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Night Sky Sword

This is "Night sky sword" from the book series Sword art online, Book 7 was it? Alicization. It's a sword made out of the branch of a giant black tree, used by Kirito during this books events.

V2.0 Yet another rewrap...
V3.0 Remade the whole model reducing it's filesize in 48kb aprox and rewraped it again.
V3.1 Changed internal name and added frames, bones and one animations that does nothing to make it visible.
V3.2 Rewrapped and changed screenshot.
V3.3 Rewrapped again, changed screenshot.
V3.4 Rewrapped again, changed screenshot, added a geoset.
V3.5 Rewrap. Was to lazy to update screenshot. Made some other small changes again, so small they will be put together with this one.
V3.6 Hopefully centered the wrap and improved it.
V4.0 Remade the handle, reduced filesize, had to wrap again...
V5.0 Changed facing, resized like 10 times (I still think it looks too long...), and mostly worked so that it looks like an attachment.
V5.1 Rewrapped handle, centrated guard, made symmetric, straighten the edge, removed 1 more vertex.
V5.2 hopefully centered and fixed everything...
V5.3 removed some weird brown things that where showing in the texture and which I somehow hadn't seen before.
V5.4 Remade the description of the model.
V5.5 Re added animations


Night Sky Sword (Model)

11:19, 31st Jan 2015 Misha: that's not really the wrap i was expecting to see.. you had a really long piece of black metal in that texture, and you could have wrapped the blade part fully in that area. Heck, even to the rivets it has.. I'm setting...




11:19, 31st Jan 2015
Misha: that's not really the wrap i was expecting to see.. you had a really long piece of black metal in that texture, and you could have wrapped the blade part fully in that area. Heck, even to the rivets it has.. I'm setting this again to 'awaiting update', and will do so until you learn texture wrapping right

well done, this turned out a very good model. and it is good to see you learning and improving from that model alone :)
It's not a good idea to reupload a rejected model immediately after unless you've drastically improved it.

Use the Modeling & Animation Forums to create a thread or use the Hive Chat to talk to other people who can try to guide you through improving this model. You can use the Tutorial section to help you learn some of the skills you might need.

I've already told you on the last upload of this what you could do to improve it. Saying that you don't have the skills to make a wooden sword look like wood is not an excuse.

The moderator who rejected your model probably PM'd you. Talk to that moderator and pastebin your model to him as you improve it until he says it's good enough to be approved and don't upload it again until it's good enough to at least be rated a 2/5 by a moderator. And it wouldn't hurt to still continue to improve it afterwards, because I'm sure you want to produce greater work than 2/5's.
... but i only said that it has a bad wrap o_O; unless you did it great and hive is messing up models

I checked and double checked the sword and yes, it needs a better wrap..
have you edited the UW wrap of the sword? the model doesn't tell me that well..

EDIT: no, it's all in an odd shape.. why don't you try to 'project' the model from one view in mdlvis? it'll get a good wrap right away, which you can then tweak
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
... but i only said that it has a bad wrap o_O; unless you did it great and hive is messing up models

I checked and double checked the sword and yes, it needs a better wrap..
have you edited the UW wrap of the sword? the model doesn't tell me that well..

EDIT: no, it's all in an odd shape.. why don't you try to 'project' the model from one view in mdlvis? it'll get a good wrap right away, which you can then tweak

Still needs a better wrap? I really think the wrap it has right now resembles almost 100% the original idea... which is a BLACK and total black sword... Figures making a black sword wasn't such a good idea... xd
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
It looks nothing like the original. You have the shape and the color right, but the wrap is the problem, and you're not putting any effort into that.

A good wrap can make a sub-par model significantly better.

The original es complete black... Figures...

I don't know where's your problem guys with the wrap, this is honestly the best I can make with my crappy abilities. And I won't mind ever trying it again. It's good at it is.
Why? It has the averange size of an attachment xd

Yeah, but with average size one would expect at least average quality.

Still, you've reduced the file size drastically, from 76KB down to 21KB.

I also see that you have finally wrapped a more appropriate texture to the sword. It looks much better now. Although I'm still interested in seeing a wooden sword such as what you originally aimed for. Maybe if that's not the direction you're taking this in anymore, you could at least make a wooden sword in the future. It would be interesting, I think.

Anyway, I'd say you've made some seriously drastic improvements to this model and it's approaching approve-able quality.

That being said, it's 2/5 quality and needs more work. You should try to find an edge in the texture somewhere; any metal bar would work. Wrap it so that the edge is in the middle of your blade, thus making it appear to be shaped, well, I can't think of a term to describe the shape, but you know what I'm talking about, I hope.

Don't give up; just because it's not good yet doesn't mean it won't be. It's already much better than before.
Okay, the wrap doesn't look that bad now, but there are 2 things that bother me: how high poly the handle is (usually in WC3 attachments handles are 4-sided columns, yours appears to be 12-sided, which only takes up polycount and filesize) and tip of the sword (polish it more, it's too edgy now, look at how smooth the SAO sword is)
Now it actually looks like wood AND looks good. Great job on the texture.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
my handle is a cylinder... that's why it has 12 faces...
About the edgy thing. In description to the book, the sword broke 6 sharpening stone's while it was being made... and it was so sharp it broke a shield that was at a larger distance than the maximal distance of any sword skill has, just by being swung. Although that was more Kirito's fault becuase he didn't took the power of the sword to serious xd
so.. how goes this? *goes to check*

EDIT: m'yes, the blade's center texture needs to be more in the center of the blade mesh :p but i'm not really happy how the sword guard (the thing in between handle and blade) is wrapped.. it still looks lill messy and undefined.. not to mention those flat parts of mesh on the top and bottom of those

and I'd agree on the handle.. it needs to be 4-sided 'cylinder'.. 12 sides is way too much.. try to remake that..?
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
so.. how goes this? *goes to check*

EDIT: m'yes, the blade's center texture needs to be more in the center of the blade mesh :p but i'm not really happy how the sword guard (the thing in between handle and blade) is wrapped.. it still looks lill messy and undefined.. not to mention those flat parts of mesh on the top and bottom of those

and I'd agree on the handle.. it needs to be 4-sided 'cylinder'.. 12 sides is way too much.. try to remake that..?

That would made a cube xD

the guard is a bitch that yust won't look good no matter WHAT I do.

Really :vw_wtf: I am almost 1000% I centered as humanly as possible.


WOW... It really looks like wood even if the texture used is metal... logic just got...
humm.. here's something.. your sword is really facing the wrong way, which means you should rotate the sword so the blade tip is pointing in the direction where handle is now.
the model itself is not placed in the right way to be held, which means the handle center of the handle should be in the very center of the grid. that way the units will be able to hold it by the handle

one other thing, i noticed that the area where the hand guard is, is strangely twisted to one side, while it should be more/less parallel with the handle, same with the sword tip. and for last, the wrap of left side of the blade, doesn't match well with the right side of the blade..

EDIT: also, name your animation 'Stand' and give it a duration from 100-1000, for an example.. the viewer is not loading your model because of that (you can edit the animation in the model editor's 'sequence editor')
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
It's looking better, but what's up with the blood gutter being off-center? It has to end at the point of the sword! That also brings out the matter of the blade being off-center, which I never noticed before.

Anyway, after you fix those two issues, this will definitely be approve-able, you've come a long way with it.

What's a blood gutter? You just broke my english barrier with that word....
The blade is of centeted because attachments require that the handle is in the center of mass, I checked it on WE and it works fine (the units take the sword from the handle as they should do) or are you refering to something else?
What's a blood gutter? You just broke my english barrier with that word....
The blade is of centeted because attachments require that the handle is in the center of mass, I checked it on WE and it works fine (the units take the sword from the handle as they should do) or are you refering to something else?

The blood gutter is the indentation in the center of a blade, from the hilt to the tip, used to allow blood to flow through it which makes pulling your sword out of someone easier. On your model, the blood gutter is off-center.

And you completely misunderstood when I said the blade is off-center, I wasn't talking about its placement in relation to the center of mass, I was talking about in relation to the handle; your blade should go straight out from the handle. With that type of sword, the handle is just a dull, round end of the blade, it's one single piece, with the hilt then attached to it; that's how they're made. With your blade being off-center from the hilt it just doesn't look right; rotate it a bit until it's a straight 180 degree line from the end of the hilt to the end of the blade.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
The blood gutter is the indentation in the center of a blade, from the hilt to the tip, used to allow blood to flow through it which makes pulling your sword out of someone easier. On your model, the blood gutter is off-center.

And you completely misunderstood when I said the blade is off-center, I wasn't talking about its placement in relation to the center of mass, I was talking about in relation to the handle; your blade should go straight out from the handle. With that type of sword, the handle is just a dull, round end of the blade, it's one single piece, with the hilt then attached to it; that's how they're made. With your blade being off-center from the hilt it just doesn't look right; rotate it a bit until it's a straight 180 degree line from the end of the hilt to the end of the blade.

You don't know how many times I already tried to center that.

But I will rotate the blade as best as I can...
At this point I have no idea if the model gets better or worse with each edit xD

I say it's getting a lot better :xxd: I'm fine with the center of the blade being a tiny bit off :) You don't need to touch the mesh anymore, just to tweak the wrap on that lower-back side of the hourglass-like shape that goes into the handle.. just to remove that brownish thing.. and it should be good to go, i think
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
I say it's getting a lot better :xxd: I'm fine with the center of the blade being a tiny bit off :) You don't need to touch the mesh anymore, just to tweak the wrap on that lower-back side of the hourglass-like shape that goes into the handle.. just to remove that brownish thing.. and it should be good to go, i think

I took my like 3 hours to find the "hourglass chapped thingy" :grin: but now I am working on it :thumbs_up: