nooo!!!!! ok what i mean is
there are things called user groups, these are allocated to everyone that even visits the forum
moderators are classed as moderators
admins as admins
normal users and members as members
and guests as guests
however groups can be added and edited, for example you could set a person as a moderator and they get new privalages. what would be the best thing to do is to add a completely new group called clan memebers, then each person who is a clan memeber would be put into this group. the groups would have no extra privalges or ne thing but there would be a few major benifits.
1. you can keep tabs on clan memebers, like when they are active and stuff, this would help in the selection and de-selection of people to kick.
2. makes the web site a bit more tidy
3. makes it abvious who is in the clan