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Naxxramas [3.3]


The Last Stand

Years ago, the crypt lord Anub'arak sent his army of undead to the
ancient Nerubian ziggurat now known as Naxxramas. Scourge forces
captured the fortress and on the orders of the Lich King turned it into
a powerful weapon of war. Dark magic lift castle from the ground to the
sky, where Naxxramas, shrouded by clouds, preparing for war, and then
the will of the Lich King unleashed all evil sharpened it on Azeroth.
Brave heroes have broken into the citadel, but until complete victory
is still far.



Under the control of Naxxramas are 4 Obelisk of necromancers,
that spread the plague on the surrounding land. Plague
suppresses the effect of Naxxramas enemies, reducing their health
by 30%, and turns them into Skeletons Servants after death.


Skeleton Servants

With the death of Naxxramas enemies infected with plague, they rise
up as a skeleton minions: warriors, mages or archers. The heroes rise
up as a more powerful Skeleton-Brutus. Over time, Naxxramas
necromancers can strengthen Skeleton Servants.


• 5 Player (4 vs 1)
• 2 Shops
• 2 Laboratories
• 4 Obelisk of Corruption
• 4 Fountains of Life
• 2 Taverns
• 2 Portals
• 6 Expansion mines
• 6 Green creep camps
• 16 Orange creep camps
• 4 Red creep camps



• Upload on Hiveworkshop

• Added more decorations
• Added more neutral creatures
• Added more replicas to Shadow of Naxxramas
• Removed some terrain obstacles for Naxxramas Defender
• Restore one forgotten green creep camp
• Fixed some errors in text
• Now, creatures that can't be resurrected, dont turn into the dark servants. (For example Wisps)

• Added indicators of Scourge Populations and Plague Victims
• Greatly optimized map weight (from 11 MB to 5 MB)
• Portals work correctly
• Improved Scourge behavior

• Now when archers become a Hippogriff Riders (and conversely) skeletons are not spawn. (Thanks for reporting the bug to Arrr)

• Description of the quest "Plague". (Thanks for reporting the bug to Whitefang)
• Music theme was changed. Hope it will be better. (Thanks for reporting about bad sounding to Wrath Bringer)

• Now enemy of Naxxramas start with basic 80% Handicap.
• Added two Gates (Left and Right), that automaticaly open after 60 seconds.
• For each destroyed Obelisk you get 400 gold and 200 Lumber and 200 gold and 100 Lumber for your team.
• When somebody destroy one of Obelisks, the Heroes can say something about that.
• Naxxramas start a game with additional 300 Gold and 150 Lumber.
• Now "Plague" do not dealt any damage.
• Skeleton get additional HP.
• Now, Obelisks can not be controled - they are allyed to you.
• Now, Heroes killed by Naxxramas will spawn Skeleton Brute - powerful skeleton with Armor Aura and Bash.
• Some terrain changes, more blight in the city and on a roads.
• Now, Naxxramas is protected by a small skeleton army at the start, near every Obelisks (You can not control them). Also added 2 Spirit Towers to Naxxramas base.
• After defeat Naxxramas stop to talk.
• AI now work correctly.

• Upgrades for Skeleton Servants and new starting building for Naxxramas - Plagueworks.
• Basic Undead upgrades (Attack and Armor) also upgrade Skeleton Servants.
• New decorations.
• Gates open after 5 minutes from game start.
• New loading screen.
• Food limit for Naxxramas player - 300.
• A lot of smal bugs.

• Reduced Skeleton Servants path size.
• Armor type of Skeletons changed from Heavy to Medium.
• Armor type of Skeleton Mages changed from Light to Unarmored.
• Armor type of Skeleton Archers changed from Medium to Light.
• All Skeleton Servants have negative HP regeneration (such as Phoenix have).
• Some bugs in description.


• Significant graphics upgrade.
• New useful multiboard.
• More Naxxramas guardians around Obelisks of Corruption.
• Gates position changed.
• New music theme.


• New AI behavior.
• Multiboards bug fixes.
• Additional target to enemies of Naxxramas - destroy all Obelisks of Corruption.
• Naxxramas Heroes can use Scroll of Teleportation on Obelisks of Corruption.
• Increased enemies of Naxxramas Handicap from 20% to 30%.
• When all Obelisks of Corruption are destroyed, all Skeletons gets 60 second lifespan and then dies.
• Obelisks of Corruptions damage increased by 20.

• Win issues.
• Bug with Skeletons reviving.

• Portals works correctly.

• New upgrade that increase attack damage of Obelisks of Corruption.
• Leader system - First Naxxramas Hero have unique passive bonus:

KEL'THUZAD, LICH - Frostwyrm Lair
Improves Frost Wyrms increasing their defense by 2,
removing the requirement of the Sacrificial Pit and
reducing requirement level of Naxxramas from
Black Citadel to Hall of the Dead.

ANUB'ARAK - Underground Lord
Improves the Crypt Lord, allowing him to burrow into the
ground, becoming invisible and get additional health
regeneration. In addition, it reduces all damage taken by
burrowed units by 40% and also allows to increase the
attack power and armor of Carrion Scarabs with "Creature Attack"
and "Creature Carapace" upgrades.

VARITAMAS - Black Swarm
Improves Gargoyles, allowing them to attack up to 4 ground
enemies at a time, and also improves the "Stone Form" ability,
allowing to dealt 30 damage and stun all enemies around for 2 seconds
when turning into a stone statue.

BARON RIVENDARE - Mutating Plague
Improves Ghouls, allowing them to mutate into Abominations.
In addition increase the damage from the ''Plague Cloud'' by 100%
and reduces received healing of infected enemies by 45%.

• Splash size of Obelisks of Corruption attacks increased.
• New model for Obelisks of Corruption.

• Quest Log updated.

• Now, Naxxramas (Main Building) is invulnerable until all 4 Obelisks of Corruption will be destroyed.
• Now "Undeground Lord" ability also remove amount limits from "Carion Scarabs" ability.
• Increased bonus damage gained from upgrades for Obelisks of Corruption.
• Win issues bug.

• Some creep camps changed.
• Fog reworked.
• New critters.
• Added some hills and height changes to terrain.

• New Naxxrams Leader ability - Order:
On Ground: force all Skeleton Servants to move in target locatioin, attacking all enemies on a way.
On Enemy: force all Skeleton Servants to chase and attack target enemy.
On Ally: force all Skeleton Servants to follow target ally and repeat all his actions.

• New Handicap system.

• New Hero and Leader for Naxxramas.


Lonepair and he's Magic Place!
• I'm very grateful to Nightmare2077 for music optimization, and another help and support.
• All images and pictures in description drawn by Blizzard Entertainment!


Naxxramas [v.3.3] (Map)

Level 2
Feb 3, 2017
Wow Maxwell! It should be said that it is really great altered melee. Wanna check other your's maps : )
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
New important update 2.3
"Heroic Difficulty"

Significantly alters the behavior of the AI and adds
such a strategically important things like an ability
to use Scroll of Teleportation on Obelisks of Corruption

to protect them and etc.

Also removed the bugs and problems of patch 2.2.

Hightly recomended to upload.

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Level 7
Aug 5, 2014
Hi, i like your map. Really fun idea with these leader faction. But one thing bother me, when u take death knigth, abomination created from ghouls cost cost: 360gold 70 lumber 6 food (240g 70l 4f- normal + 120g 2 f-ghoul cost) while abomination are created much faster i think creating them from ghouls is too costly especially with food.
Level 1
Apr 6, 2014
I can't launch your map; when i try to launch it, it backs me to the list of maps again =I
What can i do ??
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
Hi, i like your map. Really fun idea with these leader faction. But one thing bother me, when u take death knigth, abomination created from ghouls cost cost: 360gold 70 lumber 6 food (240g 70l 4f- normal + 120g 2 f-ghoul cost) while abomination are created much faster i think creating them from ghouls is too costly especially with food.

It's just graphical bug - it cost 4 food. Why it cost the same as common Abomination? Becouse you can immidietly transform your Ghouls into powerful army. Useful in defence, when you can use your ''Lumber Ghouls'' for counter strike.

By the way, thank you very much for such a high rating, you help me to correct the low rating due to the perverse mistakes. I'm very inspired by this.

I can't launch your map; when i try to launch it, it backs me to the list of maps again =I
What can i do ??

I haven't idea what is wrong. On my PC and other mates PC it's going ok. So maybe it is something with your computer/warcraft 3 and etc.
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Level 2
Mar 12, 2016
I would put custom heroes and that the attackers can't be undead or the undead is change to forsaken and that the night elf would be the blood elf I only recommended it.4/5
Level 1
Aug 14, 2016
Really cool map, tried also many times with full bots and noticed that naxxramas AI doesn't pick the hero at any time of the game, even after it build 2 ziggurats in its base. Maybe you changed the codename of the hero unit and the bot can't choose from it.
Overall really nice map, adding also more musics to loop during the whole match may help improve the experience :D
Also, consider to change some of the heroes for the undead of the 4 man team, in some kind of forsaken-more allegiance, which doesn't really have lichs or nerubians (though this last one could also be ok, since you can think of some nerubians still not in the control of the lich king, but i guess swapping it with the dark ranger from the tavern should sound like a better idea)
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Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
Thank you a lot for your feedback :)
Really cool map, tried also many times with full bots and noticed that naxxramas AI doesn't pick the hero at any time of the game, even after it build 2 ziggurats in its base. Maybe you changed the codename of the hero unit and the bot can't choose from it.
Updated. Thank you that noticed that :) Wait for 2.8
Overall really nice map, adding also more musics to loop during the whole match may help improve the experience :D
When I find something suitable, I will definitely update the music list.
i guess swapping it with the dark ranger from the tavern should sound like a better idea):D
I thought I would. Just waiting for more things that would be updated
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Level 2
Mar 12, 2016
I would change skins of the humans and made them like if they was Scarlet Crusade,and change the nathrezim for other heroe because they follow the Legion
Level 2
Mar 12, 2016
There is a bug that happen me recently,I was killing skeleton and skeleton mage died but he keep was there for all the game pls do something,thanks you
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
Please explain specifically what is the problem?
In Naxxramas there is a talent that allows skeletons to reborn, maybe you meant it?

And please do not use the double post, it's against the rules of Hiveworkshop.
I would change skins of the humans and made them like if they was Scarlet Crusade
I already said that I don't plan to change the race, since I see any reason to replace the Alliance with the scarlet Cruasade.
change the nathrezim for other heroe because they follow the Legion
The right hand of Sylvanas is Nathrezim. If you mean the forces of Naxxramas, then a lot of Nathrezims also collaborates with Scourge. All are Ok in frames of Lore.
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Hey, man! Just some reviews:

Firstly about terrain as always:

  • The mixing of the tiles is very nice, not great but it's a very suitable mixing of the tiles as it goes through each part of the map. The mixing of tiles of the roads have no problems, that's a very nice point.
  • There is some good creativities in the map. There is some very good use of statues, walls, and overall doodads of the map, however it could be used more of creations.
  • I think the spaces for constructions of players are a bit small, but that's however think of me.
  • Very good use of trees and mixing them! I cannot find any issues in this state.
  • I really like those obelisks and vents of sewer! That's some sort of good creativity.
  • Terrain is way too smooth, try to make some height variations and some natural balances of terrain. There is already some good tools for making them in WE. Also you could use a misc data for increasing the height if you want.
  • Those gates ( you named them stells) around the cliffs are working as some great sort of walls. I mean they avoid the monotony of cliffs and make the cliffs the feeling of some nice decorating doodads even if they are blizz doodads. I think every nice map should use them as they are important imo and you used them. Nice think!
  • Well, the fog really fits the map, however you could make it more horrible and dreadful by lowering blue color to 10 or 15, increasing the red color to 100 or 105 and lowering the green color to 80 or 70 to reach a fog combination of more dark red and dreadful that have some green color to fit the map and very few blue, I think fog is just like drawing :D. However, that's just my thought.
  • Doodads variation is very nice, but you could use more variations if you care. More creative constructions and natural buildings that fit the map in a way. There is no need to do this, just for having more doodads variation.
  • I think some building doodads are oversized from width view if you have an accurate eye, or maybe my eyes have problems. You can look at building doodads to understand whether I'm right or not. Dunno!
Terrain is overall decent! :)

Secondly about the map and overall design:

  • I think the messages at the starting of the map are really a great idea! Nice job on them!
  • I'm not a pro at triggering or coding, so I cannot give you my opinion in this state. I just looked at triggers and I should say they were very nice!
  • I like the music of the map. I think it was very nice!
  • No other suggestions, I'm mostly a terrainer not a player or triggerer.

Overall I think this is a very nice map! :) I rate this map 4/5 and +4 rep for the effort. You can also tell me if you're unhappy with my comment and I'll delete it as you wish.

Just believe yourself to create great maps! (Well, that's my slogan in each review of me :p)
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Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
Hey, didn't know that you writes reviews :)

The mixing of the tiles is very nice, not great but it's a very suitable mixing of the tiles as it goes through each part of the map. The mixing of tiles of the roads have no problems, that's a very nice point.
Thank you a lot! I think that I'll rework the roads a little soon - I don't like white borderiards very much.
There is some good creativities in the map. There is some very good use of statues, walls, and overall doodads of the map, however it could be used more of creations.
This is not a signs of creativities :p But yeah, thank you.
"It could be used more of creations" - please let me know what you mean - more of "man-made" decorations?
I think the spaces for constructions of players are a bit small, but that's however think of me.
This is a small penalty because of the number of Naxxramas enemies that would not allow them to overbuild.
Very good use of trees and mixing them! I cannot find any issues in this state.
I really like it too. As for me really interesting combination of trees, I dunno why I can see it sо rarely.
I really like those obelisks and vents of sewer! That's some sort of good creativity.
Do you really like vents of sewer? After patch 2.2 terrain was reworked, and a lot of space was freed up. For a long time I couldn't think of anything to fill it beautifully, and I didn't think of anything better than these pipes. But I'm really not pleased with the way it looks. :(
Terrain is way too smooth, try to make some height variations and some natural balances of terrain. There is already some good tools for making them in WE. Also you could use a misc data for increasing the height if you want.
I will try to fix it in 2.9.
P.S.: "Also you could use a misc data for increasing the height if you want." - I'm not sure that I understand what about you are talking, sorry.
Those gates ( you named them stells) around the cliffs are working as some great sort of walls. I mean they avoid the monotony of cliffs and make the cliffs the feeling of some nice decorating doodads even if they are blizz doodads. I think every nice map should use them as they are important imo and you used them. Nice think!
I like it also! I'm happy that you saw this map after "GREAT COSMETIC UPDATE" patch 2.2, since most of the pluses you noticed were applied in this patch. Thank you!
Well, the fog really fits the map, however you could make it more horrible and dreadful by lowering blue color to 10 or 15, increasing the red color to 100 or 105 and lowering the green color to 80 or 70 to reach a fog combination of more dark red and dreadful that have some green color to fit the map and very few blue, I think fog is just like drawing :D. However, that's just my thought.
I know that you are great artist so done without doubts! :)
Doodads variation is very nice, but you could use more variations if you care. More creative constructions and natural buildings that fit the map in a way. There is no need to do this, just for having more doodads variation.
I'm working on it all the time. With every pach I'm trying to add some interesting doodads, like a destroyed meatwagons and so on.
I think some building doodads are oversized from width view if you have an accurate eye, or maybe my eyes have problems. You can look at building doodads to understand whether I'm right or not. Dunno!
If you noticed, then it is. I will try to discover these problems, but I can't promise anything :D

I think the messages at the starting of the map are really a great idea! Nice job on them!
Such messages is somethink like "recognizable sign" of my maps, thank you! Maybe later I will ask @Elf_Lord to voice act for this map too, as for Sands of Time. But I'm not sure.
I'm not a pro at triggering or coding, so I cannot give you my opinion in this state. I just looked at triggers and I should say they were very nice!
Hah, ok, thanks :3
I like the music of the map. I think it was very nice!
Finally! I've changed the music theme already 3 times, and it seems everyone is happy now.

Overall I think this is a very nice map! :) I rate this map 4/5. You can also tell me if you're unhappy with my comment and I'll delete it as you wish.
Thank you a lot @PrinceYaser! It's really useful review. Of course you must leave this coment even if you will give 1/5 - everyone have own opinion! Thank you again, I will try to fix this issues on comming 2.9 patch!
please let me know what you mean - more of "man-made" decorations?
Mostly not man-made but natural creations. Less man-made and more natural. That's just my thought. You don't need to apply my suggestion if you see it's not suitable.
P.S.: "Also you could use a misc data for increasing the height if you want." - I'm not sure that I understand what about you are talking, sorry.
Misc data is a file for increasing terrain height more than blizzard limit. It can be found in tutorials of Terrain Board.
I know that you are great artist so done without doubts! :)
You are exaggerating, man! I'm not a great artist. That's just a color rage I learned from reviewers of my icons. :)
I'm working on it all the time. With every pach I'm trying to add some interesting doodads, like a destroyed meatwagons and so on.
Yeah, interesting doodad creations could be a great help!
Thank you a lot @PrinceYaser! It's really useful review. Of course you must leave this coment even if you will give 1/5 - everyone have own opinion! Thank you again, I will try to fix this issues on comming 2.9 patch!
You're welcome! Keep it up! :)
Level 3
Jan 18, 2013
Finally, I got a chance to play!
I really enjoyed your map. There are many things I want to share.

1. I accidentally got 2 liches. I chose death knight first then I chose lich, However, I got 2 liches. It was a game that I played as Naxxramas versus 4 insane A.I.s.
2. The game became hero nuking festival fairly quickly. If you beat enemies' heroes, the rest could be easily picked off.
3. Naxxramas suffered from lacking of gold greatly. If it had been a player versus players game, I could not see a chance that Naxxramas would get an expansion gold mine. Naxxramas should have gotten another gold mine in his base
4. Skeletons from plague were decaying whole time. Some of them could be healed through status's healing ability. Decaying 100 units can cause so much lag for no real profit since it almost entirely depended on heroes. There should have been another type of skeletons and they should have been in different groups of players to reduce the lag.
5. The fact that Naxxramas's necropolis was invulnerable might be because, in testing stage, someone rushed and destroyed necropolis causing Naxxramas instantly lost. Naxxramas's center necropolis should have been unique. It's health should have been increased to at least 4000 which is not high if it is hit by siege units. It's damage should have been benefit from obelisk upgrade and it should have had at least 50 damage in totally which has at least average attack speed and chaos damage.

This is definitely a good melee map. It was just too much nuking festival at the moment. Since this is better than average because of its uniqueness and there were still rooms for improvement which were so obvious, it was reasonable to give this map 4/5.

Unique map is really nice and I like it a lot. Thanks for the map. Cheers~
Level 1
Aug 26, 2017
its just great
the music, the theme, i love playing this w my friends, its so much fun.
thank you for creating this.....great job
Level 2
Mar 14, 2016
Am I the only who was surprised by the Assassin Creed's Background music? It's a little bit unique to play Warcraft 3 with Assassin's Creed music
Level 12
Apr 9, 2013
The Crypt lord Leader bonus does not apply to Crypt Fiends burrow, they can't move while burrowed.
Improves the Crypt Lord, allowing him to burrow into the ground. In addition, allow all burrowed units to slowly move under ground, "

DG Is also quite underpowered if he doesn't eliminate players early on, making it either win early game or lose. There should be more buffs available for late game.