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No-damage attack. Use triggered projectile instead.

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Level 7
Oct 20, 2010
For what I'm working on, I am attempting to have a particular unit's attack fire a missile in a line that can be avoided. For this, I am using a missile system. So, I have everything in working order... except the original attack. Is there a way I can make an attack not be registered, or not do damage? So when the unit attacks and launches this triggered projectile, their actual attack isn't causing any issues.
Level 12
Mar 13, 2020
What’s wrong with set the combat attack to none so he has no damage ?

Or if you wanna display his damage in the UI as Icon then use the damage engine from bribe and do

Damage event equal to 1.00

Damageeventsource equal to YourHeroUnitWhatEver

Set DamageAmount = 0

With the Damage Engine you will have the animation still because your unit try to attack and you just set his damage to 0 but if you need that animation and want to fire your missle per dummy on it

Then you need a second trigger

DamageEvent equal to 1.00

DamageEventSource equal to YourHero

And then run your missle triggers here

So it will look like he attacks but in real the first trigger set his damage afterwards to 0 and the real damage is from the Missle
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Level 7
Oct 20, 2010
I was hoping there was a way that the original attack doesn't land. Otherwise, even with damage set to 0, it'll trigger DamageEvents.
Level 7
Oct 20, 2010
The problem I refer to for your method is that the attack still is a hit, it just does 0 damage. So the triggered missile hits and the initial attack. If for instance, I had an on-damage event that gave damage a chance to summon a footman, the 0 damage attack would have a chance to summon the footman.

I don't see a way for an attack to fire and not have it hit its target, so I was hoping there was a way I didn't know about.
Level 12
Mar 13, 2020
Not really you can add a condition to the Summon a Footman

DamageAmount not Equal to 0

And the problem would be solved...

Same I did when I wanted to display damage as floating text and did my custom dodge stats I used this so it doesn’t show the 0 numbers...
But I think that would count as hit too

Or try demolisher passiv with Negativ -1.00 value and give it to the unit
And set Targets allowed to units
And remove the only buildings target but that would count as hit too I think
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Level 7
Oct 20, 2010
That is true and what I've done. Though adding a said condition to all of my triggers would be a hassle, it seems like the best alternative.
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