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Need Boss Critique? Come here!

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Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Introduction: Hey there! My name is Asomath, and I am here to present my Boss Critique thread. Bosses are an under-estimated, but extremely important factor in RPG's, Dungeons, and other Boss-Containing maps... Players are put in an interesting scenario, and must think TOGETHER on ways to get out/beat it. Bosses make players stray from the usual Mindless Creep killing. So, this thread was created.

Service: Here is what I am offering here.
-A full thorough view of a boss, playing it multiple times with diffrent classes/heroes if I deem neccesary.
-I will make note of the positive points and features of your boss.
-I will make note of the Negative points and features of your boss.
-If you have multiple bosses, I will look at them each seperatly, looking intently at each.
-At last, I will judge your boss fight(s)
-At the end I will give SPECIFIC suggestions on how to improve on certain aspects of the boss. For example, how you could do a Phase or Ability better.

Credibility: My Knowledge of Bosses can be found here:

Level 14
Dec 9, 2006

Time: 63 minutes 47 Seconds

Since the creep boss isnt really a "boss" I cant give you the same review/services that is listed above. However, I will still give you a review on it, just less formal then It would be if it was a "real" boss. In this informal review, I will refer to him as "the creature"

Your creature was engineered to hide. Every time you attacked him, he would immediatly teleport away. This may cause players to get frustrated, not from the usual cause of difficulty, but the unnecessary amount of tedious hunting needed to attack him one time.

The abilities of the creature were not very exciting. They were simply unavoidable abilities, making the creature require no skill to take down, besides spending the time. However, the effects of the abilities (like -1 level) would require players to weigh the benefits and consequences before going after this guy.

Although, I cannot say just bad things about this creature. The reward was great for taking him down. It provided motivation to kill this guy. So even if the players get frusturated, as I stated above, they will still have the temptation to keep going for the prize.

Overall, I believe that this creature preformed his role as a game mechanic. Not as a boss, but a side attraction from your interesting AoS game. So, what follows is my rating based on what his role was, not on his criteria of a boss.

Final Rating

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