A game truley worth being Wc3serch's official
Spells, Models/skins, Tools, AI, maps, IRC, Jass and icons
IRC- Use commands like devoice (silence) to hinder your foes
Spells- Just assorted magic
Models/skins- Summon ferocious beasts or turn yourself into one
Tools- Fix yourself
AI- this is where it gets tricky, in cirtian situations (like low health) the AI will take over and bring you out of battle or give you the upper hand
Maps- Wreck the terrain and teleport through out it
Jass- not sure bout this one..
Icons- Upgrade magic and your unit
Also there should be an upgrade like
-Map Mod-Upgrade IRC magic by 1 level and map magic
-Mod- Have more mana, and upgrades all magic
-Admin- Become very strong and learn special skill
-------- IP Ban- Banishes you indefinatly
-DarkyX- Upgrade all spells to the max
For Levels it should be the different sections
-Land of nasty skins- Ally- Sansui, Mock1, alfredx_sotn and VGsatomi
--------------------- Boss- P:ick the worst skinner
-Feild of the Geomerge- Ally- Mecheon & Rightfield
----------------------- Boss- Pick worst Modeler
-Land of Infinite Spells- Ally- Vexorian & The_Raven
------------------------- Boss- Best Spell maker (could be the mods, that would be ironic )
-Hell of Flamers- Ally- VGsatomi, DarkShadow, Saikann and SeaGull1723
----------------- Boss- P:ick worst Flamer
-Land of Unstoppable requests- ally- those with workshops
------------------------------ Boss- One with most requests
-Land of the mods- Ally- All mods
------------------ Boss- IRC chat
Note: Allys will help you in the level, Bosses are obviously who are in control
Give me ideas, critiques and any response
Spells, Models/skins, Tools, AI, maps, IRC, Jass and icons
IRC- Use commands like devoice (silence) to hinder your foes
Spells- Just assorted magic
Models/skins- Summon ferocious beasts or turn yourself into one
Tools- Fix yourself
AI- this is where it gets tricky, in cirtian situations (like low health) the AI will take over and bring you out of battle or give you the upper hand
Maps- Wreck the terrain and teleport through out it
Jass- not sure bout this one..
Icons- Upgrade magic and your unit
Also there should be an upgrade like
-Map Mod-Upgrade IRC magic by 1 level and map magic
-Mod- Have more mana, and upgrades all magic
-Admin- Become very strong and learn special skill
-------- IP Ban- Banishes you indefinatly
-DarkyX- Upgrade all spells to the max
For Levels it should be the different sections
-Land of nasty skins- Ally- Sansui, Mock1, alfredx_sotn and VGsatomi
--------------------- Boss- P:ick the worst skinner
-Feild of the Geomerge- Ally- Mecheon & Rightfield
----------------------- Boss- Pick worst Modeler
-Land of Infinite Spells- Ally- Vexorian & The_Raven
------------------------- Boss- Best Spell maker (could be the mods, that would be ironic )
-Hell of Flamers- Ally- VGsatomi, DarkShadow, Saikann and SeaGull1723
----------------- Boss- P:ick worst Flamer
-Land of Unstoppable requests- ally- those with workshops
------------------------------ Boss- One with most requests
-Land of the mods- Ally- All mods
------------------ Boss- IRC chat
Note: Allys will help you in the level, Bosses are obviously who are in control
Give me ideas, critiques and any response