(6 ratings)
Credits: DooM_AngeaL : 70%(keeping it alive, making two new types of towers, updating, releasing, balancing, etc.)
Uberubert : 23%(Creating the base triggers and showing me how to make upgrading creeps, also beginning my mapping career.)
Others: 2%(Giving me tower ideas, bugs to fix, terrain ideas, creep ideas, upgrade ideas, etc.)
ap0calypse: 5%(Giving me Inspiration to finish and complete the project, also being understanding about bad coding(: )
Most of the people playing them know nothing about creating maps, neither do they know anything about what's good and what is not.Well, this is why I don't make many popular maps. The people playing them aren't having fun reading triggers, but playing the game. I don't see what you mean by inefficent. I'm not a genius man, I don't really think having a bit of a sloppy trigger rather then fifteen clean ones is a good thing. Whatever, atleast its feedback.
I'm going to update it with the things septimus and you are asking to be fixed/changed/added. I'm going to say maybe thursday I'll be done.Most of the people playing them know nothing about creating maps, neither do they know anything about what's good and what is not.
People love imbalanced games, as long as it's in their favour, yet every mapper knows that balancing is important.
Inefficient triggers will slow down the game, perhaps not noticeably for anyone with at least a decent PC, but it really does.
It will also make your own codes easier to read, faster to write and edit.
And 'a bit of a sloppy trigger' is not what I meant: I was talking about 1 good trigger instead of 15 small ones.
And I was so kind to set it to "Needs fix" instead of permanently rejecting it (what I should have done)... :/
Fix up your credits, are you trying to use code on it?
Also if you can, please add a difficulty setting.
I checked out the map (opened it for about 5 minutes) and immediately saw these things:
I can clearly see you're not a moron: you're willing to become a good mapper yourself and you encourage other people to learn from you (and your mistakes).
You purposely do not protect your map, instead you added a note to other people who opened and may want to edit your map, learn from it, or get triggers (another positive point).
Creating a map is very time-consuming and (usually when you're not that good) you will learn a whole lot in the process.
For that, I appreciate your effort and wish you the best of luck.
However: I also noticed the inefficient triggering in your map, if I were to edit the map, I want to redo... basically every trigger in the game.
It's only normal that your triggers aren't efficient: most people only start thinking about that after they learned how to remove leaks (and my guess is that you learned it while making this map).
If you add everything Septimus has said, I need to reject the map, but I will set it to "Needs fix" instead.
Hello, unfriendly.very imbalanced map
many hotkeys do not work
money tower is very VERY rigged, without it you cannot win
decent map, but very poor
balance is fine, but you need to know how to play to survive. Also you should fix the hotkeys ASAP! Thats a number one priority. Man seriously! Takes only 30 min!
What feedback do we have now? You rated, just didn't give me any feedback.im gonna retest this map today (WITH USEFUL FEEDBACK THIS TIEM!)
My vote for this map is 1/5 (Unacceptable) until the author fix the map.
1) Hotkey are not properly set up as most of it either clash or not working.
-I try to upgrade Arrow Tower by clicking A and it wound up using the Attack command. The same goes to the tower upgrade as well such as Nova upgrade. Infact, some of the upgrade use the same hotkey.
Fix all those hotkey, makes those tower selling ability have hotkey as well and ensure none of the hotkey clash.
2) Tower builder could attack building, this is the main reason why it was unacceptable. I could easily goes to opponent base and destroy all their building to make them defenseless, the same goes to them as well.
3) When my builder goes to the circling path, it would walk around in the circle just like the creep does. The unit enter region xxx should only recognizes the creep and not the builder itself.
4) The diversity ain't that great either, it was more like another td genre that involves building tower and upgrade it.. nothing much.
5) The triggering could be much cleaner and efficient as well.
Fix the hotkey, the attacking type of tower builder and creep patrolling.