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Necromancer,Mountain beasts,steal

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Level 3
Oct 19, 2014
1.2A (8)

A.Necromancer:2 bugs

1. i had 3500 for skill and i had 2 skeleton warriors with me .. so i try to take the
"summon skeleton mage" , i lose my gold and i didnt take the skill
(without skeleton warriors i can take the skill)

2. rock golems let corpse and i can summon skeletons

B.Mountain beasts: can send me with Ram inside the rocks and i cant move (i can move but down in earth and i gone here =) .)

C. Steal: if i do steal the time to unit has been dead , i didnt take nothing and steal have cd

Edit:D. Orges: (i dont know if it s bug or not) i have crusade and i have 76 armor im going fight with orges they hit me 10 damage (with parry 4)
Level 3
Oct 19, 2014
F.(NewFound): Bear 38lvl stacks in middle on the bridge and u have perma combat everywhere and you going :/

G.(NewFound):Assasins i take the 20% reduse cd backstab and bladefury and no change cd
Level 3
Oct 19, 2014
dont forget armor penetration

i dont forget it thats why i said i dont know if its bug or not... but if orges have 10 armor penetration do 10 true damage? its not 76 - 10 = 66? and why with
parry do 4 damage thats i dont undestand
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