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WOBN RPG, Need peeps!

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Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
World of Bosj'naru ORPG (Idea Factory link at) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/idea-factory-462/wobn-rpg-come-on-144539/#post1316900 . Please, offer help n stuff! I want to get this project going! (Good ideas get +Rep)

--What we need--
Currently, we need
Dungeon Maker (Not needed for Alpha)
Quest Maker
Cities and Dungeons
Item Maker(Will also make item system)
Camera Maker(Small job :p)

Depending on how many people we get, jobs might be merged together/slashed in half

What we Have
Currently, we have:
IMakeMapsAlot (Triggerer)
Mendel (Terrainer, Inactive at the moment)
Brett (Natural Terrain)
DanThahn(Spell Maker)
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Level 3
Sep 19, 2005
I'm interested in helping, ummm I don't have a specific abilitie, I'm decent at terrain and triggers, i can make heroes some basic trigger spells and I'm good with ideas and making unique systems(recipe systems, scoring systems, hero choosing systems etc) but I have lots of free time, and I won't quit half way through
Level 3
Sep 19, 2005
well i used to do only terrain so im above average at it but i stopped cus i was bored of it but its been 3 years so I could probably start doin it again
Level 5
Oct 11, 2009
I can do terraining very well and some triggering to. I also have some great ideas ive been waiting to get in an rpg but i need a group first soooo can I?

Edit: oh i noticed ur post on wanting the map 480x480 and i was thinking maybe u could do the map 480 across 256 high so we can make it so there is another dimension that got there through some event just an idea id like to see in an rpg

i e-mailed what u need to double map size
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Level 5
Oct 11, 2009
well i do nature well and i know how to make city walls so i guess ill do what u tell me to, and i can start as soon as u send map to me and a message with what needs done

EDIT: oh ya i think i could make a dungeon cuz i have basic triggering knowledge and read the tutorial "which makes for uber dungeons"
EDITEDIT: but if i have to choose 1 i go with nature
Level 5
Apr 8, 2008
Uhm... How many heroes should there be in this map? btw... i might be able to help with some things... ;) im pretty good vith GUI triggers. I also kinda like to create items n such things... :) (If u want i can send a map with a pretty nice item system)
PS. I can terrain some also. (posted in the idea thread... so here it comes in the right one)
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
I didn't think we'd get a boss maker this early, now I might put in a dungeon for level 10s. :D Do you have an ideas for a dungeon that would be in the area that it is? (The only races playable in the Alpha will be Vulkuri and Hell Bulls, and the level cap will be level 10) On the idea factor page, there is a map just showing all the territories. If you can think of where to put it and what it would be like, then you can have a spot in the alpha. Though even if we don't have a dungeon inthe alpha, you'll be a very big part in the beta, and when the map is completed.
Level 4
Apr 5, 2008
If the Vulkuri are half-ogre and half-human, perhaps a 'gang' of some that wish to purge their ogre ancestry? Or perhaps one that dabbles in high-magic.. It just has to be simple if it's going to be early game.

This could also be dependant on the monsters or creatures that inhaibt the terrortories.. Like a cluster of arachnids?

This dungeon could be in the starting zones or perhaps a zone over.. But close to give players a goal that is somewhat near.
Level 5
Oct 11, 2009
i did enough terrain so u know what each area is supposed to be but its far from finished, oh and ive been using jnpg if that matter.

Take the map for now and do what u need to do with it


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Level 4
Apr 5, 2008
Evillizard, I can do something similiar to Alterac.. Of course I'll need back-up info, but it's highly possible for me to do.

Now, what I'd need to know if the opposing side is players? Or NPCs? Is this battle a dungeon/instance or a always-running battle like Wintergrasp?

But yeah, it'd be easy to put together if given enough time. ;)
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
Alterac Vally is a battle ground. Unlike most battle grounds, it's like all out war, but still different. At the top and bottom of the map, there is a frostwolf base (horde) and an a dwarf place (alliance, forgot the name) and along the battle ground there is towers, graveyards, and near the bases there are gold mines. Each team starts with 600 reinforcements, and the reinforcements lower whenever a player dies, or a tower is destroyed (this lowers it by 50 or something). If it gets to 0, the other player wins. Another way to win is to kill one of the bosses for either team. The goldmines slowly increase reinforcements (very slowly)
Level 5
Apr 8, 2008
Uhm... Im not sure i can make all quest needed for this map... Seems to be extremly big(?)
and well... i don't realy know what quest should be in it
Level 4
Apr 5, 2008
I know what Alterac Valley is, but I need clarification on one part:

Does this battle continually run through out the whole game?


Does this battle start when triggered by a quest/player?

If you'd like, I can do quests aswell... With enough variables, we can make a really nice quest system...
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
Imo I'd think it would be better if it was triggered by quest/player.
To HellBeast, the quests are quite simple, but I can see how doing 20 quests (10 for the vulkuri and 10 for the Hell Bulls) would seem to be a lot. You need to start simple (like in the wow starting areas you just need to kill some random beast) and when we go to the harder levels (20-60) we'll get more complicated.
Level 5
Oct 11, 2009
i believe that info is in the idea factory post look down to his second post
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
The Vulkuri's body are based on the Norseman, but how they act and their lore is different. Make a region in the way that seperates the vulkuri and the hell bull, and when you enter that region you go into the battle ground (Place it on the top of the map that is not used). On the left side of the battle ground, build the Vulkuri base, on the right side, build the Hell Bull side. Along the battle ground are towers. Each tower increases the bosses' hp and damage (don't make the bosses the leaders of the races, btw). Before the battle starts, the players can gather at the bases and when the match starts (the first one in 15 minutes into the game) they will battle until either boss is dead. During the fight, give it kind of an AoS feeling where there are troops coming from each side to attack the other (make it so they can't attack the towers).
Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
I'm a bit of an all around specialist, though my use of JASS places me a little ahead of the curve on programming. However a lack of experience map making kind of puts me at a disadvantage. (Only ever worked on two maps)

Anyways, so long as there's a bit of creative freedom here I can do say spell making or some sort of system or edit a model, whatever. Talk to me more and I'll see what I can do. At least until my own project gets more members.
Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
Savage - Skills related to their lifestyle, as I assume with half the intelligence of a human they have a hunter-gatherer agricultural lifestyle. Trapper's net, Poison Spears, Sharp Aim, Flay, Scavange, Harvest (When near trees or X doodad, use for chance to gain HP recov item), Consume Raw Meat, Alpha Mindset.
Berserker - Takes advantage of their violent temper. Ideas for skills should be plentiful here.
Bonecrusher - Takes advantage of strength, perhaps even a shamanistic though not intelligent skill variety. Skills could be: Crushing Blow, Blunt Resistance, Fast Regeneration, Bonepowder Poultice, Bonepowder Dust, Bonechip Club, Internal Bleeding, Crippling Blow, Skullcrush.

Stalker: Goes with the idea of the gothic assassin agility hero. However his purpose is perhaps more reconaissance. Skills could be: Hide in Shadows, Unseen Presence, Subterfuge, Sight Marker, Retreat on Sight, Cornered Retreat, Recuperate in Shadows.
Dark Magician: Dark Arts magic user of the goth variety. Skills could be: Dark Epsilon, Overwhelm, Pale Ent, Villify, Dark Token, Dark Gift, Mark of Helio, Cover in Shadow, Pale Pressence.
Dark Wight: A bit original but a tough stretch, this is the Goth themed warrior. Skills could be: Envelop, Over-take, Helio's Will, Grim, Ghostly Pressence, Pale Shadow, Walking dead, Intimidate.

If you want some skill descriptions I can manage quiet a few, otherwise you could use your creativity to think up the effects.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
I'm going to avoid names such as "Bonecrusher" because it seams more like a unit name then a hero name. But names like "Warlock" are names that I am working for. You're making the Vulkuri far to violent, they can be "Strong" compared to most people, but they don't really train too much in the aspect of war. I wanted to do something agrictulural related, but it seems to cheesy. Something inherited from the christian elf race (I forgot the name) would be a good idea, though. And mabye something related to a logger. I kinda based their personalities on canadians /facepalm

Ok, I got the classes for Vulkuri.

Can protectect other units with healing spells, and can sacrifice themselves for others.
Reverse Wound: Instantly heals the target for (1 x target's strength) and heals 20 life points over time. Lasts 10 seconds.
Blessing: Increases all stats by (1 x level of target) for 60 seconds.
Evasion: Gives the target 65% dodge chance. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Omen: Sacrifices (2 x str) of the caster's health and makes the target invulnerable for 15 seconds.

Can take the damage that enemies deal, and keep other weaker others from harm.
Bash: Hits the target with great force, dealing little damage, but forcing him to attack you.
Hack: Hacks at the target, decreasing his attack and movement speed.
Shield Bash: Stuns the target for 2 seconds, then goes into a defencive stance. When in this stance, block chance (Currently just same as dodging) is increase by 40% but will have decreased movement speed. Lasts 5 seconds.
Rally: Roars with great might, forcing nearby units to attack you, increasing block chance by 50%, and will have a greatly increased regeneration rate. Lasts 15 seconds.

Can deal quick damage, and is exceptional in hit'n'run tacticts.
Stalk: Becomes invisible, decreasing attack speed but allowing to sneak around. When the hunter attacks, he will leave this state, but will stun the target for 2 seconds.
Axe Throw: Throws an axe to the target, dealing (2 x agility).
Trap: Sets up a trap at the position of the hunter. When an enemy gets near the trap, it will deal (3 x intelegence) and decrease attack speed. Lasts 5 seconds.
Beastial Assistance: Charges the target, dealing target with the spirit of the bear, burns the target for (4 x strength) with the spirit of the hell skink, and then summons the Hunter's Daemon. The daemon lasts until it dies. When the Daemon dies, the hunter will die. The Daemon summoned will depend on the race of the Hunter.
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Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
I shall elaborate each proposed skill for the proposed class of Helio'Noths. Take whatever skills you like and apply them. If you don't like a skill, don't use it. That's why I added more than the average 4 skills.

Stalker (Like I said, an AGI based unit with tricks from assassinating to scouting, great for PVP)

Hide in Shadow: So long as the hero does not move, he shall remain invisibile indefinetly. However, when hiding in the shadows he will take 80% more damage from physical attacks, while dealing 3 times his AGI if sneak damage occurs. Vulnerability to physical attacks can be reduced by his AGI stat down to 38%.

Subterfuge: While under Hide in Shadows, activate this skill to Slow Walk while slowly draining your mana. Each second under subterfuge has a chance to break your invisibility determined by your INT.

Unseen Presence: Make your presence felt while invisible, but not seen. Reduces damage, armor, and movement speed of enemies in a medium radius based on INT + AGI / 2. (Can opt to add chance to critically damage enemies and chance for enemies to miss if you so desire.) *Choose if it's a channeled skill/aura/activated.*

Sight Marker: Gain shared vision of the unit while slowly causing damage over time to it.

Cornered Retreat: When less than 20% HP to 45% HP based on AGI stat, the unit can rush through enemies, dealing damage in a line as it passes through them.

Retreat on Sight: If attacked while hiding in shadows, the unit will split into a bunch of images all over a random area. Works like phase shift, only with mirror images that last for about 1-4 seconds.

Recuperate in Shadows: The stalker will regenerate HP much quicker so long as no enemy units are in the area to cause him worry. Based on INT+AGI/STR.

Dark Magician (A mix of a minor healer/buffer with potent Damage Dealing. Makes the most use of INT, but needs a concious amount of STR too)

Dark Epsilon: Double strike based on INT. The first strike is initiated with the spell's casting. The second strike will only be initiated if the enemy goes up to a level 5 Paling Touch within 5 seconds of casting Epsilon. The second strike will consume and be amplified by Paling Touch's 5th level.

Paling Touch: Each hit with your normal attack will imbue an enemy with Paling Touch. The base Paling Touch level the enemy starts with is determined by your total STR. (Example: For STR 1-25, LVL 1; 26-45, LVL 2; etc.) And each hit after the first will increase the counter by 1.

When the Dark Magician casts a spell on an enemy with Paling Touch, the spell damage is amplified based on Paling Touch's level. Paling Touch is then reduced to 0 on the enemy. The only exception of this is Dark Epsilon, which will be amplified only by 1 level, and reduce Paling Touch by one level. (This will help ensure that the player must hit the unit at least one more time before Dark Epsilon's second hit comes off)

Paling Touch's debuff level cannot exceed five, and wears down by one level every 5 seconds.

Pale Ent/Daemon: Has something to do with your Daemon. Dunno, don't really understand how Daemon's work.

Villify: Causes unit to rot from the inside out. Strikes with an initial hit based on INT, then DOT damage that's a percent of the initial strike.

Dark Token: When the Dark Magician casts a spell he has a small, STR based chance to create a Dark Token, which will replenish 3% HP and 2% MP but cause a 2 second silence and has a CD of 10 seconds. Tokens stack up to 3 and can be given to allies. If there is no room in his inventory no tokens will be created.

Dark Gift: Combine 3 Dark Tokens to create a Dark Gift. Costs 9% HP and 6% MP plus a base MP cost to create. Consuming a Dark Gift gives a random buff from a pool of blessings.

Cover in Shadow: Generates 1 Shadow on an ally or enemy, max of 3. The next time a Token is consumed, it will damage any enemy with a shadow for the amount of HP and MP recovered by the consuming hero and heal MP and HP on allies for the amount recovered, multiplying that amount by the number of shadows on the enemy. Cooldown is five seconds, duration based on INT + STR/2. So long as the shadow is up, minor attack speed is reduced on the unit.

Mark of Helio: The Mark of Helio can be an actual skin mark, a design, a banner, whatever would work for those of the Helio race and their leader. This union will disperse the damage recieved amongst the Helio'Noth, and reduce the damage based on how many Helio are present in an AoE. AoE based on INT, reduction bonus gained with multiple Dark Magicians.

Pale Presence: Those in the presence of the Dark Magician will lose Mana. All mana lost from Pale Presence will regenerate the Dark Magician's.

Dark Wight (Tankers who excel with Max HP and STR stats at their highest. Can yield a suitable amount of damage as well.)

Envelop: Cast while attacking a unit to Envelop them in a ghostly light. The light does damage based on STR.

Over-Take: While the damaged unit is enveloped in ghostly light, cast this on them to transform them into an immobile Wight with the Banish effect. If hit with a spell, the Wight will break it's ghostly bond and return to normal prematurely, but not until the damage has taken place.

Helio's Will: Set to carry out the establishment of their race, Helio's Will grants them a max HP boost based on other Helio'Noths in the area. Area based on STR.

Grim: When low on HP, the Dark Wight is ready, remaining calm and placid on the surface while faced with a Grim outlook. Causes the Dark Wight to Taunt while amplifying damage on him for 2.2 seconds. At the end of the duration, he releases a brutal shockwave that deals damage based on the difference between current and maxHP in an AoE based on STR.

Ghostly Presence: Any unit that starts to attack the Dark Wight has a chance to be struck with a ghost. The Manifestation will last until the unit changes targets. So long as the ghost remains, the unit will deal only 75% damage to the target and slowly lose HP. Chance based on STR, HP lost base on damage dealt.

Pale Shadow: Creates a doppleganger of the Dark Wight, which will mimic his spells and actions. However, the Pale Shadow only has a fraction of the Dark Wight's stats, and so does reduced damage.

Walking Dead: When killed, a Walking Dead unit is created, which will fight in place of the Dark Wight until he is ressurected. It's HP is based on the Wight's STR, it's damage based on AGI, and mana based on INT. All Walking Dead can taunt. However, if the Walking Dead is killed, a penalty is deduced from the Wight.

Intimidate: Has a small chance every seconds to send a random enemy unit running. The distance ran is based on STR and the chance based on HP Lost. Can be turned off with the command -intimidateon/off

Anyways, for names, I'm trying to concieve something far more unique than "Warlock" "Necromancer" "Warrior" to keep your RPG feelign original and the lore feeling fresh. Certainly a name like Bonegrinder would be a bit better than Bonecrusher.

Anyways, I'll see if I can't hit your themed ideas a little more on the head.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
WoW's meaning of "Warlock" is much different from the actually meaning, and WoBN's meaning of warlock is much different.

The Helio'noth "Warlock" harvests the power of Blood, Shadow, and Fire, and with it enslaves the elements to his iron will. This does not mean that he summons elementals, it means that his abilities are Blood, Shadow, and fire based. lol.

As for the Wight, there are no undead things in WoBN. No zombies, no skeletons, we had a debate on the first page on the different thread. I don't have a problem with the Helio'noth classes currently, they are:
Death Knight: Tank
Shadow Priest(Nosaru): Healer (sacrifices his own hp to heal others0
Warlock: Dps

"aggro" won't be a problem as long as the Tank has mana, all tanks will have an autocast ability which instantly taunt the target. The reason for AoE taunts is when there is a ton of guys and you can't attack them all.
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