Need a Mapmaking team

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Level 4
Jul 6, 2011
Hey im making an RPG to host on i need terrainer skinners icon artists anyone creative or skilled at any of this please post here and i will get back to you. Also not sure on what the map should be all about, the first few people who post can help me decide what to do on the map. This is a team project need all the help we can get (until we have too much help lol)
I will also need someone who is skilled at making triggers as i am not.
Level 2
Jul 17, 2011
Any chance that u want to have an "handy-man" in your project :) ?
im far from skilled. And my favorite part of making a map is balancing/bug fixing :)
Level 4
Jul 6, 2011
I'm working on objects heros etc. but I have run into a snag, so if you would like to work on them with me that would be fine. My username is Nitrofish and you can find me in Clan VoF's channel.
ALSO!!@!@ I would like to add, anyone who wants to be a part of this "prestigious" team XD leave your username and I will add you, like I said mine is NITROFISH. Thanks keep posting.
Level 4
Jul 6, 2011
OH THANK GOD (don't mean to offend anybody if you don't believe in God or w/e) I do need a spell maker/icons/skins add me on and post your username here. And to answer Darkgamma's question I do the general planning for the map and object editing and my team is welcome to weigh in on any ideas I have and can suggest their own ideas I am open to everything but do know this, not every idea you have will be used. I have told people they can suggest things and when I don't use their ideas they get mad so I'm just putting it out there.
Level 10
Jan 17, 2009
OH THANK GOD (don't mean to offend anybody if you don't believe in God or w/e) I do need a spell maker/icons/skins add me on and post your username here. And to answer Darkgamma's question I do the general planning for the map and object editing and my team is welcome to weigh in on any ideas I have and can suggest their own ideas I am open to everything but do know this, not every idea you have will be used. I have told people they can suggest things and when I don't use their ideas they get mad so I'm just putting it out there.

So, you essentially want people to do work with you bossing them around.
You don't just tell people you want them to work, without prior skills yourself.
Ideamen that are just ideamen do nothing for the hive as is.
Level 4
Jul 6, 2011
Look at his post.
Never did he mention scripting nor terraining.
He'll just play in the object editor and boss people around. If, by any chance, he does indeed want to do some of those, I suggest he learn how to better express himself.

*sigh* Get off my forum page I will do just as much work as the next guy now leave me alone and stop bothering people who just want to make a map. #$#$@#$ :) Better?

Also I picked out the name for the RPG give me your feedback tell me if you like it (this only goes for current members of the mapmaking team). Time Warp RPG - The world needs your help so an ancient mage (you sort of) summons heros from the past and the future to save the world and you battle your way through titans machines etc. and defeat the UBER VILLAIN (who's name i have yet to think of).
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Level 10
Jan 17, 2009
*sigh* Get off my forum page I will do just as much work as the next guy now leave me alone and stop bothering people who just want to make a map. Jackass.

I've actually reported you for this.
I was asking a legit question. My suggestion's at place, and my posts are based upon experience.
Seriously, you don't go around the hive and call people jackasses if they say something you don't like.
Level 4
Jul 6, 2011
Fine, please leave my forum page? You are bothering me and I will kindly ask you to stop. If you have nothing helpful to say then go away, if you have something that is actually a good thing to say instead of bringing people down go ahead. I just don't like people going around bothering me for no good reason. THE THREAD SAYS NEED MAP MAKING TEAM not sit here and troll till someone gets pissed. Ok? Please I have asked nicely.

MUCH. I can throw some ideas if you are intrested.
I would like some ideas thank you, also if you haven't seen my more recent post I came up with the basis of the map so if you want to add on to that feel free to.

ALSO: People who have "signed up" to be on the mapmaking team, for the third time POST YOUR NAME or pm it to me seriously we need to get this started. We need to get the terrain set up we can all make an email address that way we can send emails with our updated versions of the map back and forth. LET'S GET THIS SHIT STARTED! -Quote from the protagonist of Saints Row 2-3
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Level 4
Jul 6, 2011
And to answer Darkgamma's question I do the general planning for the map and object editing
There it is Madd

Btw as i have a mac and haven't installed WE on my windows i can not do triggers at all or it crashes my editor.. :( major sad face also, whoever was planning on being a terrainer needs to send me a pm with their e-mail and username so i can send you the map and you can get the basic terraining done.
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Level 10
Jan 17, 2009
Btw as i have a mac and haven't installed WE on my windows i can not do triggers at all or it crashes my editor.. :( major sad face also, whoever was planning on being a terrainer needs to send me a pm with their e-mail and username so i can send you the map and you can get the basic terraining done.

Please, stop repeating that "EMAIL AND BNET NAME" it's annoying.
Also, don't doublepost.
Please, stop repeating that "EMAIL AND BNET NAME" it's annoying.
Also, don't doublepost.
Seeing as this is his thread, he can double post/bump whenever he wants. Also, if he asks you to leave HIS thread, please be polite and leave.

I mean come on, he doesn't need people bullying his thread when he's trying to make a map.

Oh btw nitro if you are only doing object editing and no one else is, you can just do it all now and export the object editor as a file, then import it into any map (Such as one that has been terrained)
Level 4
Jul 6, 2011
:fp: I'm trying to teach him something he'll otherwise have to learn the hard way.

NEWS FLASH!! This just in... No one cares what you think now get off my thread. Thank you.

Also Vista I'm still working out details and if you decide to join the team you can have a say on what we do, KNOW THIS when all spaces are filled for the mapmaking team I will no longer accept anyone else so jump onboard while you still can.
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I think it's time you came up with a story for this map :p

I have a few ideas n since I can't get on wc3 I feel like writing a story :O

A long time ago when the stars were young and when evil was forbidden to exist, there lived two mighty titans. The power of the

titans was greater anything and both lived to keep the universe in order, banishing all evil into the abyss. Eon after eon the force of

evil would blight distant worlds. With every growing moment, evil would gain power and the titans would loose power. And at times

entire worlds would have to be sent to the abyss to prevent evil from spreading and now evil has found a new planet to ingulf. The

titan home world of Shandar. With the titan's remaining power they constructed 8 immortal souls. It is now your turn to fight the ever

growing evil and protect the world of titans. For if you cannot stop this dark shadow... We fear no one will.
Level 4
Jul 6, 2011
I will be off by then, gonna do some work on the map now, you know imports exports... blah blah.. I will be on for a long time tomorrow night and the night after so I will see you then.
EDIT: Forgot to put this in here, I am now devising a set of armor so..previews may come soon! Also will be making a new thread but still will be watching this one.
Level 11
Aug 6, 2009
@Wazzz Lol what? How about this.

Fixed Story:
Once upon a time,the Titans discovered a distant planet the size of 2 Suns.
Upon finding this planet the Titans disturbed powerful creatures that the Titans themselves couldn't even defeat without help.
So with the terrible state the Titans are in, they called upon the Gods to assist them in banishing this evil.
The Gods agreed.
(I have to go to class, story shall be unfinished).
There are two mighty titans, I never said there weren't lesser titans.
And they created Immortals, not mortals.
Once upon a time, there lived a titan in the land of the titans where titans lived and played and frolicked. This titan was shorter than all the other titans his age, and this made him sad. So he decided to talk to a mortal and asked him to find him some anabolic steroids so that he could be bigger and stronger than all the others.

Little to the mortal's knowledge upon accepting this quest, the magical steroid beans were locked away in the king's personal storage locker. The king had super powers so nobody messed with him or his steroids.

Also the mortal did not understand why the titan could not go and get them himself since the king was a mortal and titans are immortal. The titan explained that he was not allowed after dark. Now journey and shit.
Really? I have reported you for trolling.
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