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Need some item ideas

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006

I need some item ideas.

I have an item set that has two sides. Both sides should have one passive special thing. When the player combines the set to full, the both passive ideas are combined.


1) Attack steals 10 life per hit
2) Attack steals 10 mana per hit
Combined: Attack steals 10 life and mana per hit

...But of course, something more advanced.

So start to throw some ideas. You'll rewarded with some rep and credits.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
1)Item Gives The Owner 75% Mana Regeneration
2)Item gives 20% chance to cast renew
Renew :While Attacking, Has 20% chance to heal every allied units Mana by 150 including yourself
Combine : Gives the owner 100% Mana Regeneration and 25% chance to cast Renew
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Armor blocks a negative spell every 40 seconds.
Helmet reduces magic damage by .33.
Combine for Spell Immunity.

That's too imba + doesn't work with my project coz' half of enemies spells are triggered.

1)Item Gives The Owner 75% Mana Regeneration
2)Item gives 20% chance to cast renew
Renew :While Attacking, Has 20% chance to heal every allied units Mana by 150 including yourself
Combine : Gives the owner 100% Mana Regeneration and 25% chance to cast Renew

Can't change cooldown with the current systems. Also other parts of the idea is used already.

Here some rep to give some motivation and new power to help me. This is not as easy as you might have thought first. Many ideas are already used in the campaign.

Also some help here. There are some things that can start the effect:

- Item used
- Attacking
- Attacked
- After cast
- Occasionally(timer)
- Character dies
- Enemy dies
Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
-Slows opponents upon attack (15%)
-grants 12% lifestealing attack
-a draining aura that slows all enemies within 500range by 12% and drains from each of that units 1% of their current hp per sec which is in reutrn added to the bearer of this item.

-when bearer is attacked, attacking unit receives 5% of its damage in return
-passivly increases the health regen of the bearer by 5hp/sec
-Whenever another ally in range 700 receives damage, bearer is healed for 5% of that damage. When bearer is damaged, all other allies in range 700 are healed for 1% of that damage.

-each consecutive attack against the same target increases the bearer's attack speed 5%.(max of 100%)
Whenever the bearer is attacked, he receives 5%attack speed bonus against the attacker (max of 100%).
merged:Whenever the bearer attack or is attacked, he receives 5% attack speed against that target and the target's attak speed is decreased by 5%.
Effects for all these items last 10 seconds, stackable.

-when casting, every enemy within 200 of the target is stunned for 0.1seconds with 20% chance to trigger
passivly returns 5% of the mana invested into a spell back
merged:Stuns every enemy within 200 of the caster and 200 of the target for 1second, 20% chance to trigger. If target has mana, burns for 20 mana that are drained to the caster.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
1)Cast a Meteor to fall in a 800 aoe ( 200 damage ) 30 second cooldown
2)When item holder dies cast friendly blast ( heal every allied unit by 10% their health on a 800 aoe )
When item holder dies cast a meteor to fall in a 1000 aoe and deal 200 damage to all enemy units and an additional explosion after the meteor to deal 50 damage and heal every allied unit by 20% the health of the item holder
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
-each consecutive attack against the same target increases the bearer's attack speed 5%.(max of 100%)
Whenever the bearer is attacked, he receives 5%attack speed bonus against the attacker (max of 100%).
merged:Whenever the bearer attack or is attacked, he receives 5% attack speed against that target and the target's attak speed is decreased by 5%.
Effects for all these items last 10 seconds, stackable.

This is a cool idea. Not exactly what I'm searching but I'll add this down so I can use this idea later.

Other ideas I already use in a way or another. More ideas, please.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
2)20% chance to deal 1.8x damage
Whenever item holder is attacking it has a 20% chance to cast berserk on itself and have a 100% attack speed but recieves 10% bonus damage for 15 seconds once on the berserk state it gives 20% chance to deal damage to the opponent equal to 4x the main attribute of the hero
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
1)10% chance to cast entangling roots
2)for every time the item holder attacks , he gains a temporary +2 main attribute points that lasts for 20 seconds ( stacks to 20 attribute bonus )
For everytime the hero attacks, he gains a temporary +2 main attribute bonus that lasts for 15 seconds ( stacks to 60 attribute bonus ) Gives the hero a 20% chance to cast entangling roots to every unit 400 aoe near him that lasts for 10 seconds,the damage the entangling roots will deal per damage is the temporary attribute bonus he gained, once the entangling roots are done the temporary attribute bonus will reset back to 0
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
what exactly are you searching for I would have to have an example to make some crazy ideas xD
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Special bonuses for an item set. It can be like anything.

Here are the item sets(there are actually 2x item sets which will be combined to one, and player can choose between Light and Darkness Maximillian):

So... I need one offensive and one supportive idea.


Light Maximillian

|c00FEBA0E+16 Armor
+300 Damage
+80 Agility
+80 Intellect
+1600 Health
+1600 Mana
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c00FF0303Legendary

Heavy Maximillian

|c00FEBA0E+16 Armor
+300 Damage
+80 Strength
+80 Intellect
+1600 Health
+1600 Mana
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c00FF0303Legendary


Divine Set

|c00FEBA0E+8 Armor
+40 Strength
+40 Intellect
+600 Health
+1000 Mana
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c00FFFC01Unique


Divine Helmet - Chapter 7, Buy: Olavi's Item Store

|c00FEBA0E+3 Armor
+20 Strength
+600 Health
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c007EBFF1Rare

Divine Crest - Chapter 7, DIG: 1

|c00FEBA0E+5 Armor
+20 Intellect
+20 Strength
+1000 Mana
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c007EBFF1Rare

Divine Judgement - Chapter 7, Buy: Gladiator Arena

|c00FEBA0E+150 Damage
+20 Intellect
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c007EBFF1Rare


Damned Set

|c00FEBA0E+8 Armor
+200 Damage
+40 Agility
+40 Intellect
+1000 Health
+600 Mana
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c00FFFC01Unique


Damned Mask - Chapter 7, Steal: Ruy'Arvoz

|c00FEBA0E+2 Armor
+20 Intellect
+600 Mana
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c007EBFF1Rare

Damned Carapace - Chapter 7, Buy: Molle's Armor Place

|c00FEBA0E+6 Armor
+20 Agility
+20 Intellect
+1000 Health
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c007EBFF1Rare

Damned Dominator - Chapter 7, Steal: Shadow Lord

|c00FEBA0E+150 Damage
+20 Agility
|c00FEBA0EQuality: |c007EBFF1Rare

Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
ahhh ok , im going to start thinking now xD
Edit :
Sorry for doublepost , our internet kinda disconnected resulting to internet lag
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
here we go
Offensive one
item holder casts the ability called Demonic Field, Every allied and Enemy unit (except heroes) in the field will be cursed which results to deal 50 damage per second on them till they die, once cursed unit dies , its soul is then absorbed by the item holder, once there are no cursed units on the field the item holder then casts the Final Judgement with a 3 second delay and needs to pay at least half of his health points and mana points ,he deals damage to every unit within 1500 range around you ( including hero ), deals 4x main attribute x Soul absorbed / 2 , if there are units which have 1/3 life left , they will automatically die and will become a spirit which again absorbed by the hero, for every spirit absorbed he heals 5% his health and mana points.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
I too think its complicated xD ok ill lower it a bit down here one with a passive and active one

When item holder kills a unit, Unit will be converted to a soul, when item holder has stacked up 6 souls, he then releases it on his 7th attack and deal 4x his normal damage + attribute bonus x 5/2 ( he may only release his 7th attack on a hero ) if 6 souls were stacked he can also use it to heal himself/herself by 30% health and mana points
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
Element Staff
on every 5th attack unleashes the power of 2 elements,
fire: causes 20 dps to all units in front of the hero for 3 seconds
water: freezes units in front of hero for 1.5 seconds
earth: causes 50 damage in a line in front of the hero
air: does chain lightning for 70 damage

item 2 (no idea for name)
light version every 10th hit hero heals all allied units in 500Aoe for the damage dealt + Primary stat.
Dark version every 10th hit hero Damages all enemy units in 500 AoE...
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
Amulet of absorption
reduces non-magic damage by (20 + (Intelligence/10))% and turns that into mana.

Amulet of Reflection
reflects a spell once every 40seconds works against enemies who cast spells
at or near this unit (effects unit and point target spells only) reflected spells will be cast back at the caster.

edit: Combine: Shielding Amulet reflects a spell once every 30 seconds reduces all damage by (25 + (Intelligence/10))% and turns that into mana.
going to add a dark version for these

edit2: Dark Version
Amulet of Magic Absorption reduces magic damage by (20 + (Intelligence/9))% and turns that into mana for the caster.

Amulet of Magic Suppression: every 15 seconds it will stop one enemy who is casting a spell within 1000 of the hero.
combined every 15 seconds it will stop one enemy who is casting a spell within 1000 of the hero and give the hero the amount of mana they used.
Last edited:
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010

Manaseed: Every 5 attacks, restores 20 mana.
Manashield: Blocks 1 point of damage for 1 point of mana (passive).

Combine: Every 5 attacks restores 25 mana, manashield blocks 3 damage for every point of mana (manashield becomes active, with no activation cost)


Painkiller: Every hit taken restores 5 mana.
Manacrystal: Increases armor by 5 but drains mana until turned off (active);

Combine: Every hit taken restores 7 mana, manablock provides 7 armor. If manablock is on, only 5 mana is restored.

(Really bad at balancing, as I proved earlier, feel free to edit the numbers)
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
I can't use the baisc blizzard spell reflection ability and it's too much work to make own system just for an item so I can't use your ideas Narogog. Also magic resistance is used already. :(

The idea from cleavinghammer is somewhat fine. It's doesn't perfectly fit but I'll use your idea elsewhere. Thanks!

More ideas!
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
Blessed Sword: adds 20 damage and can be used to bless weapons increasing damage by 23% for 9 seconds
Sigil of light: Aura effect increases allied damage by 20%
Blessed Sword of the Light: adds 40 damage, 2 strength and has a 20% chance
to heal a random ally in 600 AoE for 60Hp and increase that units damage by 20%.
(alternate idea causes the unit to go berserk gaining 100% damage, 3 bonus armor but losing 9 Hps(inner fire could do this))

Cursed Blade: adds 15 damage, 3 strength, and can curse an enemy reducing their damage by 30%
Sigil of Darkness: Aura Effect decreases enemy armor 30%
Cursed Blade of Darkness: adds 30 damage, 5 strength, and has a 10% chance on attack to curse all enemy units within 300 AoE of the caster reducing their damage and armor by 60%.
Level 6
Apr 1, 2009
Spectral Blade - Adds 15 damage and allows the wearer to deal damage ignoring 50% of the enemy's armor.
Phantom Talisman - Aura effect causes enemies to miss 30% of their attacks

The Nonexistent Blade - Adds 15 damage and allows the wearer to ignore half of the enemy's armor when attacking and gives a 50% chance that a successful attack will plant a Haunt buff on the enemy which causes them to miss 50% of their attacks
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Blessed Sword: adds 20 damage and can be used to bless weapons increasing damage by 23% for 9 seconds
Sigil of light: Aura effect increases allied damage by 20%
Blessed Sword of the Light: adds 40 damage, 2 strength and has a 20% chance
to heal a random ally in 600 AoE for 60Hp and increase that units damage by 20%.
(alternate idea causes the unit to go berserk gaining 100% damage, 3 bonus armor but losing 9 Hps(inner fire could do this))

Cursed Blade: adds 15 damage, 3 strength, and can curse an enemy reducing their damage by 30%
Sigil of Darkness: Aura Effect decreases enemy armor 30%
Cursed Blade of Darkness: adds 30 damage, 5 strength, and has a 10% chance on attack to curse all enemy units within 300 AoE of the caster reducing their damage and armor by 60%.

Used already. :(

Spectral Blade - Adds 15 damage and allows the wearer to deal damage ignoring 50% of the enemy's armor.
Phantom Talisman - Aura effect causes enemies to miss 30% of their attacks

The Nonexistent Blade - Adds 15 damage and allows the wearer to ignore half of the enemy's armor when attacking and gives a 50% chance that a successful attack will plant a Haunt buff on the enemy which causes them to miss 50% of their attacks

That "ignores armor" is not yet used...

I still have a feeling I'm still searching for something special.
Level 6
Apr 1, 2009
Aura Sword - Adds 20 damage and gives 40% chance that a successful attack on the enemy will slow their attack speed and movement speed by 50% and give them an aura that decreases the attack and movement speed of nearby units(except the hero) by 30%. Units under the aura will also gain a minor aura that decreases the movement and attack speed of nearby units by 10%. The two auras does not stack.

Talisman of Frenzy - Increases the movement and attack speed of the Hero by 30% and allows him to use the Berserk ability to attack faster but take more damage.

Blade of the Crippling Frenzy - Adds 20 damage, increases the movement and attack speed of the Hero by 30% and gives 40% chance that a successful attack on the enemy will slow their attack speed and movement speed by 50% and give them the Slow Aura that decreases the attack and movement speed of nearby units(except the hero) by 30%. Units under the aura will also gain a Minor Slow Aura that decreases the movement and attack speed of nearby units by 10%. The Blade also offers a Crippling Berserk ability which allows the Hero to attack faster and gain a Crippling Aura that slows the attack speed of nearby enemies by 20%. Slow Aura, Minor Slow Aura and Crippling Aura does not stack.
Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
Another healing item

Talisman of Peace
-allows bearer to restore 100 mana and 150 hitpoints to units within 450 (active, cooldwon ~30-40secs).
random weapon
-a simple weapon that only adds bonus damage

merged: [whatever weapon] of Replenishment
-Whenever the bearer attacks a unit, he drains 5% of damage dealt as mana that he gets and has a 15% lifestealing attack.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Aura Sword - Adds 20 damage and gives 40% chance that a successful attack on the enemy will slow their attack speed and movement speed by 50% and give them an aura that decreases the attack and movement speed of nearby units(except the hero) by 30%. Units under the aura will also gain a minor aura that decreases the movement and attack speed of nearby units by 10%. The two auras does not stack.

Talisman of Frenzy - Increases the movement and attack speed of the Hero by 30% and allows him to use the Berserk ability to attack faster but take more damage.

Blade of the Crippling Frenzy - Adds 20 damage, increases the movement and attack speed of the Hero by 30% and gives 40% chance that a successful attack on the enemy will slow their attack speed and movement speed by 50% and give them the Slow Aura that decreases the attack and movement speed of nearby units(except the hero) by 30%. Units under the aura will also gain a Minor Slow Aura that decreases the movement and attack speed of nearby units by 10%. The Blade also offers a Crippling Berserk ability which allows the Hero to attack faster and gain a Crippling Aura that slows the attack speed of nearby enemies by 20%. Slow Aura, Minor Slow Aura and Crippling Aura does not stack.

Massive wall of text with a simple idea to slow enemies with basic attacks. Already used. :<

Another healing item

Talisman of Peace
-allows bearer to restore 100 mana and 150 hitpoints to units within 450 (active, cooldwon ~30-40secs).
random weapon
-a simple weapon that only adds bonus damage

merged: [whatever weapon] of Replenishment
-Whenever the bearer attacks a unit, he drains 5% of damage dealt as mana that he gets and has a 15% lifestealing attack.

Also used.

It seems like it's hard to think new ideas for items.

-each consecutive attack against the same target increases the bearer's attack speed 5%.(max of 100%)
Whenever the bearer is attacked, he receives 5%attack speed bonus against the attacker (max of 100%).
merged:Whenever the bearer attack or is attacked, he receives 5% attack speed against that target and the target's attak speed is decreased by 5%.
Effects for all these items last 10 seconds, stackable.
1)10% chance to cast entangling roots
2)for every time the item holder attacks , he gains a temporary +2 main attribute points that lasts for 20 seconds ( stacks to 20 attribute bonus )
For everytime the hero attacks, he gains a temporary +2 main attribute bonus that lasts for 15 seconds ( stacks to 60 attribute bonus ) Gives the hero a 20% chance to cast entangling roots to every unit 400 aoe near him that lasts for 10 seconds,the damage the entangling roots will deal per damage is the temporary attribute bonus he gained, once the entangling roots are done the temporary attribute bonus will reset back to 0
I too think its complicated xD ok ill lower it a bit down here one with a passive and active one

When item holder kills a unit, Unit will be converted to a soul, when item holder has stacked up 6 souls, he then releases it on his 7th attack and deal 4x his normal damage + attribute bonus x 5/2 ( he may only release his 7th attack on a hero ) if 6 souls were stacked he can also use it to heal himself/herself by 30% health and mana points
light version every 10th hit hero heals all allied units in 500Aoe for the damage dealt + Primary stat.
Dark version every 10th hit hero Damages all enemy units in 500 AoE...
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
1) Taunt all units around 1000 AoE to attack taunting unit
2) Gives the user permanent immolation

When item holder casts a spell, after the casted spell gives the item holder a 20% chance to pull all enemy units in range to item holder and deal damage per second depending on the value of main attribute ( example main attribute - 46 , 46 DPS ) for 6 seconds after taunt is done silences all units that were pulled for 5 seconds
Level 6
May 5, 2008
Your spells are triggered?
1)You gain 11% of your spelldamage as life
2)A 1% change on cast to refresh all your CDs.
Merged:You gain 15% of your spelldamage as life and you got a 0,05% change per life gained to refresh your CD

You can die?
1)every time you kill a unit you gat +5 damage(stacks to 75, bonus vanishes if u die)
2)+25 damge(if u don't got this yet :p)
+50 damage +10 per lasthit, stacks to 150(bonus vanishes)
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Yea of course I trigger everything.

1) Taunt all units around 1000 AoE to attack taunting unit
2) Gives the user permanent immolation

When item holder casts a spell, after the casted spell gives the item holder a 20% chance to pull all enemy units in range to item holder and deal damage per second depending on the value of main attribute ( example main attribute - 46 , 46 DPS ) for 6 seconds after taunt is done silences all units that were pulled for 5 seconds

Used already.

Your spells are triggered?
1)You gain 11% of your spelldamage as life
2)A 1% change on cast to refresh all your CDs.
Merged:You gain 15% of your spelldamage as life and you got a 0,05% change per life gained to refresh your CD

You can die?
1)every time you kill a unit you gat +5 damage(stacks to 75, bonus vanishes if u die)
2)+25 damge(if u don't got this yet :p)
+50 damage +10 per lasthit, stacks to 150(bonus vanishes)

I can't edit the cooldowns with the current systems and I cannot do "spell life steal"(too much work). Second idea is used already.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
When item holder recieves 500 Damage, he releases a roar that will make all units unable to move and recieves 200% Bonus damage from spells,if unit that was affected dies, he will recieve a temporary armor bonus.

Item holder kills a hero, he gains a buff that on his next attack he is able to deal damage equal to 1/4 the maximum health of the target, if the next target dies, he releases a roar that will make him recieve a temporary damage bonus.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
When item holder recieves 500 Damage, he releases a roar that will make all units unable to move and recieves 200% Bonus damage from spells,if unit that was affected dies, he will recieve a temporary armor bonus.

Item holder kills a hero, he gains a buff that on his next attack he is able to deal damage equal to 1/4 the maximum health of the target, if the next target dies, he releases a roar that will make him recieve a temporary damage bonus.

Sorry, but I just don't like these ideas.

Assassin's cloak
Gives a (10+((damage dealt+Agility(not including bonuses))/level of hero))% chance when damaged by a ranged unit to teleport behind the unit and attack it dealing 2x damage.

And that's already used as an ability.

Still I need more ideas. I just need one more good idea and I'm done. Then I will give you all helpers some rep.
Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
Mundane boots
-add 50 movement speed
talisman of restoration
-adds 5 hitpoints per sec
Traveller's Boots
-add 70 movement speed
-heals the bearer the more he moves around (means: check every xyz seconds sitance between points and add life to bearer equal to distance * multiplier).
Since I don't know how much life your heroes and such have, the correct amount would be up to you.

An item I'm using myself:
Stonkaz Stompaz
add movement speed and the chance to cast a weak thunderclap when hit (fluff says: stomp the ground :p ). Passive, cooldown 0.7 secs, 15% chance upon attack
consists of heavy boots (ms) and an earth totem (active cast: shockwave)
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