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Need help with changing armor types?

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Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
Need help sovling a problem!

When a time based spell is cast (ex.: Slow) the affected unit's armor changes to another type for the duration of the spell. After the spell's duration is up, this unit's armor returns to the "original" armor type of the Unit.

Or in case it is easier:

Need a system/way any damage taken by the unit affected by the spell should be reduced to 0 for the duration of the spell only.

Any questions?
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
Yes I have already found it but it's kind of weird! From what I understood it uses morph and changes the unit too!
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
hm! sounds good "ronojales" but I need ANY damage to be nullified even damage from spells (like Stormbolt) As I know Hardened Skin works only for non-spell damage or not?

I don't know about this damage detection system you all are speaking about but can it be made to work only for the chosen spell or it will work for all units in the game?!
Level 11
Nov 15, 2007
Create an ability based on Berserk. Set the damage taken increase to -1.00. Change the buff, nullify the attack speed bonus, etc. When your ability is cast on the unit, add berserk to the target, order the target to cast it, and then remove the ability. Berserk is instantly cast and works even while disabled so it should work.

You could also create an ability based on the item magic damage reduction, set it to 100%, create a hardened skin ability with 100% chance to block 100000 damage, and add those for the duration of the ability in a disabled spellbook.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2010
Weep's GDD
Bribe's Damage Engine

here are two GUI-friendly damage detection systems. if i must say, Weep's is the simple one, while Bribe's is the improved one based on Weep's. for more capabilities you should use Bribe's (as i heard you can detect special damage, 0 damage, etc. with it).

damage detection system (or DDS), just like what the name implies, detects damage taken by all units. so if you want to reduce all damage taken to 0, detect the damage using those DDS and add the same amount as healed hp.
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
"Meticulous" - What do you mean by "disabled spell book" - how to disable the spell book?!
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
"Meticulous" - What do you mean by "disabled spell book" - how to disable the spell book?!

Trigger-action-player-Enable/disable ability-select ability what u want disable
(disabled ability lose the effect but if spellbook is disabled then abilities inside the spellbook still take effect on hero but spellbook icon disapear from hero abilities->aka usefull for passive/aura abilties if u dont want waste the ability slot with thems)

  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Player - Disable Spell Book for Player 1 (Red)
i really advice the bribe damage system coz i use that and not hard, easily cuztomizable for noobs too like me
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