Lately Blizzard has been doing some Internal testing on some new Resource Mechanics. Also a note that Multiplayer is nearly complete and that there is a fixed date for the Beta, but is secret for the moment (so it is sort of a goal for Blizzard to aim for that date).
So far this seems very strange, hopefully we are being misinformed but it seems like this is quite ridiculous. In my eyes it would ruin the perfect Economy balance that Sc1 had, but it seems there have been some problems so they are trying to fix it. Hope this gets scrapped to be honest, there are other ways to fix the economy then this. It seems like wc3
Translated information Xordiah gave at the ESL Finals (9.-10. January 2009)
- Blizzard has a fixed Date for the Beta, still secret though.
- Multiplayer is nearly complete except a few details.
- There will be more opportunities to get beta keys (i.e. Contests, perhaps story-contest or something like that)
- The Blizzard internal SC2 build contains Dark Pylons, which have an ability that can speed up the Probes harvesting when triggered, has cooldown.
- The Command Center also has a cooldown that enables it to summon/drop pod a bigger SCV which collects resources faster.
- Supply depots can be upgraded to give "plus" 2 supply.
- Mentioned: that immortals seem to be extremely strong in the actual build.
So far this seems very strange, hopefully we are being misinformed but it seems like this is quite ridiculous. In my eyes it would ruin the perfect Economy balance that Sc1 had, but it seems there have been some problems so they are trying to fix it. Hope this gets scrapped to be honest, there are other ways to fix the economy then this. It seems like wc3