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Need BOSS ideas...

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Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
Hello, i am making a multiplayer RPG and i was trying to see if anyone had any good ideas for some bosses??? +rep and credit in map for good ideas ;)
Level 3
Dec 19, 2008
How about a octopus/tentacle bearer creature.

Long ranged attacks don't work because the boss always evade, or use it's tentacles to block. Melee ones also don't seem to work, again, or the boss evade or block with tentacles.

Periodicaly ithe boss burrow it's tentacles, then the ground deforns at the point that they will emerge.

So the players have to both, attack the raising tentacle, or use some scenario object/mechanism to "stuck" the tentacles, so the boss can't evade/block attacks for a while. This is the time to attack it directly.

At the periods between this he can throw rocks or keep using his tentacles as whips. And sometimes even toss the players on the walls, if he get them.
Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
How about a octopus/tentacle bearer creature.

Long ranged attacks don't work because the boss always evade, or use it's tentacles to block. Melee ones also don't seem to work, again, or the boss evade or block with tentacles.

Periodicaly ithe boss burrow it's tentacles, then the ground deforns at the point that they will emerge.

So the players have to both, attack the raising tentacle, or use some scenario object/mechanism to "stuck" the tentacles, so the boss can't evade/block attacks for a while. This is the time to attack it directly.

At the periods between this he can throw rocks or keep using his tentacles as whips. And sometimes even toss the players on the walls, if he get them.

Amazing Boss Idea, I will try to see if i can make something simalr, id +rep you but it says i must spread rep until i can rep you again:eekani:
Level 3
Dec 19, 2008
Well, while it comes heres another one:

A infernal like, or a humanoid engulfed in flames.

You can still damaging him with ranged attacks, but when his happen he both casts a HUGE AoE fire ring, or throw a burst of fireballs at the players. Also he can jump out of the vision range, and come across the screen "flying", and finally comes spining and bombard the ground with it's body, again doing AoE damage.And obviously melee damage isn't an option since the flames would do heavy damage to the players.

So the players have to use any water/wind/frost spell that they have, or again some mechanism of the scenario, or even a quest item that they gained during the dungeon, this one you can give clues calling it of "a key" but during the fight the item will have the capacity of absorb the fire from boss' body!

While the boss isn't in flames he can only run around and do some weak punches and some ridiculous weak fire spells.

And also, he light up himself again, jumping at a HUGE fire gust at the corner, or needs to conjure a spell on a particular place on the room ( a circle of power like), or justs a timed event.

In the cases where the boss needs a particular place to engulf itself in flames the player can even manage to avoid him to get to these places, but be carefull about this one, to don't make the things too easy for the players.
ill changed my idea on bloodmage, when it has red life, it will banish and summon 4 lord mentioned above. The bloodmage will appear if the lords are defeated

Death (new boss)
Extremely powerful

Skills:( no passive )
Death bats large and powerful carrion swarm
Death Sickle 5% to half the target's hp and 3% to kill it
Release Darkness the effect would be this effect and after the effect subsides, this would show at the back of Death
Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
ill changed my idea on bloodmage, when it has red life, it will banish and summon 4 lord mentioned above. The bloodmage will appear if the lords are defeated

Death (new boss)
Extremely powerful

Skills:( no passive )
Death bats large and powerful carrion swarm
Death Sickle 5% to half the target's hp and 3% to kill it
Release Darkness the effect would be this effect and after the effect subsides, this would show at the back of Death

Very useful ideas, i will start setting it up and ill let you kn ow if i put it in the map ;)
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
I didn't have time to read the other posts so hopefully i didn't steal some1s idea.

The Unkown

Description : The Unkown is a very powerfull demon capable of transforming into each of the 4 elements : Fire, Earth, Water, Air. Each transformation has differnent spells and abilityes.

Fire Aura
Burns the enemyes near the fire elemental for X damage per second.
Breath of Fire
Unleases his vulcano-like breath dealing X direct damage, and X damage per second for X seconds.
Prison of Fire
Surounds a hero into a circle of fire, silencing him and dealing X damage per second for X seconds.

Trows hundreds of rocks from his own body, dealing X damage to the target and stunning them for X seconds
Mountain Rock
Reduces the damage done to the earth elemental by X %

Tidal Weave
Sends a water weave at the enemyes dealing X direct damage and pushing them back.
Water Brust
Makes a whole at the targeted location, capturing units in it dealing X damage per second. Units cannot move or attack.

Summones a cyclon at the targeted location, drawing every1 that's near it, lasting for X seconds. When the X seconds are finished all units that war near it will recieve X direct damage, blasting them in the air.
Air Aura
The air elemental drains the oxigen near him, dealing X damage per second to anyone near him.

This morphing phasses lasts for X seconds and have X cooldowns.

The "X" is for you to replace with numbers, hope you like my idea.
Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
I didn't have time to read the other posts so hopefully i didn't steal some1s idea.

The Unkown

Description : The Unkown is a very powerfull demon capable of transforming into each of the 4 elements : Fire, Earth, Water, Air. Each transformation has differnent spells and abilityes.

Fire Aura
Burns the enemyes near the fire elemental for X damage per second.
Breath of Fire
Unleases his vulcano-like breath dealing X direct damage, and X damage per second for X seconds.
Prison of Fire
Surounds a hero into a circle of fire, silencing him and dealing X damage per second for X seconds.

Trows hundreds of rocks from his own body, dealing X damage to the target and stunning them for X seconds
Mountain Rock
Reduces the damage done to the earth elemental by X %

Tidal Weave
Sends a water weave at the enemyes dealing X direct damage and pushing them back.
Water Brust
Makes a whole at the targeted location, capturing units in it dealing X damage per second. Units cannot move or attack.

Summones a cyclon at the targeted location, drawing every1 that's near it, lasting for X seconds. When the X seconds are finished all units that war near it will recieve X direct damage, blasting them in the air.
Air Aura
The air elemental drains the oxigen near him, dealing X damage per second to anyone near him.

This morphing phasses lasts for X seconds and have X cooldowns.

The "X" is for you to replace with numbers, hope you like my idea.

Yes supertoinkz had the same idea going, but A for effort ;)
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
here is another idea : (hopefully i didn't steal this boss as well rofl.)

The Fifth Element

Description : Ages ago, the 4 basic elements air, fire, earth and water rulled the world. But they tought they need a good leader so they morphed tougheter in creating the 5th element. But, as the 5th element was growing stronger and stronger the other 4 elements started to worry. One day, the 4 elements tricked there king the 5th element, and enchanted him into a prison at the center of the Earth...untill now.

Spells :

Elemental Weave

Sends a weave of elemental magic, dealing X damage to the units that hits, and placing a random debuff of 1 of the four elements :
Fire : Burns the enemy's defences decreasing there armor by X.
Air : Decreases unit's movement speed by X %
Earth : Crushes the enemy's weapons decreasing there damage by X %.
Water : Drowns the enemys decreasing there stats by X %.
The debuffs last for X seconds.

Elemental Summon

Summones a elemental copy of the one of the five elementals that will fight on the 5th element's side for X seconds. (Here you can put whatever spells you want to the 4 elementals)

Time Stoper Aura

The 5th element is so powerfull that he can control even the time. Whenever a unit attacks the 5th element there is a X % chance that the attacker will fade in time and space for X seconds.

Well i'm out of spell ideas :p. Hope those are enough. :D
Okay we can merge :p

Lava dweller


- is lava
0 is the land

Lava dweller only resides in lava. You can't go there coz of the lava, you'll be one-hit dead. It shows up and can attack fire ball, fire breath, or Slam that will slow your heroes. When it slam, that's the time melee heroes will attack it. Range heroes, of course can attack it any time. Also it has a high lvl permanent immolation (large damage)
Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
Okay we can merge :p

Lava dweller


- is lava
0 is the land

Lava dweller only resides in lava. You can't go there coz of the lava, you'll be one-hit dead. It shows up and can attack fire ball, fire breath, or Slam that will slow your heroes. When it slam, that's the time melee heroes will attack it. Range heroes, of course can attack it any time. Also it has a high lvl permanent immolation (large damage)

Ill probobly use that for either the last or a high lvl boss :D
Undead King (model would be a lich)


| | is the way
o is graves
x is the lich
0 slaughter house (abominations)

every 30 seconds, graves will summon zombies
every 1 minute, slaughterhouse will summon abominations
healer is must
you must stun or kill the lich to stop the graves and Slaughterhouses for summoning
when you reach the road next to the lich, 5 death knights (strong has death coil and animate dead) will appear in the entrance. No way out.
Lich has animate dead, death coil barrage (all units/ heroes near him will be affected by death coil), death and decay, breath of the plague (will poison)
Level 6
Feb 26, 2009
Ancient Spirit

This unholy creature is 100% immune to physical damage and 100% immune to magic damage. Once you incounter his area a Burning Soul will spawn, kill it and the boss will lose 10% of it's life. Then two of them should spawn and he should lose another 10% life. And so on, till he his dead. Make sure he can't chase you or move from his starting point.

This unholy creature can attack, but doesnt do much damage (If he did a lot it would probally be unfair)
Has Death Spirit Aura - - - Effect(s) of aura - - - 1: Damage loss 10%
2: Defense loss 10%
3: HP&MP loss 25%
Burning Souls have Corrupt Soul - - - Effect(s) - - - 1: -25 HP per x second(s)

This guy shouldn't be a hard boss to make, I hope. Thanks for reading my post. Good luck with the boss making. :thumbs_up:
Last edited:
Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
This unholy creature is 100% immune to physical damage and 100% immune to magic damage. Once you incounter his area a Burning Soul will spawn, kill it and the boss will lose 10% of it's life. Then two of them should spawn and he should lose another 10% life. And so on, till he his dead. Make sure he can't chase you or move from his starting point.

This unholy creature can attack, but doesnt do much damage (If he did a lot it would probally be unfair)
Has Death Spirit Aura - - - Effect(s) of aura - - - 1: Damage loss 10%
2: Defense loss 10%
3: HP&MP loss 25%
Burning Souls have Corrupt Soul - - - Effect(s) - - - 1: -25 HP per x second(s)

This guy shouldn't be a hard boss to make, I hope. Thanks for reading my post. Good luck with the boss making. :thumbs_up:

Very nice man!! never heard anything like it :thumbs_up:
Level 10
Mar 23, 2007
A powerful wizard at the top of the mountain. He controls water, fire and earth (nature).
Imagine a mountain like this:

/ _____ \
| | . . .\ |
| |__| | |
\_____/ /

At the top, he stands and use AoE spells like flame strike and frost nova (target point).
You start at the bottom, and is walking up of the mountain with a HUGE amount of invulnerable, slow-moving creeps after you. They kill you unsless you kill him.
On the way up, there is a few minions and some gates. Some of them can be destroyed, but some you will have to use a lever to open them. And the lever can be hidden^^.
There also have to be some traps, like, if you click the wrong lever there comes an explosion or something like that.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Dark Lord

Story: The Dark Lord was once a king of holiness, but was turned to dark sides since the betrayal of the gods. He yelled that he would have his revenge eventually, but didnt have a chance.

Description/The boss: Okay, the boss will have 5 phases.

1st phase:
At first phase he will cast 4 portals wich spawns 4 different units once., 1 spawning dark mages with dangerous spells, 1 spawning tanks with high HP, 1 spawning healing spheres (cant harm you) who heals everyone else except himself. After those 3 are defeated, the 4th portal will spawn a huge demon who has both high HP and powerful spells, but not a single self-heal spell.
during the first phase the boss doesnt do anything.

2nd phase:
The boss will spawn 4 gems, each doing different sorts of spells. 1 does high-damage single target spells, 1 does AoE, 1 does summonings and 1 uses drains (hp, mana, stat, cooldown, etc). The first gem will use spells like Death Coil, Firebolt, Frost bolt, Finger of Pain and such (also custom made). The second one will cast spells like flamestrike, rain of fire and such. The third will use summons like Infernal, Dark Portal and such. Destroying a gem will raise the levels of the spells the other gems uses.
During the second phase the boss doesnt do anything either.

3rd phase:
This time, the boss will attack you with full power, both melee and spells. When he loses HP to 75%, he will start summoning minor foes. At 50% hp, he will do mass damage to everyone with each attack (AoE spells, cleave, etc). At 25%, he will enrage, increasing his dmg, armor and speed. After he dies, the place will start to collapse.

4th phase:
You would think that he died, but he comes from the ruins. He goes to the air and starts sucking dark energy around him, causing him to transform. At this phase, he summons minions constantly and will use only ranged attacks and spells. When he has lost to 75% hp, his minions will gain more damage and armor and will change form. At 50% hp, he will gain multi-shooting to every attack and spell (except for AoE ones), e.g deathcoil wich shoots up to 3 enemies. At 25% hp, he will enrage again, having the same effects, but he will suck his minions back to him, giving him alot more stats, and unable to spawn anymore minions. After he is defeated, he will turn to an orb.

Last phase:
After a while, the morph will crack, making him come out more powerfull than before. This last phase has actually 2 sub-phases.
At first sub-phase, he will summon the gems and the first phases units at the same time.
At second sub-phase, he will use EVERYTHING he got. he will spawn alot of minions, cast enormously powerful spells and everything. The battle will also have a timer, due to the boss going insane. He starts to gather all power around him, weakening the heroes over time and start channel a huge orb wich could destroy probably the whole planet. He will lose his power over time aswell, giving a slight opportunity to defeat him. The orb is surrounded by 4 strong minions wich keeps channeling the orb. If you defeat the minions, the orb will start to disapear, using all the power collected to it against the boss, while giving you back your old powers.If the boss survives, he will start to shrink and vanish until he is gone.

I hope this boss atleast gives some help ;)
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
Shikai - Retributioner(?)

Was a wicked man that did wicked things. Was once in a search for immortality, and it was given to him. A blade that was bathed in royal blood, where all the members are sacrifice for His rebirth. This was a gift to him by the king, who is the Ruler of another world. A sword that can travel soul from soul, spirits of the Lost kind. Now that royal blood is at end, and the 5 remaining members are nowhere to be found. He has 5 more lives, and can have a million more if his master desires.

so basically he's someone that has 6 lives, and will have more if you don't kill him fast enough. he's just an extra in the game, a special enemy. so how hard is he to kill? hmm, let's say there's 5 different people in 5 different places which no one knows where. 1 is held captive by shikai's minions, the other living as a normal human in town, the other a leader of bandits, another one is an old man maybe living in the swamps, forest, or in the middle of the ocean, and the last one is unknown.

in his first life, you'll see him in his castle, he looks like the brown satyr which multiplies(he walks and leaves illusions behind. animation is like a bullet time animation but he leaves a clone), blinks anywhere randomly, attacks normally but maims you at every attack, does critical attacks, and has lifesteal. an imba enemy. he's possible to kill, some stuns and mana burning skill would help. when he dies he does pitlord's dark rift animation and disappear(teleport) into another place(which just means he just got ressurected into another body).

in his second life he's somewhere inside his castle(in a gate that was once closed). when you see a human that is surrounded by 5 acolytes, he'll appear there. kill the acolytes fast, they'll strengthen him every second. he loses the random blinking skill.

if he dies he appears in town and will wreck havoc, which will make him stronger(cause he'll level up from killing villagers). he now loses the maim skill. (yes he'll destroy every building, kill any units(even vendors) that are in town) stunner and disablers is needed so he doesn't level up because his clones kills villagers.

if you successfully killed him again, he'll appear in a bandit camp, and all the bandits would be under his control. it'll take time to get into him, and melee bandits all attacks fast, has a chance to maim, has rage, and the bandits in horses has a chance to stun you. ranged bandits has poison attacks and rage. they also do piercing attacks. now you're at shikai, he now loses his multiplying skill. if you kill him, no more bandits will appear and all players inside the boss area of the bandit camp will get a special item. in this level an area damager and a tank would be needed badly.

then in the next he'll appear somewhere(where the old man is) and start running to a fountain. if anyone succesfully stuns him while he's running, he'll stop running and fight you. and if he gets to the fountain of health, you need to destroy the fountain or else he's not going to die. this time he runs to the fountain cause he loses his lifesteal ability. alot of stunners and disablers is needed.

if you can kill him, you need to find his final place or resurrection. it might be anywhere since maybe the final person walks or travels alot. he now has no skills anymore. he'll be easy this time. but you need to kill him before he finishes casting the portal to the other world or he'll just disappear and all your hard work will be useless :p. there would be a signal to know where he is when he starts casting the portal. it might be anywhere in the first 5 areas that he was once in.

if he dies players get a "Cresent shard" which grants them random abilities that shikai has and adds some imba damage +attribute bonus. also grants bonus attack and movement speed.

Mage - gets blink skill
Archers - gets critical attack
Assasins - gets maim (cause they already have critical attacks)
Tanks - gets lifesteal
Healers - gets resurrect skill (needs sacrifice)
Other job - gets multiply skill.

that's about it
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
He is surrounded by big shields (Models maby mana shield, frost shield and divine shield)
Each shield has different qualities, one disables melee, one disables range, one disables spells.
To disable these sheilds, you need to destroy the generators that project them. Small clockwerk goblins will build new generators over time, so it adds strategy - all of your party wont be able to attack the boss. Mabey send the mage and melee to attack the generators and let your archers attack to boss?
The boss itself can cast cluster rockets, pocket factory and other tech-ish spells.

I guess it could drop a random pocket generator that the hero could drop out in battle that would protect the allies from the specific type of combat.

Any good?
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
-- The Lord of Earth --
2 phases.

1st phase: You fall to underground to a very big hall-type room. In the middle there is a huge statue wich after a while animates. 4 obelisks starts to send energy to the statue, keeping it alive, each being at different sides of the room (left, up, right, down).
When the statue animates, it starts to throw non-homing rock boulders constantly in a circle, damaging the obelisks aswell. Your goal is to stay alive until all the obelisks are dead. At this fight i would highly recommend having some speed-boosts as the rocks are faster than you.

Phase 2:
After the 4 obelisks are dead, the golem turns vulnerable and stops throwing rocks. The golem makes the floor crash to another area below. There, the rock golem shrinks to more real form, being faster but less AoE. He now starts to chase you, using earthquake, impale, rock boulder (non-homing) and all those sorts of things. When you deal him up to 50% hp, he starts to stomp the ground, making the very top floor start to collapse on you. Here comes a timer saying when it has collapsed completly, meaning the whole top falls on you. When the timer starts, there starts constantly rain rocks from the crumbling top, dealing damage if they falls on you, while healing the earth lord. When you manage to kill him, he crumbles to dust and a portal appears in the middle, also the timer will move to 30second, either increasing the timer or decreasing it. At this point - hurry to the portal, or you will die on the crumbling roof. From the portal you go to a treasure chamber, and from the next portal you appear next to the area where you fell, noticing that there is only a huge hole left of it.
Level 14
Jul 16, 2009
Aeoronius - Avatar of Wind

Phase 1: Aeoronius lifts you high in the air, above clouds. You slowly begin falling down. If you can't get to the 4 small platforms in the area, you will fall down and die. At platforms, Aeoronius will form a bigger platform from clouds and starts calling tornadoes (that beastmaster ability). If you touch any tornado, you will get pushed down and die. Lasts for 1 minute.

Phase 2: Aeoronius gets bored and calls 4 enormous and strong wind elementals. If they touch each other, they will merge into much larger and stronger elemental. The elementals have Wind Wave (shockwave spell which knockbacks, takes 5 seconds to channel and will have a warning). Again, if you touch the Wave, you will get knockbacked and fall down.

Phase 3: Aeoronius gets annoyed, and will send you to earth, dealing 20% your health. Then he charges at you himself. Aeoronius has Tornado, takes 5 secs to channnel, that sends one target in the air, killing him. (MUST BE SILENCED) He also has Wind Explosion, that knockbacks every nearby units and deals 50% of their current hp. When Aeoronius is at 15% health, he will get pissed, throwing everyone in the air and then everyone with Magic Missiles, dealing 25% maximum health. After that, he will get enraged and get 50% more damage and 20% more attack speed.

Phase 4: When Aeoronius dies, you will get a warning that you must run to the corners. After 5 seconds Aeoronius will ''explode'' and unleashes a more powerful version of Wind Explosion, killing everyone in 1000 range.

Meh, that took a while.
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Corruption Incarnate
Lord of all Sin
The Lord of all Sin is a powerful boss based off of the seven deadly sins.

Phase 1
In Phase 1, Loas will split into avatars of the sins:
Gluttony - Ogre with devour
Greed - Dwarf with transmute (avoidable)
Lust - Succubus with Curse
Sloth - Pandaren with Sleep
Envy - Goblin with critical strikes
Wrath - Demon with berserk
Pride - Human with divine shield
Every sinful avatar you destroy, a fire will light in the colour of the sin in a specific point in the arena. Once all fires are alight, beams will shoot from them, assembling L.O.A.S.

Phase 2
The LOAS will now attack with death coils and random death-and-decays will blast the arena. He will also summon weaker avatars of sin from the fires. His third ability creates 5 ghouls around him that he can death pact and dark ritual, regaining his power. When he reaches 0 health, his ghost will appear in the center of the arena. A spirit with no attack but alot of health will approach the ghost from each flame. Kill as many as you can to make the next fight easier.

Phase 3
LOAS will ressurect again, but this time with the powers of the sinful spirits that made it to his ghost. He will no longer have death coil, death-and-decay, death pact or dark ritual, but he will have the sinful abilities (see phase 1). The fires will be burnt out too, so he cannot summon any more weak avatars. Kill him now to get the loot.

The loot
Hammer of Gluttony - Slows your movement but increases attack
Dagger of Greed - Has transmute, gives movespeed
Whip of Lust - Can charm enemies, gives attack speed
Amulet of Sloth - Has sleep, movement speed reduction aura
Sword of Envy - Gives attack speed and critical strike
Mace of Wrath - Gives attack, defence and berserk
Staff of Pride - Gives mana, mana regen and divine sheild
Level 14
Jul 16, 2009
Electrocus Electrashock

Electrocus is a twisted magician with immense powers of lightning, that he will use to shock his opponents. He uses long-ranged attacks and powerful AoE attacks.

Phase 1: Electrashock: I will make electricity flow through your body!

Melee attacks won't work at him because of his Lightning Aura that deals 300 damage per second, so only Tank should be there. Every 10 second Electrocus will launch electricity to all units, dealing 50 damage to everyone. If there are two units in 600 range of each other, the lightning will jump to the other unit. When he is at 70% health, he will drain energy from 4 pillars at the corners, and gets 20% increased damage.

Phase 2: When Electrocus is at half health, he will get to srs bsns, and calls thunder clouds over the arena. The thunder clouds will shock lightning to a random area every 10 second, killing anything at 300 AoE. If the lightning manages to hit Electrocus, he will lose 25% of his health. Electrocus will also use Lightning Smash, dealing 1000 damage around himself, 600 AoE and slowing nearby units.

Phase 3: When Electrocus is at 25% health, he will drain ALL the energy from the clouds to himself. Then he will fire ALL THE ENERGY at one shot, killing everyone in a line, 800 AoE. After the shot, Electrocus will fall to the ground for 10 seconds. Use the chance to nuke him to death. If you're too slow, he will wake up and shock EVERYTHING in the arena.

Death Text: The Electricity...fails...
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Ragnarok Apocalypsimus

Description: Ragnarok Apocalypsimus is a creation from whole another reality, wich is no longer existing. Apocalypsimus is a very evil and powerfull being, able to cause whole doomsdays on dimensions, nobody know how to stop it or what it is.

How to get to Ragnarok:
You must get to the highest possible place on the map as he enters the reality.
Soon after, you will float to a floating arena-type place with gravity field.

Phase 1: As you arrive, Ragnarok will start to create small black holes on the arena, trying to pull the players heroes in them. a little thingy here: the arena should be shaped as a circle, not a square or triangle. The closer a hero gets to a black hole, the slower he will walk. If he gets TOO close, he will be sucked in and never to be able to get back again, making him be removed from map forever.

Phase 2: After 3 long minutes, the black holes disapear. A moment later, Ragnarok will split into 4 different soul-pieces, moving towards 4 statues showing Infernal, Water Elemental, a dragon and a huge, made from iron rock golem. These 4 are:

Soon after, these elementals splits to different ones.
Water -> Ice and Steam.
Fire -> Magma and Smoke.
Earth -> Granite and Iron.
Air -> Wind and Thunder.

So in short - you should need to fight 8 elements.

Ice: Very easily to hit, but causes a small reflect on each attack.. Melee works perfectly, ranged pretty...well, average, and mage attacks are reflected back to users.
Steam: Not able to be hit by melee or ranged weapons, only enchanced lightning weapons/lightning spells can hit him.

Magma: If attacked by melee weapons, melts the weapon and returns as ore/minerals, if attacked by ranged, burns the arrows. If attacked by magic, only ice/water affects it.
Smoke: If caught inside it, you lose health rapidly. Only weakness is air based magic attacks.

Granite: Strongest of them all, having 2000 armor. Only magic or very high Chaos (changed) damage can defeat him.
Iron: Very strong like granite, having 1000 armor, this unit is unable to be attacked with ranged, and is immune to fire and poison but extra weak against water (makes it rust).

Wind: Unable to be attacked, this unit cant be killed, so it will automaticly vanish in few minutes. Changes form from pushing wind, pulling wind up to Tornado.
Thunder: This unit stays still in the middle, unable to be attacked, it disapears a moment later after Wind. This foe shoots thunderwaves (shockwave as modified) clockwice constantly.

After you defeat the 8 minor elementals, its time for the 4 REAL elementals.

Water: Unable to be attacked by melee weapons or ranged, this unit is immune to everything. Only way is to make it chase you, making it lose a part of himself on the floor, or just tanking him, making him throw a piece of himself at you, making him shrink over time.

Fire: This unit is so hot that it makes you lose HP over time, the closer you are, the more you lose. This unit has devoured the remains of the granite, making him shape as a infernal, so it is able to be hit by melee. Absorbs fire attacks/spells, causing him to heal, also with earth attacks, VERY weak against water.

Earth: This guy is VERY strong, does VERY high damage but is also very slow. He is too strong to be killed by melee and ranged, leaving only magic. It absorbs earth, is immune to fire and water, reflects thunder and so on. When you face him, you should notice some of the platforms falling constantly. Only way to stop this big guy is to make him fall from the platform.

Air: This guy is flying! He is like a normal dragon, but has the power to push you out of the arena. Very strong, air-immune and no real weakness.

Phase 3: Finally, Ragnarok forms in the middle. He will use EVERYTHING he got. He casts black holes constantly aswell. Unable to be killed by any normal way, this unit has a weakness towards himself. After 2 minutes, he will fall down for a moment, and a special sword will come out of him, named as The Ragnarok. The sword gives the best stats and things in the whole game and is able to absorb the black holes with its stab-skill it gives. Once you suck a black hole in the sword, you can attack Ragnarok once, dealing 5000 dmg out of 1000000 hp. Once his HP is at 50% (500000), he will shrink to ½ of his size, re-spawning the 4 elementals with ½ of their original hp and powers (Earth is able to be killed this time). If you kill an elemental, it will come back after few minutes. When Ragnarok dies, the elementals will die too.

Phase 4: You know what? your still on the arena - and its crumbling to dust! A moment later, Ragnaroks evil spirit will spawn in the middle. This time, he has only 500k HP instead of 1 million, but he has 50% more everything else. Ragnarok (item) will start to shine on this part. Its stat increasing things will now be doubled.

End: After you kill Ragnarok, the sword will lose its special things it had from last fight. After a moment, there comes a very bright light on top of the remaining players, sucking them with him. A moment later, they will awaken on a white room with 4 very high ranked Godly Angels. After awhile, the angels will show 1 item for each player except the wielder of Ragnarok.

The Ragnarok.
Description: Piece of the all-devourer.
Effect: Gives +2500 damage,+ 300 all stats, +100 armor, Counted as all attacks (melee/ranged/magic) and has the power Devour: able to consume any elemental powers in the whole game. Every time you consume a element power, the blade changes to corresponding element, changing the blade to deal the damage of the element. If someone uses a Black Hole spell somehow, consuming it will turn this blade 2x more powerfull for 30 seconds.

Sword of the Gods
Description: A sword created by the gods, wielding their powers inside of it.
Effect: Gives +1000 damage, +250 all stats and ability to call 2 Godly Angels.

Staff of Master Elements
Description: Has the power of the elements.
Effect: +600 Intelligence and +3000 mana. Has 1 ability: Rise of the Elementals, spawning 1 of each elemental (same as the ones in the bossfight [the 4], but instead of being so powerful, they are weakened by 80% and has no immunities to anything [50% resistant to what was said])

AFTERWORDS: ARGH that took like hell D: but i enjoyed making it :)
Level 14
Jul 16, 2009
GLaDIaTUS 1337, Future Weapon of Doom, Destruction and Awesomeness

Phase 1: GLaDIaTUS will stay behind, letting smaller robots to kill you. The robots can heal each other if they are close enough (4 large robots). They must be killed in same time, or else they will revive. When they die, they explode, dealing 200 damage to everyone in 400 range of them, also knockbacking them. When they die, GLaDIaTUS will start firing LOTS of huge rockets at the arena, killing anything they hit. There will be a red mark on the floor before it hits. After 30 seconds he will stop.

Phase 2: GLaDIaTUS will roll down from the platform and attack you himself. He can set up Armageddon Bomb that explodes after 5 seconds, killing everything in 800 AoE. He also can swing his arm, knockbacking everyone in front of him. Every 40 second he will call hordes of 100 hp'd minions that will repair him. They must be AoE'd ASAP. If he gets full hp, he will kill everyone with a huge blast.

Phase 3: When GLaDIaTUS is at 10% hp, he will press the Detonate button. After 10 seconds he explodes, killing everything in 1000 range and dealing 400 damage to everything.

Cog of the 1337 - Trinket - Can call Mini-GLaDIaTUS to serve you.
GLaDIaTUS' Laz0r of Ultimate Doom - Weapon - Fires a larger lahz0r to your opponents.
Armor of Awesome - Armor - Gives Divine Shield.
SpetneZz, is you want to use Jsprat100's idea for the sin use this names :p
Superbia (Pride)
Invidia (Envy)
Ira (Wrath)
Gula (Gluttony)
Avaritia (Greed)
Acedia (Sloth)
Luxuria (Lust)

(BOSS) Nature
Tileset: Ashenvale + Dirt


o trees (100 trees)
| dirt
x nature

every 30 seconds, the trees will spawn shitty ents
the trees has 3 life phase, the 1st has wisp, 2nd has the healing salve effect, 3rd has nothing
Cut those threes to reach the nature
Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
Very Very nice ideas!!! :D alot of them deal with elements :p, but still good.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Granitos, The Earth Avatar.

Description: The Earth Avatar was formed by the god of earth to defend the very last piece of earth from the 7 Fire Lords. At first, Granitos was formed from normal granite, but it was defeated too fast. When Granitos in granite form was melt away, the melted pieces of him got absorbed in a huge formation of iron, forming an invinsible avatar. Now that he was made of pure iron, he had power to resist fire and defeated the firelords. He slept for 80 thousand years, and now something awakened him, causing him go berserk.

Phase 1: ''its alive... ITS ALIVE!''
After you find the lair of Granitos, he quickly awakes from the underground, causing everyone on top of him to fly in the air and fall down, losing huge ammounts of HP, while others gets damaged by the falling rocks caused by the collapsion of the floor. Now that he is awaken, he will spawn 6 rock golems from the ground and 6 boulders, 1 for each golem, coming after them. The boulders following the golems can do dmg to the players who gets squished by them. The golems uses normal Beat Em Up technique. The boulders keeps the golems undefeatable by constantly sending fresh rock materials to them, making them gain power over time (or lose power over time if theyre attacked) and more max HP and heal them. When you defeat a boulder, the golem will collapse to pile of rocks blocking the way (this rock formation is undestroyable and will be critical later on). After all the golems are crumbled, phase 2 begins.

Phase 2: ''The Iron guy isnt pleased on your presence''.
Now that Granitos' minions are dead (or crumbled, heh), he will start to throw spears made of pure iron on you. If a spear hits you, you lose 20% of your max HP, meaning that you can die in 5 hits. After 4 minutes, he will punch the ground in the arena, damaging everyone who is near it (700 AoE) and causing a earthquake. After a moment, a HUGE boulder will fall from the ceiling, crushing everyone under it (deals 50% max HP), also making it slowly roll the area where you walk (it is a circle arena again) while Granitos will start to throw those spears again. After 6 minutes, the boulder will fall down to the hole where Granitos came, dealing 20000 damage to him (out of 200k). After this happens, the boulder makes a bridge to Granitos for 2 minutes, making it possible to go attack him. The thingy loops until Granitos is dead.

Phase 3: ''Its dead now...isnt it?''
After Granitos dies, he will fall down the hole and making the floor under the players crumble aswell. At this point, the players will get a checkpoint (reviving all dead players in and healing everyone to 100% mana & hp, it is needed). After awhile, you will find yourself in a bit bigger arena of same type (circular arena with a hole in the middle). After awhile, a huge fireball comes to the middle, and surprise: its him again. This time his iron is gone and now he is granite form again - a burning granite (infernal*). Now he throws fireballs to you, and after some time, he will run out of fire and turn to normal granite. On this point, he will start taking those rocks that the rock golems made earlier and throw them on you. Each time he is going to pick one, you are able to freeze his hand on the ground and attack it for 30seconds. After the 30 seconds, the ice will crack, letting Granitos' hand free again (maximun damage to deal is 40k out of 400k). Everytime his hand is free, he will go down the hole (again) and get more fire with him. This phase loops until he is dead (aswell).

Phase 4: ''Yap, it is dead.''
When he dies, same thing will happen (floor collapse), and this time there is the Heart of the mountain in the middle (not planet, mountain). A moment later, the heart will explode, causing every player to lose all their HP (except 1), causing them to be extremely weak (fire immunity doesnt help at all, it is too hot for any immunity). After awhile, Granitos will come one last time, and this time he is extremely angry. Now he will spawn 6 rock golems again (no boulder this time) but they doesnt kill the players, instead, they will heal them in exchange they will steal their items. A moment after they steals your items, Granitos will spawn 6 iron golems out of the stolen items, one for each player (the number of items the players has affects the golems stats [organic items doesnt count]). Now that there is 6 rock golems and 6 iron golems, Granitos will split to 6 infernals aswell, making you deal with 6 rock golems, 6 iron golems and 6 infernals. If you kill a rock golem, it will collapse and make a rock pile (like in first phase). If you kill a rock golem, it will turn to <insert items of player here> and magically sending them back to their owner. If you kill a infernal, it will explode, dealing 500 damage to everyone near it. After you kill all 18 foes, the place will start to collapse, while also creating 3 tunnels in the edges of the place.

Now that the tunnels are created, Granitos will rise from the hole one last time, making a roar and fall to the abyss. The timer gives players 30 minutes to escape from the place. Each tunnel has very random routes, making the escape very hard, but sometimes the entrances gets blocked and a earth golem will spawn. Once the earth golem is dead, the blockades will collapse, making a escape route. After you get out, you stay in the entrance of the cavern and wait for your allies if they makes it. After 30 min, the mountain will collapse, killing everyone who are still there. Now that the players who are at the cavern exit, the floor under them will collapse aswell. A moment later, you find yourself in an underground lake with grass and other non-light needing plants. In the room, you will find your loot and a portal wich leads to the surface.

Fist of Fury
Description: The hand of Granitos, said to be filled with anger and peace. What a weird combination...
Effect: Gives 250 damage, 2000 hp and ability to spawn a earth golem for 2 minutes (90s cooldown).
Chance to get: 50%

Boots of Fire
Description: After Granitos was defeated the 2nd time, he used the long forgotten amulet of the 7 firelords, making him combine with them.
Effect: Gives 100 movement speed, 1000 MP, ability to firetrail (causes a trail of fire to come after you) and Heat Aura (does fire damage to nearby enemies)
Chance to get: 30%

The Amulet of the 7 Firelords
Description: Inside this amulet lies the lost souls of the 7 firelords, waiting to be freed again.
Effect: Gives 25 all stats, 1000 MP, ability to spawn the 7 firelords in their weakened form (the firelords has ability to fuse with the summoner, making him get outstanding power for 1 minute.)
Chance to get: 15%

Blade of the Unknown
Description: Nobody knows what this blade is or how was it made to exist.
Effect: Gives 300 damage, 1500 HP, +50% att speed, Curse of Granitos (causes an enemy to start burning and give it to your control, but it also loses HP over time and has immolation) and The Dread Aura (drains the bodies of dead units, giving the wielder of the blade 100HP x level of the dead unit)
Chance to get: 5%
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Level 4
Jul 30, 2008
If you're not making a lastboss, then you dont need to make him "Big" or "Huge" or "Ugly" just make an orc.

Yeah, an orc. Not like those ugly humans. No, we need an orc! A strong one. And okay, he may be ugly. But remember to make him looks like a orc!
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Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
If you're not making a lastboss, then you dont need to make him "Big" or "Huge" or "Ugly" just make an orc.

Yeah, an orc. Not like those ugly humans. No, we need an orc! A strong one. And okay, he may be ugly. But remember to make him looks like a orc!

Okay, got it, ugly,and orc :D
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Chaos Bladelord
Model: Blademaster of the blackrock clan
Soundset: ''

Area: Orcish arena

Phase 1 - Orc Waves
To start off, orcish waves are sent out. They are:
1 - Chaos Grunts
2 - Chaos Raiders
3 - Chaos Kodo riders
4 - Chaos Wyrm riders
5 - Chaos Blademasters

Phase 2 - The Bladelord Arrives
The great gladiator, Bladelord, arrives. The orcs stack the odds heavily in his favour, after all, it is their arena. The Bladelord blinks away if you damage him too much and summons bladestorms that seek out your team. Get him down to half health and the next phase starts.

Phase 3 - Anger and Images
The bladelord with berserk , giving him more movespeed, attackspeed and damage. That is not all either, as he will project an image of himself every 7 seconds. The image deals full damage, but dies after 1 hit. There is a maximum of 5 images, and he will replace them 7 seconds after they die. Get him down to 0 health to start the last phase. A reincarnation stone appears, but the bladelord won't respawn.

Phase 4 - Celebration! No...wait...
After that, the crowd begins booing and throwing rocks, dealing damage. The gates of the arena will open and unlimited orcs will charge in, desperate to kill you. Fight through the croud with AoE spells, cleaves, blinks and windwalks to get free again.

Once you are out of the arena, the gates close again and bladelord will blink out and show the group mercy, saying that he had never been beaten before. He then produces champions belts to each member of the team, plus a random assortment of prizes.

Champions belt - bash and evasion

Blademasters blade - critical strike, +damage
Blademasters amulet - mirror image, +attackspeed
Blademasters boots - blink, +movespeed
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