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need ideas for races.

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Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
Im making an altered melee type map, with all custom races. one of them is already done (forsaken), and im now doing a brainstorm for the others. they are:
The burning legion
The old gods(yogg-saron and c'thun)
The Naga.

Im trying to get as much interesting, different gameplay as possible here, whithout going overboard. for example the forsaken's food building provides more food the more of them are near to it. i also thought about making a summoning circle system for the old gods where you build buildings in a circle and different combination make different units.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Burning crusade

Manifestation of Fire Just main building. Has 2 upgrades (Temple of Fire; Citadel of fire)
Portal "baracks" (for all tiers, because the burning crusade only uses one portal)
Factory Building for Tier 2 mechanical units (like hellcruiser (just a name))
Doom Tower defensive building. (maybe with 1 upgrade)
Burning Altar Hero creation and reviving


Infernal Lord Rain of Fire, Burning Revenge, Aura of Living Hell, Summon Hellspawns (Ultimate)

(can't think of more ^^)

Comment at the end: Sorry for partially completionm of your request, but I need time to think and this was a quick action. I will complete it as soon as possible. (But you may see where i'm aiming at)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
use Textwall Resistance Potions, avalanche of rough ideas incoming in 3... 2... 1... 0...

take cover...

Old Gods:

'Protoss Pylon'-style building (all buildings must be build near a speacial building, Old God's Tendril in this case. it also serves as a food building. gold and wood are gathered in night-elf style. there are no workers, Old God's Tendril spawn buildings near themselves. they also spawn Salvaging Tentacles at gold mines and trees.

units are very strong, but slow and very expensive. the military might focuses on Maw of Madness - large buildings, which have large mana pool, but start at 0 mana and slowly generate it. the mana is then used to ccast different variations of Charm spell - with different range, level restrictions, single target/aoe, etc. another important unit is Corruptor, who will infuse friendly non-faceless units with Dark Seed (infinite duration, high mana cost and long CD), which will turn them into a weak version of Faceless Ones upon death.
there will be no towers, but Old God's Tendrils will auto-cast summon stationary Guardian Tentacles when attacked.

Burning Legion
main resource are souls - many units will have an ability to claim souls, casting this ability on a corpse will result in a nice animation of the soul flying to the Burning Temple at the nearest base. all units will be divided to weak mortals/lesser demons (mortal warlocks and slaves, felguards, felhounds) and powerful demons summoned with the use of Souls (Doom Guard, Eredar Warlock, Towering Infernal).
important units:
Eredar Summoner - weak unit with large mana pool and slow mana regeneration. has many summoning spells with high mana cost. all his summons are permanent.
Soulless Witch - succubus. has Soul CLaim with lowest CD and mana cost amongst all BL units. weak though.
Eredar Warlord - summoner hero. upgraded version of Eredar Summoner (aka stronger summons. though permanent too)

all demons summoned with Souls are permanent, by still considered 'Summoned', so can be killed with relative ease (well, very relative...). THy won't cost any wood and just a nominal fee of gold. They are more of an offensive force, still in need of a meat shield. Mortals and lesser demons will serve as a meat shield - they will be weak, but won't cost much food. Gold and wood cost will be abnormally high, to compensate for the greater demons' low cost.

will have two branches of techtree, player will have to choose one. one will speacialise on zerg-style gameplay, focused on murlock and mur'gul units, with awful siege capabilities. other will focus on heavy close-range units with no ranged units except heroes, but excelent siege abilities. overall, the race will lack ranged power, making up for it with great melee potential (ranged units will be dealt with with Net- and Web-style spells. All heroes will be ranged or will have many ranged abilities to compensate total lack of normal ranged units.

ok, i'm out of ideas now... need to recharge mah brain =)))
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
trillium, you are my hero. i actually planned the pylon-style for the old gods already, only its more advanced(you get bonuses if they stand in geometrical patterns)
question: what would the Old gods tendril upgrade to in later tiers?
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
lesser tendrils ('pylons') won't upgrade, but the pain tendril ('nexus') may after a looong tyme and for a laaarge chunk of resource get an upgrade into some (lesser) Old God. like a hero building.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Here is a race/force idea i had in mind for like 2 minutes!

The Shadowblades

The Shadowblades are creatures with the powers to control darkness and shadows. Their contructions are all weak but invinsible (Also pretty dark), they are adept at dealing massive damage, they use no mana.
Shadowblades are made from pure darkness, when they attack they will strike the soul instead of body, this may cause the target to go mad and lose control.
They are strongly weakened at day, but are strong at night.
They transforms gold mines into Haunted Gold Mines to get gold like undeads.
They get lumber like wisps, its the same unit that gets wood and gold ( Shade Slave ).

Their main building is the Dark Tower --> Dark Fortress --> Shadow Citadel --> Empire of Shadows.
Terror Hold : Trains units --> Shadowstalker - Soul Trapper - Dark Knight
Temple of Nightmares: Trains caster units --> Dark Soul - Nightfiend - Deathshade
Shadow Pool: Needed for Dark Fortress and over + other buildings (Has a aura with boosted life regeneration).

Their best unit is (Tauren/Frost Wyrm/Chimera ect) is Nightmare --> A unit that has massive hit points and attack damage, is slow and expensive. Its spells : Scare (Scares units in 500 range to make them flee) - Hand of Pain (Gives XXX damage to the unit and makes its attacks heal for 10 seconds ) - Roar of Darkness (Deals XX damage in a huge range, and slows enemy units movement speed by XX% and lowers their attack damage by XX%).

They have 4 heroes like every other race:

Shadowrunner : A agility based hero, runs faster than normal units but deals low damage. Its abilities are based on slowing the enemy forces so killing him is much harder.

Dark Champion : A strength based hero with alot of hit points, low mana and slow attack speed but high damage. Its spells are based on improving his stats greatly for a short time with long cooldown, he is like a last chance hero.

Soul Shade : A intilligence based hero, it is weak at all levels except its spells. Its spells are massive damage and curses that lasts for a very long time, has 700 attack range.

Avatar of Darkness : This hero has the same stats in all levels, it starts with 15 agi/str/int and so on the same (Items can change stats), its primary is intilligence. This hero simply are a healer/tank/damage hero, first spell heals, second gives bonus hit points + armor and third deals massive damage. The ultimate is a passive that blocks magical damage (Not spells).
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
sorry if i wasnt clear, i needed ideas for the 4 races i already made up, not for new ones.
Level 4
Jul 19, 2009
The old Gods sound awesome. Mabey you could make it so they are all much much stronger than the other races but slower to build and stuff like that, sort of like the protoss are in starcraft. Also you could have it so theyre buildings generate a holy light (or evil cloud, whichever works better) that heals their units and slows down enemy units. Hopefully those ideas help and srry if theyre bad. =]
Level 6
Aug 26, 2009
hey, i've an idea about Burning Legion!!
i's just idea, and i doesn't know much about burning legion(hehe)..

here you are:

main worker:
- Summoner slave
model: you can use shade, ghouls, or acolyte
summon buildings. can haunt gold and harvest tree. they can summon weak skeletal warrior, skeletal archer, and skeletal mage.

- Dungeon Hall
model: up to you
main building, summon summoner slave. can upgrade twice (Dungeon citadel, Burning citadel)
- Portal of soul
model: portal or dimensional gate
haunted gold mine, use to send the gold to other dimension for summoning later..can attack
- Waygate of dimension
model: up to you
barrack function. use to train Felhound, firelisk, and soul eruptor.
- Temple of necro
model: temple of damned
magician barrack. use to train Ghost summoner, Soulstealer, and soul channeler.
- factory of damned
model: up to you
factory. use to build Infernal Siege and Doom guard
- waygate of learning
model: demon gate
use to upgrade. can summon necro summoner
- death tower
it's same as deth tower, but can produce food.
- altar of burning
model: up to you
summon heroes.

it's half of my idea. i'll post the unit description later. i cannot stand longer here!
Level 3
Nov 11, 2008
K this is one i think will work good as a basic race but its still different (an ive based it on the human race too so ill refer to there buildings then the templar's):

--Templar's--since there a light sort of race they may also be named Purifiers, Chosen(against the forsaken).

--Buildings--( -> = Upgrades to)
-Main Building=Chapel -> Temple -> Cathedral
-Farm=Statue (workers may pray for food {more workers=more food})
-Blacksmith/Lumber Mill=Shrine (maybe at certain point of lumber dropped off you receive weapon and or armor upgrade)
-Alter of Kings=Alter of Light
-Barracks=Monastery (the place where monks pray in real life)
-Guard Tower=Light Tower(extra damage vs undead like units)
(not sure is u have merchants so ill leave tat up to u)
-Arcane Sanctuary=Mystic Sanctuary
-Siege Workshop=Sacrifice Pedestal (May summon siege units/flying units believed to be made by the gods)
Gryphon Aviary=God's Church (may give a universal aura but u can only choose 1 at a time)

--Units--(-Templar unit-(-human unit-))
Heroes=Templar(Paladin), First Crusader(more like a Blade master), Grand Master(Mountain King), Divine Mage (Blood mage)
Monastery Units=Monk(footmen), Armored Mage(heavy armor but slow move and attack rate and shoots balls of light)(Riflemen), Crusader(Knight)
Mystic Sanctuary Units=Priest(Priest), Enchanter(Sorceress), Purifier(Spell Breaker)
Sacrifice Pedestal=(Sacrifice units for mana then summon units that have no time limit) Enchanted Golem(god possessed armor)(Siege Engine), Sky Bomber(Flying Machine), Minor God(ranged/magic unit) AND once gods temple built you may unlock ability to summon a god(strong but limit of 1)
God's Church=Templar Swordsmen, Sacrifices (cheap and effective sacrifice unit), Ethereal Knight (powerful melee but is ethereal and has very slow attack and slow move, outside ethereal may cost mana)

If a race like this was there i would play it :D (i like Paladin-like Units) So if you do add this race send me a link via private message thx
Level 4
Jul 19, 2009
let me know when the map is done I can't wait to play it! Oh and mabry the old gods have no resources but instead buildings generate mana and units cost mana instead of rsources. This will prevent a player from creating tons of units in a short time. There could also be some buildings that increase the mana regeneration rate of nearby buildings. Hope this helps!
Burning Legion

I have made a burning legion race in one of my maps. It may be useful to you

Demon gate:
Town hall building
Does not upgrade
You can use demon gate or dimentional gate model for it.

Uaticol(You can change the name but you can say it means barracks in demon tounge)
Barracks building
Has 3 tires(Name changes like Uaticol Alpha and Uaticol Beta). First tire only trains fel hounds.Next trains doom guards too and the last one trains infernals as well as the others.
I suggest you to use CruelCloister model.(Search it in model section in thw)

Tower and food building.
trains workers too.
I suggest you to use DemonicSanctuary model in the model section.

Natar(Name is like uaticol.wroker in demon tounge)
Worker unit
I don't know which model to use. I wanted to build a burning worker but the worldeditor crashed. You can use a worker model from the models section(Just search worker) And then build an dummy ability named OnFire and burn it.(I used this way in my map by the model of dark artesain)

Shrine of Sargeras
Spellcaster prouduction building which produces demon warlocks(like the ones in outland)
The model is up to you.I used ShrineoftheDeathwalker model.

Hall of the Corrupted
Trains outland units like felguards,Infernal corrupters(Change damage to siege),void walkers and nether drakes.

Altar of Destructors
I think AltarOfTerror model is good for it.

Also you can make a trigger to create a circle of outland dirt(Red one) around your demon structures when they are created.Like undead blight.
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Level 4
Jul 19, 2009
alright this map sounds super cool...I can not wait for it to come out.... oookay....searching brain for ideas.......err no data....oh well..I'll edit this post when I can think up more ideas..
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