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Bosses Spells Ideas Thread

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Level 6
Jul 2, 2013
Hello, I need like 1 ultimate spell for each boss in mah dungeons. Give ideas for boss/minibosses/puzzles etc. EX 1: Boss turns invul for 2 seconds and casting, the players have to escape his 300 AOE or they die. You can also give model ideas/ style type of fighting for a boss. If you're unsure about dmg or other stats, put an X.
Level 6
Jul 2, 2013
I havent made the bosses yet. You can tell me how I should make it and give spell ideas.
Level 6
Jul 2, 2013
Well, 2nd area is in water, (murlock type), 3rd was sort of a forest, 4rd is ice...others are not made yet. But for ex. if u have a fire type boss, I can put it in a dungeon that will be made later.
Level 12
May 22, 2015
Big Charge:
This is an idea I have for a beetle boss (probably will use the carrion beetle model) in my own map. It will basically turn red (or something - just needs to indicate it is about to charge / is charging). It will then run in the direction it's facing without collision. Enemies who are in the way will get thrown away and take large physical damage (using my knockback system to push them away).

It may also need some kind of effect when it hits a wall (AOE stun and damage including itself) - it should probably instantly kill units that are right against the wall when the beetle hits it - implying they got completely crushed. While it is charging, it will also be immune to knockback and stuns. The movement for the charge will most likely be via triggers (probably play an animation and use the knockback system to do the moving), so it will be immune to slows and basically all other forms of movement hindering effects while charging.
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Murloc: have a phase where the boss is submerged, and throws some dodgeable projectiles, and a way to force the boss to surface (his dorsal fin sticks out of the water and can be targeted, drop boulders in the water, etc.)

Fire boss:
Firewall: The boss channels a wall of fire that moves in a circle around his body. The more damage he's taken, the more walls there are.
Magma Chamber: If the boss fight is near an active volcano. Any ground-damaging moves (Thunder Clap, War Stomp, Shockwave etc.) cause a Flame Strike at the spell's location.

Ice boss:
Icicle: Huge icicles fall from above, remaining on the battlefield as destructibles.
Icestorm: Icy wind blows from a random direction, units that aren't sheltered behind the icicles are frozen. After several casts, the boss start targeting icicles as well (but there's always at least one icicle per unit).
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Forest boss:
Seasons: Changes the terrain and trees to their summer, fall or winter equivalents and shifts the boss to a different state. Summer causes the boss to regenerate and attack much faster, fall causes him to gain extra standard spells but move and regenerate slower, and winter makes him immobile with greatly increased armor, reduced attackspeed and standard regeneration.
Rapid Growth: Causes a tree to grow rapidly at a target location, Impaling units that are still there. As the boss takes damage, creates trees in clumps.
Felling: A tree falls over, stunning units around itself (unless you can trigger it to do damage only where only the side it falls on).
Force of Nature
Level 12
May 22, 2015
cleavinghammer, your ideas are epic.

I unfortunately don't get to play as much with the environment for the bosses in my own map (since it is a hero defense - bosses have to all play inside a human castle :p). However, bringing the environment to the castle is always so cool to me (permanent effects left behind also really colours the castle by the end of the game). You have inspired some ideas for me so +rep.

One boss ability in my map, I use the impale animation (the one that comes when it hits a unit - it appears under them as they fly in the air). I use the exploding guts (like when a footman dies to a strong siege attack) as a warning sign, and then the spike comes out and does a ton of damage.

You can do lots of similar things like this. I use the infernal meteor with 50% animation speed and it does a bunch of damage and knocks back units that are in the explosion where it hits. Basically, pick a model from a spell effect and play around with the timing (and timers) so that it becomes a big attack to avoid. Proper warning allows players to avoid them.
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Boss idea: Ascended Kodo

First part is a Kodo rider (Devour, Slam, various sound-based buffs). If a lightning spell is used against it, the boss is replaced with a storm wyrm (Devour, Slam, Stampede) and an orc necrolyte (lightning spells and attacks): when one dies the other gets buffed.

Or you can have the battle take place in a thunderstorm, with lightning striking the ground at random for damage and stun. If the kodo gets hit, it transforms.
Level 14
Nov 30, 2013
Boss Idea: Elemental Orb (Boss) (I'm not sure what kind of dungeon this boss suitable, but I kinda think this boss is more like from any puzzle-type dungeon)

When engaging fight against this boss, it starts with 3 Orbs (Fire, Poison, Ice) circling around the boss since the boss can't move at all.

This boss stays invulnerable until 3 of the orbs destroy, meaning that it can be only damage after destroying the orbs.
The boss can't attack except the orbs. Here's how they attack.
-Fire Orb: Has a high damage. It attacks in every 4-5 seconds and cannot attack until the Ice Orb has finally attack.
-Poison Orb: Can be dangerous as it can fatal foes' health. It's same as the Fire Orb how many seconds they'll attack except it cannot attack until the Fire Orb has finally attack.
-Ice Orb: It can slow foes' attackspeed and movement speed (I'm not sure how many damage this can dealt so I set this as X). Same as all the Orbs's seconds to attack except it cannot attack until the Poison Orb has finally attack.

After 3 of the orbs has destroyed, the boss will trying to respawn them for about a several seconds. After that, it will turn back to be invulnerable again and the only way to kill him is still the same.
Level 6
Jul 2, 2013
Thanks all for the ideas once again, and bear, how do the players destroy the orbs?
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