So, I thought it would be neat to discuss a few classes since they're underplayed or un-needed in comparison to their alternates.
Necromancers end up with a higher base sp than sorcs, for stronger nukes, but overall they'll probably end up falling short on the dps side of things in future versions. At least I hope so, that only seems fair to a class specifically based around magic, where classes like necromancers can have a more solid work of debuffs and minions.
To cover the skills in work already
Skeletons are awful
They just are, they need a change, or maybe some kind of passive that stacks on them, each hit they make on a unti reduces its armor by 1 up to a maximum of 15, making that skull from shade useful, 5 attacks from skeles, 15 armor down, solid support for the melees involved. Or instead of armor reduced, -shadow resist, support the mage, support what I assume will be future necro skills.
As for the mage, someone mentioned to me that crippling stacks, i.e a bishop could cripple, a monk could cripple and the skele mage would cripple and all the damage would still proc. If someone could confirm that, that would be great. If they don't stack, can we can consider an alternate spell to cripple to put on the mage.
Secondly, future progress of the necro
I'd like to see some daggers in use as opposed to staves, since mages can use daggers and the only bloody one they can use is awful and from d2, lets find some better shit to chuck on them. If necros had daggers that could maybe make a corpse for summons, give them solid hp to use with the golem skill I'll mention later on, or just a general buff to their current direct mage build, maybe they could become a more unique class, like druids have the potential to be. Bone daggers, shadow cloaks, whatever you find necro centred, in the future (i.e. d4), they might help build the class into being more unique that a sorc with 3 useless skeletons spamming water globes.
Daggers could also be used to instantly explode a minion for aoe damage, that would be fun. I forget if the explosion shit is still an upcoming necro skill.
A flesh golem
Who doesn't want a flesh golem.
Build off a percentage of your mainstats and at the cost of a chunk of hp
Higher stats mean certain values, i.e your strength will = its hp and base damage, agil = attack speed and evasion, int = its spell strength and resists.
The idea is there it just needs to be discussed, reworked and balanced.
It could bring an interesting build to necros where like the monk, a certain skill is based off stats so varying necro builds will have flesh golems that work differently.
If anyone is all for any of those ideas, I'm open to discussion, hopefully zwieb is and maybe we'll see some positive changes for necros in the future
Because those skeletons are shit
They're just shit.
Necromancers end up with a higher base sp than sorcs, for stronger nukes, but overall they'll probably end up falling short on the dps side of things in future versions. At least I hope so, that only seems fair to a class specifically based around magic, where classes like necromancers can have a more solid work of debuffs and minions.
To cover the skills in work already
Skeletons are awful
They just are, they need a change, or maybe some kind of passive that stacks on them, each hit they make on a unti reduces its armor by 1 up to a maximum of 15, making that skull from shade useful, 5 attacks from skeles, 15 armor down, solid support for the melees involved. Or instead of armor reduced, -shadow resist, support the mage, support what I assume will be future necro skills.
As for the mage, someone mentioned to me that crippling stacks, i.e a bishop could cripple, a monk could cripple and the skele mage would cripple and all the damage would still proc. If someone could confirm that, that would be great. If they don't stack, can we can consider an alternate spell to cripple to put on the mage.
Secondly, future progress of the necro
I'd like to see some daggers in use as opposed to staves, since mages can use daggers and the only bloody one they can use is awful and from d2, lets find some better shit to chuck on them. If necros had daggers that could maybe make a corpse for summons, give them solid hp to use with the golem skill I'll mention later on, or just a general buff to their current direct mage build, maybe they could become a more unique class, like druids have the potential to be. Bone daggers, shadow cloaks, whatever you find necro centred, in the future (i.e. d4), they might help build the class into being more unique that a sorc with 3 useless skeletons spamming water globes.
Daggers could also be used to instantly explode a minion for aoe damage, that would be fun. I forget if the explosion shit is still an upcoming necro skill.
A flesh golem
Who doesn't want a flesh golem.
Build off a percentage of your mainstats and at the cost of a chunk of hp
Higher stats mean certain values, i.e your strength will = its hp and base damage, agil = attack speed and evasion, int = its spell strength and resists.
The idea is there it just needs to be discussed, reworked and balanced.
It could bring an interesting build to necros where like the monk, a certain skill is based off stats so varying necro builds will have flesh golems that work differently.
If anyone is all for any of those ideas, I'm open to discussion, hopefully zwieb is and maybe we'll see some positive changes for necros in the future
Because those skeletons are shit
They're just shit.