Changed bounties for trade ships to be more lucrative to encourage raiding and replaced the inside joke ship names with real historical ships or famous fictional ships.
v2022.035 hotfix
-fixed a bug where a colony in the top right had no access to the sea.
-cleaned up tooltips
-reduced income across the board.
-reduced food costs for certain units
-fixed a bug where Murgul Reavers had extremely low build time.
-fixed a bug where alchemists cloak of flames ability could not target ships
-fixed several small terrain mistakes
v2022.03 ---> Major Update
-Cleaned up triggers substantially.
-Remade the entire middle portion of the map, expanding the island empires.
-Added several more key trade ports throughout the map.
-Fixed a bug where it was difficult for key ports to upgrade to colonies.
-Added five kinds of colonies key ports can upgrade into:
- Independent Colony: Hire mercenaries from the natives with powerful magic abilities
- Murgul Reaver: Cheap Amphibeous unit.
- Illusionist: Casts invisibility when deployed on land and creates illusionary doubles when crewing a ship.
- Shaman: Casts bloodlust when deployed on land and casts purge when crewed on a ship.
- Windcharmer: Casts faerie fire when deployed on land and creates a scroll of speed effect when crewed on a ship.
- Fortified Colony: Colony with extra HP, armor, and defensive abilities.
- Mercantile Colony: There are three types of mercantile colony that trade with eachother; spices wine and textiles. Each colony will trade with a random colony of each other resource, giving you additional income.
-Changed barracks to sell units instead of items for ease of use.
-Cleaned up hotkeys more.
-Changed game to 4 players.
-Fixed a bug where player 2 was dark green for some reason.
-Made Navigators easier to access in tech tree.
-Gave sloops more inate move speed.
-Changed domestic income to a peasant goldmine system to better enable diminishing returns.
-Cleaned up terrain of map & unit ownership quite a bit.
-Bolded keywords in tooltips.
-lengthened turn rates for bigger ships and lowered them for smaller ones to better differentiate sloops and frigates. Increased the build time of international trade ships to 1 minute.
-Fixed bugs.
-Cleaned up UI, grid hotkeys, etc.
-Fixed tooltips
-New tech tree
-Removed problem trees from some islands that were blocking line of sight.
-Domestic Income as an alternative stable source of income to trade.
-Added the academy and revamped units to make some of the land area in the map worth contesting with units so it's not just ships all the time.
-Added about 100 HP to every ship, to make micro more manageable.
-Made open source just in case someone is inspired enough to fight with my lazy spaghetti code from 2010.
fixed an income trigger for orange and added custom mini map.
added allied trading.
-fixed a lot of bugs, the game is now stable.
-created an alliance trigger set with commands.
-inserted a new savage ship, the Junk. Which is permanently invisible. Players will need to use navigators in order to combat this new ship.
-fixed a lot of bugs.
-Added in a new Techtree and adjusted the cost of some units.
-Added in new units.
-Fixed the bug where the Key Trade Ports in the middle were not the correct version of a Key Trade Port.
-Changed the models on Key Trade Ports and Colonies.
-Added in a new terrain (not technically finished, needs retouching).
-Created 8 players
-players can now ally amongst them selves.
-The item to unit transfer trigger is no longer broken. (yes, its really fixed this time)
-Added in Colonies and Key Trade Ports.
-Created 5 central savage bases instead of the past 1 and a half.
-Enabled you to purchase savage ships at high cost.
-converted the barracks into an item merchant, to smooth the players ship making process.
-made schooners have 2 slots correctly
-gave admirals more HP
-scaled down brawlers
-decreased unit build times
-admiral can no longer be transported
-Slowed every unit 25 move speed.
-Gave more/stronger towers to the player. Allowed him to build a small amount of towers and (depending on how he uses his resources, 1 or 2 extra trade ports)
-Fixed the range bug
-the soundset on merchant ships was replaced from peasant to NONE.
-Upgrade gold costs have been tweeked slightly.
-fixed bug with brawler.
-Items deployed from ships will now be replaced with their corresponding units to the correct owner.
-Added many tooltips.
-Balanced new ship classes.
-Altered the movement speed.
-Added the Brawler.
-Items deployed from ships will now be replaced with their corresponding units correctly.
-Created two new ship classes. The Goliath Class Galleon and the Wraith Class Schooner.
-Fixed the sailor tooltip and added ship names for several vessels.
-Upped the cost of the Ship inventory upgrade and made the Goliath and Wraith class researches requirements.
-added 1 inventory slot to every ship.
-Ships can now move without footman. Footman are now loaded onto a vessel for upgraded speed.
-Added an improved admiral system.
-fixed many tooltips.
-differentiated the upgraded ships.
-nerfed land units.
-added in the brigand.
Naval Tactics ships boats sea trade warcraft