So this passive works like this. (this ability will not level up)
If one enemy hero come with in 800 yards of The Escape Artist (your hero) her movement speed and attack speed will increase by 6%, if two heroes come with in range, then her movement speed and attack speed will increase to 11% and if its three heroes with in range of her, then 15%. (only up to 3 enemy heroes).
I have looked at the triggers for a bit and couldn't find something apart from "Units with in range of (specific unit)" and that's not what I am looking for considering the hero The Escape Artist doesn't start on the map. Can anyone help me out? Or at lest point me in the right direction?
Also there is another passive I was thinking about where there are stacking involved.
If the Black Dragon (your hero) casts an ability (any on e of his four abilities) he will gain one shadow power. Once his shadow power reaches 7 he will heal himself for 10% and gain 10% mana. Can anyone help me with that too?
If one enemy hero come with in 800 yards of The Escape Artist (your hero) her movement speed and attack speed will increase by 6%, if two heroes come with in range, then her movement speed and attack speed will increase to 11% and if its three heroes with in range of her, then 15%. (only up to 3 enemy heroes).
I have looked at the triggers for a bit and couldn't find something apart from "Units with in range of (specific unit)" and that's not what I am looking for considering the hero The Escape Artist doesn't start on the map. Can anyone help me out? Or at lest point me in the right direction?
Also there is another passive I was thinking about where there are stacking involved.
If the Black Dragon (your hero) casts an ability (any on e of his four abilities) he will gain one shadow power. Once his shadow power reaches 7 he will heal himself for 10% and gain 10% mana. Can anyone help me with that too?