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New Rule

New Rule?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 54.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
There must be a new rule...
Joking about Religion or talking about it should not be allowed in the forums & chat....
Talking about it can be allowed in Medivhs Tower...

I see it VERY offending and should not be allowed since that people act un-mature and un-respectable....
Some People cant handle the subject..
Spam and i will report you...
Dont post anything if you belive in god or not because thats not what i ask ,but what i ask is to help me make the admins make a new rule!!!
Vote Yes If you want it to be a rule...
Vote No if you want to be un-respectable and un-mature
There is a 60-day Deadline
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
No, Don't get me wrong i love god and jesus. But god has a sense of humor if he didn't there would be alot of dead people. its alright to be a heavy christian and never joke about god or jesus but don't force others too do so as well, if people find the post offending they shouldn't think abit of it and don't reply but if they do and start whining about it they shows there week in heart. You can't force something on someone you can only show them the right way and starting a new rule won't help anyone.
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
So... voting "No" automatically makes you retarded... okay

Madcat, how do you know he's talking about Christianity? He never specified. Also, he said not to discuss religion in this thread...

He can talk about any religion it doesn't change and if were not talking about religion this whole post means nothing thats the whole meaning of the poll.

Well i suggest this rule because if I firelord213 tells a admin/mod to say that they offend or should stop joking about it you really think anyone would do anything about it?It is me who will get the punishment...

If a moderator thought it was bad he/she would delete it. And i'm, sorry you get falsely punished but thats not mine or the rest of the visitors problem, if there is a problem you need to go find a admin or ralle and talk it out.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
The discussion of certain "taboo" subjects like religion, politics, sex, etc. is permitted only to a certain degree. Those subjects are, in fact, best discussed at websites dedicated to that specific content. Our Hive's Off-Topic forums may include such discussions only insofar as much that they violate no site rules, remain civil, enlightening and productive.

Users that participate in those topics should adhere closely to the site rules detailed in the FAQ. The administration reserves the right to edit or delete any content that violates those strictures.

Users offended by individual posts and/or threads should report report them to the staff using the "Report Post" feature:

Reported posts are addressed on a case-by-case basis according to the site rules.
Level 35
May 22, 2007

Political correctness is a road to death.

As Wolver so wisely stated: We already have rules set in place to govern over what may fall under flaming, spamming, and otherwise bad treatment of those "with", and "without" religion.

While I myself do not really want religious debates to occur (having been knee deep in atleast three!)

There should not be limits placed on either side as to their freedom of civilized speech.

-Elenai Elenya-
Level 14
Nov 20, 2005
Your crazy and deluded beliefs should not be protected just because you're organised into a gang called a 'religion' that is often used to commit attrocities.

That is, until my right under my own personal religion not to pay taxes or obey laws is protected, your crazy beliefs aren't protected just because there are several of you.
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Firelord213. grow up and toughen up.
If someone says something you don't like, you don't need to read it or even acknowledge it just ignore it.

seriously im tired of how pathetic and bitchy everyone is latley.

All this crying about what people say is FUCKING annoying, grow up.
Level 24
May 20, 2007
Firelord213. grow up and toughen up.
If someone says something you don't like, you don't need to read it or even acknowledge it just ignore it.

seriously im tired of how pathetic and bitchy everyone is latley.

All this crying about what people say is FUCKING annoying, grow up.

Ah,pardon me flamer,but if his religion is strict,joking about it could be very insulting,he doesent have to grow up,cause I saw old people killing or killed by just joking about religion
Level 4
Dec 26, 2007
Donut your beliefs may not be like ours....i wont joke about what do you think...but i dont accept that someone else jokes about my beliefs. I respect your religion and surely i want you to respect mine too.
Level 4
Dec 26, 2007
We don't all know there's only one God.. You know, if you travel outside of your box, there are other religions than your own.

You may be right.
No one knows for sure,but everyone belive what he thinks is right,i am a Christian,my religion may be right,you are an Unitarian Universalist and you may be right,i think thats why you have that religion because you really belive in it and thats why i have mine.
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Level 7
Dec 4, 2007
i find religion itself offending, if we didnt have religion, there would be fewer wars
if you support religion then you support death
my friend is in iraq right now because of some religious lunatic that decided to attack us in the name of his god

even though i do not believe religion is good, i still respect the people who choose to believe in it

edit: (this has nothing to do with wether we should be alloud to talk about it or not, just an IMO)
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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Listen, as I explained in chat (You either weren't listening or didn't care so it's your own god damned fault):

I can make fun of religion as much as I want. That's like me making fun of humanity and you saying that I'm racist. WTF? If I were to say, pick on God, or Allah, or Buddah, then FINE. You could call me for racism if I started picking on America, or Israel, or Saudi, but not if I was making fun of Humanity.

Religion works the same way. I can make fun of religion as much as I want, it's only when specific religions are targetted and abused to the point of flaming/trolling/other rule-breaking, etc, that it's wrong.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
Klipso lol.....
The stuff you just said is about Politics....
the war in Iraq has absolutely nothing with religion to do >.<
And as I said before...
I dont care what you think , only why you would vote yes or no....

Brad dude...Want to know why i want this rule so badly?
because I cant stop people that are mods...
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Well, we certainly saw this coming: that this thread would become divisive/hostile enough to receive multiple reports.

It's my opinion that:
  • No new rule(s) prohibiting the exercise of free speech will be developed.
  • The subject of religion is best discussed at websites other than The Hive Workshop.
  • Hostility on our boards severe enough to warrant punishment will be addressed by the staff on a case-by-case basis.
Ralle or other admins may reopen this thread to provide further detail. However for the time being, since this subject has been addressed and explored:

~ Thread closed.
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