.1%/0.2%/0.3%/0.4%/0.5% of its maximum health per second for 10 seconds. The absolute damage from bleeding cannot be less than 2/4/6/8/10 HP/sec.
- New item "Frost Lotus". Can be collected in Magnataur Highlands (up to 3 pieces). Grants +5 STR, AGI, and INT for 60 seconds and permanently increases the hero's main attribute by 1.
- New item "Magical Dream-Mushroom". Can be collected in Mushroom Glade (up to 3 pieces). +33% to ability damage, +100% to mana regeneration speed. Regular attacks have a 50% miss chance. Detects invisible units. Duration - 60 seconds.
- New item "Ice Souvenir". Reward for killing the "Solid Ice Elemental". 2% chance to freeze the target for 1.5 seconds on attack. Grants +1 STR, +1 AGI, +1 INT. In water, can summon a "Minor Ice Elemental" for 30 seconds.
- New item "Treasure Seeker's Pouch". Sold at the Leatherworker's House. Doubles the chance to drop coins after killing a monster, increases the hero's luck by 3. When used, reveals the location of coins and treasures within a 2000 unit radius.
- New item "Dwarven Banner". Sold at Dun'Nor Fortress (requires reputation level 5). "Aura of Resilience": increases the defense of friendly and neutral units by 2 and reduces damage from magical and elemental attacks by 5%.
- New item "Nerubian Banner". Sold at Monolith of Azhad-Nerub (requires reputation level 5). "Aura of Sorcery": increases mana regeneration of friendly and neutral magical units by 1 HP/sec and increases heroes' ability damage by 7%.
- "Sin'dorei Banner" moved to the Commander's Estate, now requires reputation level 5 for purchase.
- "Trickster's Helm" now costs 500 gold and 1 crystal (was 900 gold and 1 crystal).
- "Rare Worg Pelt" now classified as "Cloak", added properties: DEF +1, health regeneration speed +1 HP/sec.
- "Icy Slicing Axe" now requires "Ice Souvenir" for crafting, freeze chance increased to 7% (was 6%), grants +6 STR, +3 AGI, +3 INT, freeze duration increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
- Added a unique monster "Solid Ice Elemental".
- All bosses (including Gron'Gax and Turanh'arak) now have the "Unstoppable Might" effect, reducing stun duration and giving a chance (10-35%) to avoid certain control effects ("Stun", "Shock", "Deep Freeze").
- Acolyte. Ability "Ritual Suicide" now resets the charge of the "Crown of Magic" item.
- Veteran. New HD model by Fugrim.
- Added full English voiceover (only for e.SD/e.Full versions).
- For Challenge, Director's, and Hardcore difficulty levels, an option for unlimited duration of "Forsaken's Gift" is now available. In this mode, neutral monsters receive a health regeneration bonus (+100%) and movement speed bonus (+30%).
- Pre-generated shadows of landscapes and objects are added for display in classic graphics mode (only for SD/Full versions).
- Added the ability to enable/disable sky display using text commands: -skybox on, -skybox off, -skybox reset.
- Added a complimentary shop. To activate it, download the corresponding file from the publicly available list of nicknames of those who supported the project's development: [Google Sheets link]. Detailed information is available in the "Readme and FAQs" sheet.
- 2024-05-08
- Minor memory leaks have been eliminated.
- Post-game statistics will now be saved to a file if the game session continued after loading a saved game.
- Ranger-Hunter. Ability "Bullseye Shot". Added cancellation of aiming if the target dies prematurely.
- Added a hint about the possibility to download
a fix to correct the bug that causes the game to crash when pressing the "Quests" button (F9) in the Full version of the map for Warcraft III 1.26.
- 2024-03-26
- Fixed a bug with broken leveling of the “Master of Battle Totems” ability when playing on version Warcraft 1.29.2.
- 2024-03-22
- Fixed the overlay of the HP bar of the dummy hero "Unassigned skill points are available" on the main game interface in Reforged graphics mode (orange bars).
- Fixed a rare bug that made it impossible to prematurely complete the "Interception" quest.
- 2024-03-18
- Fixed client desynchronization when using "Interface Display" command in Warcraft Reforged versions 1.32+.
- 2024-03-11
- Fixed a bug with the constant reduction of hero's vision after resurrection in the arena during nighttime.
- Removed the repeating lightning sound when using "Thunderbolt Attack" in HD graphics mode.
- Fixed the animation of Mordin the Righteous when using "Divine Shield" in HD graphics mode.
- War with the Scourge. From the destroyed buildings of the Scourge, you can pick up 100 or 200 gold.
- War with the Scourge. Now, for a fee, you can send the forces of Ogre Mercenaries to attack the Scourge base again. A siege catapult has been added to the mercenary troops.
- Orb of Stone. Added property: +10% damage to buildings and targets with "Fortified" defense type.
- Orb of Darkness. Added property: 15 additional magical damage to the target with each attack.
- Nerubian Broodmother. Ability "Spider Glands". It will no longer automatically turn off when the hero is frozen.
- Ranks and point counting have been added to the post-game statistics. Points are awarded for: Speed of game completion (excluding cutscenes); Completion of intermediate quests; Reputation earned at settlements; Defeated bosses; Completion of mini-quests and secret missions; Learned abilities and talents; Completion with fewer deaths; Completion in Iron Will mode (only 1 load of any of your saves is allowed without penalty to points). The higher the game difficulty, the more points you can score.
- The following ranks have been added: The Singular Marvel (0); Servant of the Banshee Queen (1-99); Ice Road Wanderer (100-199); Celestial Glow Seeker (200-299); Veteran of the Frozen Wastes (300-399); Defender of the Frostbound Lands (400-499); Conqueror of the Dragonblight (500-599); Liberator from the Eternal Ice (600-699); Rising Myth of the North (700-799); Nemesis of the Lich King (800-899); Triumphant Conqueror of the Death (900-949); Greatest Hero of Northrend (950-990); ABSOLUTE LEGEND!!! (1000).
- Added the "Arena Champion" achievement (defeat all other players more times than they defeat you).
- Post-game statistics are now saved in a text file on the hard drive. For 1.26: Warcraft III\Logs\NorthrendRPG\ . For 1.31 and Reforged: Documents\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\NorthrendRPG\ .
- Added autosaves (in single-player) and reminders to save (in multiplayer). These options can be turned off/on from the "Hero Menu".
- Gron'Gax at the second level of his enhancement will gain the abilities "Wave of Power" and "Deliverance" (removes negative effects from a unit).
- 2024-02-28
- Fixed a bug in version 1.32c that caused the game to crash when a ship approached the eastern edge of the map.
- Nerubian Queen Patra'Omon will no longer sell her artifacts after the attack on the undead base begins.
- War with the Scourge. After the attack begins, settlers and players will have a shared vision of units.
- Home Sweet Home (Misam'zaqir). Fixed a desynchronization between the displayed incubation time and the actual timer.
- Nerubian Broodmother. Feature "Poison Resistance". Property "Resistance to Corpse Poisons". Allows spreading existing "Vampirism" effects to attacks on the undead with a healing efficiency of 50% of the base values.
- Crown of Magic. Cost increased to 6000 gold (was 5000) and 6 crystals (was 5). Mana costs increased to 400 (was 300).
- Mana Shield. The recipe now requires only 1 additional crystal (was 3).
- Instead of a dog, a Mana Wyrm has been added to the Elf Camp.
- 2024-02-11
- Enhanced game save mechanism for stability and fewer failed saves.
- Level 35 heroes can now acquire 1 extra skill point in the "Training Hall" for 10k gold and 1 crystal.
- Hotkeys for commands and abilities on the control panel have been adjusted to match their positions on the panel (bottom to top, left to right): Q-W-E-R; A-S-D-F; Z-X-C-V.
- "Game Camera and Interface" submenu added option to toggle in-game interface for Warcraft versions 1.32+.
- Grenadier: "Full-Metal Golem" and its debris now grant vision to players. Zarbobams offers "Built-in Modulator" upgrade, enabling full control over the golem and allowing teleportation of the golem and its debris using the "Summon Mercenaries" ability.
- "Nerubians": "Dark Tribute." Penalty per attribute reduced to -2 (was -3).
- "Mana Beasts and Where to Find Them": It's now possible to complete the mission without reward if no suitable creatures remain on map.
- Ogre Sergeant: Removed the "Battle March" ability. Added the "Brute Force" ability: Utilizes strength and size advantages, weakening foes. Opponents with less current health than unit's max deal 15%/20%/25%/30% less damage. Conversely, the unit deal 30%/40%/50%/60% more damage to such targets.
- A new items available for purchase at the "Mercenary Camp":
- Mercenary Legion Banner. Grants "Battle March" aura: +20% movement speed, +15% combat speed for nearby friendly and neutral units.
- Ironbreaker Smasher. Ogre hammer, shatters armor, crushes bones. Deals 20% more damage to targets with "Armor" defense type. 15% chance to stun the target for 1 sec on melee attack.
- A lightweight SD version of the map is available for download, including custom music, but without Reforged HD models.
- 2024-01-31
- Optimization of objects and models loaded into memory has been conducted to improve game performance and stability.
- Information from the FAQ has been added to the "Camera and Interface" submenu -
Northrend RPG. FAQ (English) - Northrend RPG / WarCraft 3 / Моды - XGM
- 2024-01-20
- Fixed the reoccurrence (bug returned in 1.32) of map encoding in Zlib format, which in some cases could cause the map to crash when pressing the "Quests" (F9) button.
- Gold and experience rewards for killing bosses have been reduced by an average of 15%-20%.
- Minor text corrections in dialogue windows.
- 2024-01-04
- Fixed a potential cause of network game desynchronization when using abilities in the area of bridges and ramps in some cases.
- Ability "Inferno." Now, summoned Infernals of 2nd and 3rd levels cannot be resurrected after death.
- "Bear Companion" will now be equipped with "Leather Barding," even if at the time of talent upgrade "Pack Bear" it was in transport.
- Fixed a bug with experience points being awarded for shooting corpse wagons at a hero group.
- New HD model for Nerubian Broodmother by Vindorei.
- Now, each point of strength will additionally reduce damage from opponents' auto-attacks by 0.15%.
- "Hero Information." Now displays the value of additional damage absorption from auto-attacks.
- Nerubian Broodmother. Ability "Mass Brood." Visual effect has been changed.
- "Mana Beasts and Where to Find Them." Map markers will now show the location of the "Detector of Magic" if the item is on the ground.
- "Interception." Added a hint about the time limit for completing the quest.
- "A Message." Changed the position of the marker on the map with the recommended area for installing the "Astral Relay Device."
- "Barbed Arachnathid," "Magical Arachnathid." Ability "Poisoned Strike." Description of the ability has been corrected. Maximum reduction of target's attack and movement speed changed to 25% (was 80%).
- "Nerubian Pheromone." New icon.
- "Rotten Fish." Information about provoking the "Indigestion" effect in monsters that swallow heroes has been added to the description.
- 2023-11-14
- Fixed map encoding in Zlib format, which could cause map crashes when pressing the "Quests" button (F9) in some cases.
- Minor corrections in quest dialogue replicas.
- 2023-09-26
- Made smoother movement over terrain irregularities for the following projectiles: "Boomerang Axe", "Accelerating Hammer", "Holy Grenade", "Blast-fishing Bomb".
- 2023-09-23
- Improved game stability against desynchronization during long sessions.
- "Antidote" now correctly removes the "Parasite" effect.
- Improved texture quality in SD graphics mode.
- Added visual effects for hero level-ups.
- Grenadier: "Smoke Grenade" ability now has a new smoke effect icon.
- Necrolyte: "Death and Decay" ability damage reduced to 8%/11%/14%/17%/20% (was 8%/12%/16%/20%/24%). Mana cost increased to 120/150/180/210/240 (was 120). Casting time added - 1.5 seconds. Range reduced to 700 units (was 900 units).
- "War with the Scourge": Increased Dark Citadel's attack at higher difficulty levels. A new one Spirit Ziggurat has been added near the Scourge Base.
- Some bosses will now attempt to retreat from combat away from their lairs.
- Ice Murloc: "Frost Attack" ability attack speed penalty reduced to 15% (was 25%), movement speed penalty reduced to 30% (was 50%).
- Orb of Frost: Attack speed penalty reduced to 15% (was 25%), movement speed penalty reduced to 30% (was 50%).
- Vordrassil's Branch: Duration on heroes and creatures above level 5 reduced to 5 seconds (was 7 seconds).
- Tints are dimmed on certain creeps model variations in HD graphics mode.
- 2023-09-16
- Unintentional walkability in certain areas of the Undead and Nerubian regions, which occurred in the previous version, has been removed.
- A typo in the maximum level of the "Camouflage" ability for the Ranger-Hunter has been corrected.
- 2023-09-01
- Mountain Champion: "Stone Form" no longer cancels "Battle Frenzy."
- Steam Tank: Fixed missing damage with "Cluster Rockets."
- Grenadier/Goblin Tinker: Added area of effect display for abilities "Cluster Bomb," "Plant Explosives," "Holy Hand Grenade," "Goblin Land Mine," "Fall of Goblinburg," and "Kaja'mite Battery."
- Shipwreck: Added a hint for using the "Ship Navigation Map."
- Lost Dwarves: Added an extra objective to speak with the entangled dwarf.
- Picking up attribute-boosting books now displays bonus values.
- Hand of Midas: Requires 6 crystals (was 5). Mana cost increased to 150 (was 100). Reduced gold bonus for transforming kills (-15%).
- Control Signal Modulator: Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds (was 30).
- Strengthened creeps (+5% to +15% attributes): Faceless, Nerubians, Sasquatches, Wendigos, Revenants, Golems, Magnataurs, Dragonspawns.
- Adjusted boss movement speed. Turtle (-10), Murloc (+10), Arachnathid (+30), Spider (+30), Bear (+34), Furbolg (+30), Tuskarr (+10), Banshee (+30), Faceless (+35), Nerub (+30), Revenant (+30), Fallen Vrykul (+32), Wendigo (+40), Mammoth (+30), Sasquatch (+30), Golem (+44), Magnataur (+30), Dragonspawn (+30), Dragon (+28).
- Murlocs: "Safety Bubble" duration reduced to 3 seconds (was 4).
- Nerubians: "Web Attack" now deals 50% more damage to previously ensnared targets.
- Naga Siren: Health increased to 400/536/668/800 (was 300/402/501/600). Damage increased to 28/35/42/49 (was 20/25/30/35). Armor increased to 1/2/3/4 (was 0/1/2/3).
- Glacial Monstrosity: Cost increased to 9 crystals (was 7).
- Ogre Magi: Cost increased to 4500 gold (was 4000).
- Ogre Sergeant: Cost increased to 6000 gold (was 5000).
- 2023-06-12
- Demonologist Succubus: "Aura of Chaos" ability. Fixed a bug where the aura was not applied to the hero itself at level 5 skill upgrade.
- Fixed hero's voice lines not playing upon selection in Warcraft version 1.26.
- New model for Yogg-Saron (by Explobomb).
- If the player controls only one hero, the game camera will now be moved along with the hero after teleportation.
- The movement speed bonus from being out of combat will now reset upon receiving (and dealing) sufficient damage from abilities.
- "War with the Scourge". Added victory animation for settler units after the destruction of Black Citadel.
- "Conflict with the Drakkari". Fixed premature retreat of trolls sent to guard the barricade.
- "Evacuation". Added a hint about the time limit for completing the quest.
- Crouching Snow Tiger: "Hide in Shadows" ability. It will no longer be available for player activation.
- Added information about the selected difficulty level to the post-victory statistics screen.
- 2023-05-21
- Demonologist Succubus: "Aura of Chaos" ability now correctly calculates resistance to elemental and magical damage when the aura is active.
- "Annihilation Staff" will no longer permanently kill Gron'Gax during the arena battle.
- Extra unintended stun effect from "Steam Tank" attacks after using "Cluster Rockets" has been removed.
- Synchronization issue with sound playback has been fixed when players have different graphics modes enabled (SD and HD).
- New HD models: Snow Tigers, Fortress of Dun-Nor (by Barorque, ShadiHD, Tamplier). Lich, Skeleton, Fallen Vrykul Thane (by ThatGuyFromBar).
- In Reforged graphics mode, standard HD models will be used for the following objects and units: Cannon Tower, Guard Tower, Pier, Scourge buildings, and Patra-Omon.
- New mercenary: "Blademistress". Now joins the hero after completing the quest "A Message (Miltrana Foresthermit)" (replacing the "Archer").
- New mercenary: "Pioneer". Now joins the hero after completing the quest "The Lost Dwarves (Hagrim Flying Axe)" (replacing the "Rifleman").
- 2023-04-24
- Public release of Northrend RPG e.