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Neverwinter Nine v2.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Neverwinter Nine

It has been a long time seen i first created a Hero defense map. It's actually my favorite genre.
I did play X-Hero and some other popular maps but i am not satisfied with most of them so i decided to make a new fresh one, on my own way :grin:

-Map story: Nothing special. You are one of the Neverwinter Nine, the most noble and talent warriors of Lord Nasher. You will be sent to the Crossroad Keep, to help defense it from an invasion of the enemies.

-Map genre: Hero Defense

-Number of players: 1 - 6

-Gameplay: Team up and try to survive the tough battle as well as protect Lord Nasher. If he dies, you lose. The enemies will be divided into many classes. Mainly warrior, mage, assassin and ranger. Each hero has a specific role so the only way to win is teamwork.
Basically the map will focus on custom Heroes, spells and items. I will also add some new regions around the Keep so you will have some tasks to do. Search as killing a Legendary Dragon for treasures or assassinate an Enemies' leader for bonuses. There are totally 29 waves of enemy.


-Each class has a specific NPC to learn his talents. Normally talent (the other name of skill, spell or ability as we usually call) will cost 1 talent point (attribute point), 100 gold and corresponding Hero level. Each level gives you four talent points, you can distribute to Strength, Agility, Wisdom or keep them to learn other abilities, the choice is yours.

  • Strength: increases health, health regen rate, physical damage and physical damage from some Talents.
  • Agility: increases armor, physical critical rate and physical damage from some Talents.
  • Wisdom
: increases mana, mana regen rate and magical damage from Talents.

Magical damage includes ice, fire, lightning and spirit. Nature damage is considered as poison, note that Undead is immune to critical damage and Nature damage.

Warrior's talents

Guardian's talents

Rogue's talents

Ranger's talents

Mage's talents

Sorceress' talents

-Tips and Hints:
  • This map requires at least 4 players, the default difficulty is hard.
  • Do not forget to distribute your talent points and it should be reasonable.
  • Do not try to be a superman, fight as a team.
  • Use Teleporters for quick transporting.
  • Upgrade your items.










Update v1.4:
-Now use lumber as talent point to learn your talents. You will gain 1 point per level.
-Talent damage of melee classes now ignore enemy armor (as magical damage do)
-Increased attack damage per primary point to 1.8
-Increased HP per Strength point to 100
-Increased critical rate to 0.2% per Agility point
-Removed those talents: Regrowth, Whirlwind, Slice
-Added new talents: Companion of the Wood, Lay on Hands, Rupture
-Added two more Epic items
-Fixed all reported bugs

Update v1.6:
-Many bugs fixed
-Added three recipe shops
-Added new pet Wolf King Karth

Update v1.8:
-Holy Smite damage reduced to 10% - 100% current mana, consider enemy armor
-Golem now is immune to Massacre and Holy Smite
-Eye for an Eye now deals AOE damage
-Mana shot now deals damage based on Wisdom, name changed to Arcane Shot
-Coup De Grace now deals 400% attack damage as critical
-Removed talent Invisibility for Scout, Serpent's Quickness added instead
-Removed talent Deep Freeze for Mage, Winter's Grasp added instead
-The final wave now has 20 more Green Drakes
-Fixed Boss' AI so that they won't be stuck anymore
-Fixed talent Cunning which did not score critical hit from behind
-Slightly increased armor per point of Agility

-Trailer: a small movie with the terrain and a few Heroes i have finished>

neverwinter nine, hero defense, medieval, dnd, forgotten realms

Neverwinter Nine v2.0 (Map)

10:42, 7th Aug 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected We don't support ripped resources.
Level 1
Feb 15, 2011
lay on hands skill of guardian is useless. because of low healing value.
standstill is also bad. is it useful in this map?
guardian needs taunt skill...
Level 8
Apr 2, 2009
lay on hands skill of guardian is useless. because of low healing value.
standstill is also bad. is it useful in this map?
guardian needs taunt skill...

If you learn Lay on Hands i think you should also learn all of Templar's talent. both Holy Smite and Lay on Hands rely on Wisdom, with about 250 wisdom, you can heal and also deal about 1k6 damage, especially when Undead immune to poison and critical, not to say Holy Smite deals damage based on current mana.

Standstill just acts like Taunt, keep the enemy around Guardian so Mage, Ranger or other nukers clear them.

Of course i will adjust if any talent is too week or powerful.



Level 2
Dec 31, 2008
Wizard's lightning L40 talent, Lightning Rod, does not work.

Frozen Orb and Phoenix Strike still requres L30 to learn.

For some strange reason, cleave items do not work on guardian.
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Level 10
Jul 12, 2009
Very polished-looking map with a refined aesthetic, stable and glitch-free. Balance could use some work - the Ranger is the most powerful attacking class at the moment. Friends and I were able to beat it with 3 players (Sorceress, Mage, Ranger, but two Rangers would have been better), but weren't able to do so with two players.

Mistakes and suggestions: The cooldown for the Mage's tier 1 fire ability does not match the description. It would be nice if the game did not allow you to waste a Crystal on an non-upgradeable item. Some more balancing could be good.
Level 2
Jan 19, 2011
No words ...
Lost at 26 wave (sorc and guard) cause of 26th wave came when the boss from 25 was still alive
Level 2
Jan 7, 2010
I really enjoyed the map. Good terraining, good imported models. Although the gameplay itself was fairly unoriginal (what isn't, nowadays? ;)), the heroes had cool unique triggered abilities.

Some a couple of suggestions off the top of my head:

- The Warrior's run animation looks funny. Anyway to fix that?
- Update the tooltip for each level of the abilities, so that we can see the exact data for each level.
- Add a brief description for each hero. Although the names are kind of self-explanatory, a short description wouldn't hurt.

OT: Where did you get the icons for the talents? I would love to use some of them. I will give you credit of course. :)
Level 1
Mar 9, 2010
some suggestion need to add and demand to change :
- some army especially upper part seen like useless cause at the end, you juz need to defend Lord only and the army juz stand at the up there.
- add a fountain that heal both hp and mp, relocate the fountain at the center of the training center, this will easier to the player to buy talent at the same time recover their hp and mp.
- relocate the shop, cause it quite far away from the every distance, try make a teleport path toward the shop since you guy oready make the path toward the training ground and both gate.

these are the suggestion, if you think the suggestion are too offense for you, juz ignore it, anyway it juz a suggestion. =)
thank you.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2010
I have just finished it with friend(ranger+icemage). At least 4 players u said? Great map but is not balanced, when i tried druid there were no hidden skills on 20-40.


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