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[Needs fix]Mounted Paladin

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Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
So i wanted to use this model and it has several problems:
- maul clipping through head on stand 1, clips through the spikes too during stand 3, is nigh completely in the body during stand 4
- death, decay, dissipate anims are broken
- the maul looks barely textured and armor of the figure is more like just plain grey color, armor doesnt look metallic. Suggest to use regular knights texture for armor.
- and yet the model is using 4 custom textures. A recolored grey Garithos for the body, Uther for face, Battle Golem for helm, Mountain king for maul. See except the first recolor it could use the ingame ones instead. Filesize is unnecessarily big because of this.
- either remove or recolor those shoulder spikes white and shrink them a bit, Besides the shield there isnt enough tc see if you can get pauldrons teamcolored.
- the purple particles that appear during attack anims are required to be changed into holy theme fitting ones. You could propably use the same particles found at 'spell'.

I require this fixed because the hero i wanted to make is supposed to be a beefed up, bossy version of the regular knights and this is pretty much the only guy except mounted arthas that would really fit.

The model can be found here:
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